
Danielle Wood

November 2024

It is widely accepted that the Hilmer reforms contributed to a sustained productivity boom in Australia, underpinning significant increases in real wages.

Hilmer reforms of 1990s helped lift productivity. We can do it again

Fred Hilmer’s reforms were groundbreaking because a series of small changes had a massive cumulative effect. With changes to competition policy, we could lift Australia’s GDP by up to $45 billion a year.

September 2024

Danielle Wood.

Economists have lost their power. Here’s how to fix it

Economists can be a necessary “pain in the arse” in public debates. But policymakers have stopped listening, and the influence of the profession depends on providing practical advice.

Solar panels became objects of controversy under Future Made in Australia.

Industry policies can work if we carefully weigh the risks

There can be compelling reasons for governments to intervene with subsidies and other favours. But they can never be allowed to become blank cheques.

August 2024

Productivity Commission shines light on economic costs just as Whitlam wanted

Before riding in on a white horse to stage an ‘ESG takeover’, critics should take more than a cursory glance at the work the commission actually does.

March 2024

Danielle Wood, chairwoman of the Productivity Commission

This is how to win the productivity prize

If a country used only half its factories, it would waste a lot of its productive potential. The same is true if we tap into only half of society’s brainpower.


December 2023

A good deal of the more recent productivity plunge is a byproduct of COVID-19 lockdowns and the macroeconomic cycle.

Be alert but not alarmed about post-COVID productivity slump

There is a lot of noise, and various explanations for the short-term decline, but not yet a clear story of emerging structural impediments to growth.

May 2023

Scrap stage three tax cuts to enable higher JobSeeker payments

The $8 billion-a-year saving from redesigning the compensation for bracket creep can neutralise the fiscal and inflationary impact of a meaningful rise in the dole.

October 2022

Will Treasurer Chalmers finger the rorts?

More to this budget than it appears

The Treasurer has been playing down this budget. But it will give important clues on what the government is prepared to deliver in future – and what it is not.

August 2022

Grattan Institute chief executive Danielle Wood speaks at the summit

Why productivity is almost everything

This is an extract of Grattan Institute chief executive Danielle Wood’s keynote speech to the Jobs and Skills Summit – how do we drive productivity?

August 2022

More skilled migrants and more female workers are a way out of the jobs jam.

Three fast fixes for the jobs summit

Migration targets, female participation and older workers are all speedy ways for the government to relieve workforce and inflationary pressures.

May 2022

 Josh Frydenberg and Jim Chalmers might tell you that we can continue to tax like its 2019, but the numbers say otherwise.

Make stage 3 tax cuts a down payment on real reform

Bundling up the personal income tax cuts with changes to capital gains tax discount and super tax concessions is the way to pay for bigger government.

March 2022

Why Frydenberg’s budget is such an economic failure

A bigger cash splash than Kevin Rudd’s first stimulus and a bloated project pipeline just rankle when the medium-term challenges are so real.

July 2021

Financial incentive: the focus to overcome vaccine hesitancy should be the moveable middle – the 30 per cent, who are open to getting a vaccine but say they are waiting.

Roll out the lotto barrel to hit vaccination target

The national cabinet’s properly fleshed-out plan to get 80 per cent of Australians vaccinated should include a national lottery to overcome vaccine hesitancy.

May 2021

Tax cuts have priority over future services.

Budget cash splash on care? Expect to be disappointed

The Coalition now has a chance to make a real difference to care services. But they will not take it.

October 2020

Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese went big and bold on childcare in the budget reply.

Cheaper childcare pays for itself

Higher female participation will provide a GDP boost double the cost Labor's childcare plan.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg faces the budget equivalent of the hard to pull off triple-double dive.

Budget double backflips not enough to land jobless target

The Treasurer has flipped on the surplus and the personal tax cuts. But the third twist needed to get unemployment comfortably under 6 per cent is billions more stimulus spending.

July 2020

Extended bridge for COVID-19 gap: Treasurer Josh Frydenberg and Prime Minister Scott Morrison

Leaner supports are right move, but cliff is still steep

The JobKeeper and JobSeeker 2.0 programs should be supplemented with more traditional fiscal stimulus in the next phase of the economic crisis response.

Police stop and question drivers at a checkpoint in Albury.

Surviving in Victoria's second wave

Decisions on wage and rent supports will decide whether battered Victorian businesses can live through future flare-ups.

March 2020

Empty streets in Milan, during the shutdown in Italy.

Second round of stimulus must create safety net for virus-hit workers

Calls for fiscal policy to stimulate demand and investment are fighting the last economic war. A straight-talking and straight-thinking government would make households the second package's core focus.

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