October 2024
Thankfully, living at home until the end looks possible for more Australians
Elderly people will get used to paying for the services they need rather than wondering what they are going to leave the next generation.
August 2024
Rooms in aged care now cost $800 a week
Those who can’t afford the full accommodation deposit need to watch out for an 8.35pc sting in the tail.
June 2024
When it’s worth giving up government subsidies to stay home for longer
There may be more home care packages in the recent federal budget, but in some cases you would be better off financing care yourself.
March 2024
Aged care providers publish what they spend on food, care and wages
The new tool is designed to hold aged care providers to account for how they manage their budgets. But it’s only as good as the data provided.
February 2024
How one Centrelink tweak saved $50,000 in care fees
When one partner or both self-funded retirees go into aged care, keeping up-to-date records with the government agency can mean lower costs.
January 2024
When this illness could cost you $10,000 a week
Families with dementia patients may need extra planning and money – particularly when there is violence involved.
December 2023
How to enjoy a family Christmas with all the help you need
Elderly people spending time away from their regular home during the holiday season can be eligible for extra government-funded support.
November 2023
Worried about deposit refund? You’re protected by 8.15pc ‘late fee’
Moving between aged care facilities is easier than you think. This is how it works.
September 2023
Rents are rising in age care facilities, too
The equivalent to daily rent on a room in residential aged care will increase from 7.9 per cent to 8.15 per cent from October 1.
July 2023
Aged care residents to be slugged with 7.9pc interest rate
On accommodation worth $500,000, this means extra payments of almost $16,000 a year for those who don’t pay the full deposit.
June 2023
How to navigate changes to aged care packages
Home care scheme recipients have been warned to expect providers to increase their prices to cover the wage and other cost increases.
May 2023
Why you’re going to pay more for your aged care
Whatever it costs, the option of being able to grow old near home and family in an appropriate setting is the least we should expect.
April 2023
Shock for residents when aged care facilities close
Financial decisions being made by some providers are putting existing and future residents at personal and financial risk.
March 2023
Government cracks down on home care package spending
The exclusion of some services such as swimming pool maintenance and gardeners will increase costs for many.
February 2023
What to do when you need a break from your parents
This is what it costs to organise respite care, whether at the home of the person needing support, a short-term stay centre or at a residential aged care facility.
January 2023
Ageing at home? New caps mean more to spend on you
With provider admin fees creeping to as much as 60 per cent of a full-service package, rules from January 1 should lead to more funds for cleaning, meals or other services.
December 2022
Worried about Mum or Dad getting older? How to start the conversation
If you think about aged care as a safety net rather than a goal, it might make it easier.
New aged care star ratings make difficult family choices easier
Aged care homes are being put under the spotlight in a system that compares staffing levels, residents’ experience and quality of care.
November 2022
Self-funded retirees paying $1000 a month ‘just in case’
Those who signed up to the government’s home care packages before they needed high levels of care are paying more in fees than the cost of the services they use.
October 2022
Is elder abuse happening in your family? Better help could be coming
A widowed mother who sold her home and moved in with her son raised the red flag, highlighting a growing issue.