
Christopher Jay

May 2016

Identity theft, spamming, phishing, virus propagation, man in the middle attacks, hacking, key loggers, trojan horses, malware and other rogue code have intensified in the past 18 months.

Digital identities to combat the dark internet

Almost a generation after the demise of the Hawke government's proposed Australia identity card in 1987, the federal government is contemplating creation of a secure digital identity equivalent for Australian participants in the digital economy.

Taronga Zoo chooses an interactive approach

Sydney's waterside Taronga Zoo is inviting expressions of interest for IT specialists to work on a zoo-wide app provided for visitors to create a more interactive experience for people touring the exhibits.

April 2016

The ABC is preparing to install a complete digital system for broadcast operations and content archiving.

ABC says goodbye to videotape

It's the end of the line for videotape archives and other dated audiovisual recording formats as the ABC prepares to install a complete digital system for broadcast operations and content archiving over its network.

Circular economy makes its debut in South Australian green initiatives

South Australia is taking bold steps towards a new economic model, the circular economy.

An overall shortage of highly specialised IT skills in Australia generally is exacerbated for the Signals Directorate by the need for highly intrusive security checking.

Top level specialists needed for cyber war

The Strategic, Policy and Intelligence Group of the Defence Department is making a renewed effort to lure high level skilled IT people to Canberra to join its relentless cyber war.


March 2016

Navy looks to remotely piloted aircraft

​The Australian Navy has indicated it sees a range of unmanned aerial vehicles as a way of greatly extending the range and performance of its patrol and combat functions over the huge area of ocean surrounding Australia.

DVA has created a new health reimbursement item for robotic surgery for veterans.

Robot surgery looms for veterans

New contractual arrangements for veterans' hospital access, a new health reimbursement item for robotic surgery, and the advent of personalised health record packages underline a looming electronic transformation of health services.

February 2016

Pioneering research at the University of Melbourne, led by professor Frank Caruso, is focused on targeted drug delivery by engineering nanoparticles.

New angles on nanoparticle research

The government says nanotechnology is a vital part of the future, with its amazing breadth of potential applications – from health to ICT, agriculture, energy and defence.

Newcastle set for Urban Light Rail

Expressions of interest to build and operate a light rail project in Newcastle have been called for.

Refresher training sought for public prosecutors

In a National Training Advocacy Program, between 200 and 240 individuals will be put through a mock court-room environment to beef up skill sets.

New Grafton jail will be showpiece

The NSW government is planning a huge, privately operated state-of-the art correctional facility on a 195-hectare site near Grafton Airport.

November 2015

Medical devices seen as target for local talent

 The Department of Industry, Innovation and Science is continuing its drive to encourage Australian-originated supply businesses in health with a quest for a specialist in medical devices that can mock up a blueprint for would-be entrants into these markets.

More macadamia nuts needed to meet demand

The Queensland government is looking for commercial interests to test 18 varieties of macadamia nut trees for improved productivity, to help meet a steadily increasing world demand for the south Queensland-originated edible nut, which is also used for skin care.

October 2015

Norfolk Island has a new accounting drive

The administration of Norfolk Island is looking for a specialist local government software systems supplier to provide a high level rework the legacy arrangements to satisfy Canberra.

Social services to subsidise home nannies

The federal Department of Social Services is implementing a trial program to subsidise nannies for Australian families experiencing child minding difficulties, such as parents doing shiftwork at unseasonable hours or people in regional areas lacking children's daycare facilities.


September 2015

Guru needed for innovative business growth role

The Australian Department of Industry and Science is looking for a private enterprise-oriented director to speed up the commercialisation of innovation, new designs and technological breakthroughs to spur growth in Australia's business economy.

August 2015

Social Services streamlines low income grants

Australia's Department of Social Services is inviting commercial interests and not-for-profit organisations to apply for a string of streamlined grants aimed to underpin a range of community help initiatives including disability conferences, financial counselling and aged care.

Australian schools show a decline in the rates of participation in STEM subjects to the lowest level in 20 years including advanced mathematics.

Education hopes mathematics by inquiry will add up

The Department of Education is looking for mathematics specialists to assemble a suite of materials for a drastic overhaul of the teaching of mathematics in Australia under the heading Mathematics by Inquiry.

Flexible software enhances affordable housing

Given that affordable housing is a perennial concern for state and federal governments, efforts to tighten up the administration of public and community sector housing in areas such as reducing vacancy rates or keeping track of maintenance to keep stock in use are a permanent priority.

July 2015

Program aims to cut Indigenous smoking

​As the Australian government seeks to raise the average lifespan of indigenous individuals closer to levels of the rest of the population, smoking remains under the gun, responsible for one in five indigenous deaths.

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