
Arian Neiron


Why it’s time for ETF investors to stop tracking the ASX 200

Fundamentals still count. Shares can rise and fall quickly on a piece of news, and it’s not passive funds that are driving that price action.


ECB president Christine Lagarde was the latest policymaker to start cutting interest rates.

There’s money to be made anticipating the next central bank pivot

After a period of synchronised monetary policy among developed markets, 2024 presents a new phase of divergence, creating opportunities for astute investors.


It’s time to look beyond the ASX’s large caps to make money

There’s so much talk of the S&P 500 being dominated by the “magnificent seven”. But Australia has one of the world’s most concentrated benchmarks in its own backyard.


Smaller companies on the ASX don’t perform the same way as their global counterparts.

Why the ‘size effect’ doesn’t work for Aussie small caps

Australian investors love small companies, but why do these lag their global counterparts when it comes to sharemarket performance?

December 2023

VanEck’s Arian Neiron.

Why investors were right to ignore the warnings of 2023

If the past year taught investors anything, it’s that being selective and diversified is key to riding the economic cycle. And timing the market is a fool’s game.


September 2023

VanEck’s Arian Neiron.

Why a reckoning may be coming in private markets

It appears investors have failed to realise or even ignore the price discovery mechanism, namely public market liquidity, as a gauge of measuring the fair price of an asset.

August 2023

Australia’s sharemarket is even more concentrated than the S&P 500, exposing investors to more risks.

What every investor in Australia’s sharemarket should know

Economist Orris Clemens Herfindahl created a concentration index in the 1950s that few know about in finance, but really should.

June 2023

Australian mid-cap companies are the “sweet spot” of the local sharemarket that most people overlook.

Here’s the ‘sweet spot’ of the ASX that most investors overlook

Mid-cap stocks are abuzz with corporate activity, either in the form of business expansion or M&A, yet many people are too focused on other areas of the market to notice.

March 2023

Liquidity risk management shouldn’t be reactionary but rather fundamental to portfolio strategy consideration.

The next big stress test could be in private markets

Investors have gravitated towards the sector under the pretence of higher return premiums, but also lower volatility.

January 2023

Now that bonds are back, what does this mean for the 60/40 split in a portfolio?

Why the (improved) 60/40 portfolio is back in vogue

From Benjamin Graham to the Yale model, portfolio construction is always evolving. Now that bonds pay income again, diversified portfolios are more robust.

August 2022

Combined, financials and resource companies account for more than 50 per cent of S&P/ASX 200 exposure.

Australia’s sharemarket has a size problem

Factor strategies work in global markets, but in Australia the universe of companies is too small, too concentrated and there is a lack of variability over time.

June 2022

Investors should focus on long-term portfolio objectives rather than pay too much attention to short-term volatility.

How to beat the bear market blues

Investors that let emotion steward investment decisions risk selling quality assets for cheap instead of focusing on long-term portfolio objectives.

July 2021

The quality factor neatly identifies companies with strong balance sheets, high return on equity and dependable earnings.

Real talent in the investment management game

Punters have lucky streaks and the same is true for investors. For too long, active managers have been able to charge fees for simply utilising factors.

January 2021

An interesting detail in terms of performance which investors should be aware of is the presentation of hypothetical or non-actual performance.

How you can untangle funds management marketing

Beware of false or misleading comparisons, deceptive performance data and media 'soft sells' when considering investment products.

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