

Belle's Hot Chicken coming to Sydney

Scott Bolles
Scott Bolles

Barangaroo bound: Miranda Campbell and Morgan McGlone from Belle's Hot Chicken.
Barangaroo bound: Miranda Campbell and Morgan McGlone from Belle's Hot Chicken.Brendan Esposito

Melbourne-based Belle's Hot Chicken is coming to Sydney, opening a long-run pop-up on November 19 at Barangaroo.

"We're going in next door to Noma," says Belle's Morgan McGlone. It'll be small change compared with Noma's $485 a head pricetag; Belle's offering fried chicken and chips for $16.

Belle's has flirted with short-lived pop-ups in Sydney before, however its Barangaroo stay will stretch to 10 months, longer than some "permanent" food venues survive in the Harbour City.

Nashville-style hot chicken at Belle's Hot Chicken in Melbourne.
Nashville-style hot chicken at Belle's Hot Chicken in Melbourne.Paul Jeffers

"After Baranagroo we'll open somewhere for good, probably in the inner west, hopefully by the end of next year," McGlone says.

The chef credits the success of the chicken start-up to proper research.

"A lot of people try and do southern [American] cooking without having lived and worked there. Belle's is a combination of a lot of places, Hattie B's in Nashville, Gus's Fried Chicken in Memphis and my time at Husk," he says.

Melbourne clearly has an appetite for it, the chef revealing his Fitzroy store can cook 800 kilograms of chicken a week.

Belle's isn't the only Melbourne outfit Barangaroo bound with Shortstop Coffee & Donuts slated to open at the waterside development in April.

Scott BollesScott Bolles writes the weekly Short Black column in Good Food.Connect via email.

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