

This was published 9 months ago

Forget the red sportscar stereotype. A midlife crisis can fuel positive change

By Evelyn Lewin
This story is part of the November 19 edition of Sunday Life.See all 14 stories.

Two years ago, Katherine Iscoe went through a midlife crisis meets mental breakdown. During that time, the keynote speaker and researcher’s days were filled with “white-psychopathic rage and paralysing fear”. Iscoe, now 45, spent two months stuck in that headspace, unable to work.

A midlife crisis can lead to enormous personal growth.

A midlife crisis can lead to enormous personal growth.Credit: Stocksy

What sent her flying into such rage was feeling like she’d hit midlife without living life on her terms. She was sick of being a people pleaser and trying to meet society’s expectations.

Hitting midlife also made her acutely aware of the fact she hadn’t reached her goals in a society reinforcing the notion that only the young deserve praise for their success. “It’s like your life stops at 40 and all of a sudden you become invisible,” she says.

Further fuelling her discontent were conversations with others, including a meeting with a talent agent who said, “You’re really intelligent, you’re great on camera, but you’re too old.’”

Iscoe sank further into anger and despair before it came to her that she still had many years up her sleeve to both reach her goals and live as she chose. “I realised the only opinion I needed to care about was the one I had of myself. It was like this massive freedom.”


Counsellor and relationship coach Nicole Hind from Unveiled Stories says the term “midlife crisis” often invokes thoughts of men rushing out to buy sports cars or having affairs.

“But there are phases of life in which we experience existential crises, and one of those times is midlife,” Hind says. “If we’re saying midlife is around the 42 to 55 age bracket, then it’s a particularly interesting time for women.”

Hind says women often feel disillusioned about their career or work choices at this time of their lives. Add the challenges of raising children and relationship issues with the potential to culminate in separation or divorce and it’s easy to see why it can be a time of deep reflection.


Midlife is also the period when many people are hit by the realisation their time on Earth is finite. They may then be consumed by thoughts about “not having forever” to create a family, fall in love or fulfil other dreams, says Hind. “Along with these realisations comes that deeper check-in: why am I putting up with all this stuff that makes me unhappy?”

If such thoughts are consuming you, Hind recommends seeking professional help. Therapy can help you step away from feeling like your role in life is to be of service to others.

She also suggests avoiding making “huge shifts” while in the depths of despair, as you might regret them. Instead, take time to reflect on your thoughts and feelings. Speak to loved ones and reach out for support. Once the dust has settled, it might be time to implement significant changes. “I’ve never worked with a woman who regretted leaving a bad marriage in midlife,” Hind says.

Iscoe made no sweeping changes to her life after her midlife crisis; she is still working in the same field, but with a fresh new perspective. Emerging from the depths of her despair also led to a beautiful “spiritual awakening”.

“There’s such a negative bias towards midlife crisis,” Iscoe says. “But without that midlife crisis I wouldn’t be me.”

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