
Federal Budget

Budget pain: Worst yet to come

Budget pain: Worst yet to come

IF you think last night was bad, be warned, it’s about to get the worse. Our state premiers are not happy and we’re going to pay for it.

Grumpy granny grills PM Abbott

Grumpy granny grills PM Abbott

TONY Abbott has had a tough morning. Out spruiking his tough budget, he has faced off with Kyle, Karl and a cranky granny.

Fed Budget
Job ID: PD281481. Sporting a new hair style, The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party Julie Bishop, during Question Time in the House of Representatives in Parliament House Canberra. Pic by: Gary Ramage.

Budget cuts hit Bishop’s hair

DESPITE weeks of Budget leaks and speculation, we had no idea how serious the cuts would be until we saw foreign minister Julie Bishop’s new style. ONE HUNDRED WAYS TO BEAT THE BUDGET.

Budget calculator: How it hits you

Budget calculator: How it hits you

THIS is the toughest Budget in years. Calculate exactly how it will hit you with our interactive — we hope you get a pleasant surprise.

Fed Budget
Budget 2014: Job ID: PD281480. The Treasurer Joe Hockey during his first Budget Speech to Parliament, in the House of Representatives in Parliament House in Canberra. Pic by. Gary Ramage

Budget 2014 in a nutshell

COMMITMENTS to world-beating health research and giant road networks will be funded by big cuts in public spending under the Federal Budget.

Fed Budget
Janette and John Howard arrives for Hazel Hawke's State Memorial Service at the Sydney Opera House.

Pollie perks get pulled back

SITTING MPs have had their staffing and travel entitlements pulled back — but it is retired MPs and their spouses who will feel the most budget pain.

Abbott slashes funding to ABC and SBS

Abbott slashes funding to ABC and SBS

AFTER months of calls within the Abbott government to target the national broadcaster, the Budget reveals funding cuts will hit the ABC and SBS next year.

No job? Sorry, no easy handouts

No job? Sorry, no easy handouts

DOLE bludging may have been a valid lifestyle option for Aussies in years gone by, but the Federal Budget contains major shake-ups to stamp it out.

Hockey’s razor gang targets wealthy

Hockey’s razor gang targets wealthy

TREASURER Joe Hockey confirms workers earning over $180,000 will help “repair” the budget by paying a 49 per cent tax rate under a temporary levy.

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