
Federal Budget 2014: Abbott and Hockey face a fight to get fiscal nasties through the Senate

THERE were lots of nasties in the Federal Budget — but will Joe Hockey actually get his way on the tough measures? Not necessarily.

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THERE were lots of nasties in the Budget books — a deficit levy, fuel excise hike and a $7 co-payment to see a doctor.

But will Tony Abbott actually get his way on the tough measures?

Not necessarily.

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When asked about the possibility of a double dissolution election if the government can’t get its Budget reforms through the Senate, Joe Hockey said it was a matter for the crossbenchers.

“Look, that’s up to them, the crossbenchers. I don’t have the capacity to psychoanalyse them. I would not encourage anyone else to try,” the Treasurer told the National Press Club in Canberra this afternoon.

Labor is still refusing to say whether it will help wave through the debt tax, hitting those on incomes of over $180,000.

Party leader Bill Shorten has attacked the Coalition for the so called “broken promise”, but insists the ALP hasn’t yet come to a “final position” on the levy.

His Shadow Treasurer Chris Bowen gave a stronger indication the Opposition won’t try to block it.

“When this was first leaked it was going to apply to people over $80,000. Now that’s not a high-income earner,” he told Channel Nine this morning.

“We still don’t like it, we still don’t think it’s a good idea, but it’s not now a priority for us.”

The government needs Labor’s help, with the Greens and Clive Palmer’s party not prepared to back the move in the Senate.

“We have no debt crisis; there is no justification for a debt levy or the $7.00 Medicare co-contribution,” Mr Palmer argued.

Tony Abbott knows he has some negotiating to do, but he is confident he can get his measures through the Senate.

“We’re happy to talk respectively to the independents and the minor parties in the Senate,” the Prime Minister told 2GB Radio.

“Obviously a certain amount of horse trading is something that you just accept is part of the business.”

But Mr Abbott said he wouldn’t accept his opponents trying to “frustrate” the government’s business.

“I don’t believe that they will … because if there was an election again hardly any of them would win their seats,” he added.

“I think in the end they will sit down with the government and work out a way of getting his legislation through.”

The government will also have a battle implementing the additional charge to see a doctor.

Labor and the PUP leader have already declared it won’t have their support.

The Greens are willing to vote for a fuel excise hike in the Senate, meaning it is likely to pass despite the Opposition against reintroducing twice yearly indexation.

Labor will also fight a rise in the pension age to 70 by 2035, despite planning an increase to 67 when in office.

“Joe Hockey has not justified that to the Australian people,” Mr Bowen told Sky News this morning.

Originally published as Federal Budget 2014: Abbott and Hockey face a fight to get fiscal nasties through the Senate

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