
Entitlements for politicians on the budget chopping block

SITTING MPs have had their staffing and travel entitlements pulled back — but it is retired MPs and their spouses who will feel the most budget pain.

Grounded ... tighter rules will regulate the travel of retired MPs and their spouses. Former Prime Minister John Howard and wife Jeanette.
Grounded ... tighter rules will regulate the travel of retired MPs and their spouses. Former Prime Minister John Howard and wife Jeanette.

POST retirement benefits for Australia’s federal politicians are set for an overhaul, with reforms to entitlements set to save $7.5 million over the next five years.

According to the 2014 Budget, spouses of former politicians will no longer travel on the taxpayer dollar and limitations will be set on the class and number of trips ex-pollies can make annually.

The Life Gold Pass, awarded to former politicians as part of their retirement entitlements, will still cost more than $1 million next financial year.

Staffing arrangements for Senators and MPs are also set to be hit as new measures are introduced to prevent the use of private recruitment agencies and limit external advertising to print media only.

Estimates suggest this will save $2.5 million over the next four years.

But the biggest hit for pollies will be on their working entitlements, including domestic and overseas travel, chauffeured cars, office fit-outs and telecommunications.

Costing more than $182 million this financial year, next year will see a reduction of over $17 million to $165 million.

All thanks to the Aussie taxpayers.

Originally published as Entitlements for politicians on the budget chopping block

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