PM’s $500m pledge for local jobs
The Prime Minister has announced a crucial investment package during a pre-election speech, but not before he took a few healthy swipes at the opposition.
The Prime Minister has announced a crucial investment package during a pre-election speech, but not before he took a few healthy swipes at the opposition.
Clive Palmer has blasted a key Australian electoral law and compared it to those seen in Nazi Germany.
Labor’s moves in the media this week could signal the date everyone is waiting to be revealed could be very close.
With the end of the three-year federal government term rapidly approaching, here’s everything you need to know about casting your vote.
New research reveals homelessness is a key issue for voters, as more than 120,000 Aussies facing homelessness reveal they’re not getting the support they need.
They are being promoted on the website for advocacy group Climate 200 – but whatever you do, don’t call these six independent candidates Teals. HAVE YOUR SAY
Billionaire Clive Palmer has fashioned himself as a kingmaker, believing he can bankroll his new Trumpet of Patriots candidates into parliament and influence the election through preferences.
Despite Australians finally getting a rate cut, the Prime Minister won’t be calling an election this weekend leaving the guessing game for a date to continue.
Jim Chalmers has made a request of landlords after the Reserve Bank cut interest rates for the first time in more than four years.
Key polls have shed some light on the challenges facing Labor and the Coalition ahead of the upcoming federal election.
Insurers have been put “on notice” as Australians struggle to find affordable policies in an increasingly unpredictable climate.
A poll of 20 key marginal seats signals an ominous sign for the Albanese Government ahead of a coming election. See how your state fares.
Anthony Albanese’s approval rating has slumped to a record low as voters make their feelings known about whether his government deserves to be re-elected. Have your say.
A proposal to get more young Australians into their own home sooner would save them $13,000 a year and slash the time it takes to scrape together a deposit.
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