Banks make $10m a day on slow rate cut
Going slow on rate cuts could be good for the major banks as they cash in millions for every day homeowners wait for a mortgage reduction to be passed on.
Going slow on rate cuts could be good for the major banks as they cash in millions for every day homeowners wait for a mortgage reduction to be passed on.
A slump in the big banks and energy stocks pushed the Aussie market into the red on Tuesday, as the RBA struck a note of caution following its long-awaited rate cut.
Landlords have revealed how the property market will become temporarily “frantic” after today’s rates decision.
Under-the-pump Australian homeowners have received a rate cut, but Michele Bullock has delivered a stark two-word warning about the future.
Australia’s economy might be hitting a turning point on the back of better household spending – but economists are warning more work needs to be done.
Struggling borrowers could finally get a rate cut in February, with inflation tipped to fall faster than the Reserve Bank has been expecting.
The Treasurer has urged “confidence, not complacency” ahead of Wednesday’s new inflation data, which could lead the RBA into its first rate cut since 2020.
The Prime Minister says his government has “done all it can” to tame inflation to allow the RBA to cut rates and deliver households much needed relief.
The Prime Minister says his government has “done all it can” to tame inflation to allow the RBA to cut rates and deliver households much needed relief.
Two mining powerhouses are officially Australia’s best performing state economies, with one topping the list for the second time since 2014.
A huge number of Aussie households have said they are desperately needing a rate cut when the Reserve Bank next meets.
The Aussie sharemarket has snapped a three-day winning streak as consumer-facing stocks and an “unloved” mining sector drag the index lower.
Millions of Aussies are confronting a stark budget black hole, with an economic update exposing a serious $217bn breakdown in one state’s finances.
Australia’s weak dollar could see inflation tick up slightly, but it is unlikely to move the RBA on its next rate cut decision, a leading economist says.
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