Developments could freeze as rentals reach historic lows
Whitsunday rental vacancies have dipped below 1 per cent, putting the future of big projects at risk.
Whitsunday rental vacancies have dipped below 1 per cent, putting the future of big projects at risk.
COVID-19’s ‘lockdown phase’ has ramped up the desire for city dwellers to find an affordable lifestyle outside metro areas
Plans for a new accommodation venue made up of three connected buildings have been unveiled.
Whitsunday rental vacancies have hit a historic low leaving residents struggling to find a roof over their head.
Heaps of farms across the region you can buy right now
Airstrip given the go-ahead by Mackay Regional Council after years of development applications
BUILDING group feels right at home in 1309sq m of warehouse space on 2073sq m site at Coolum industrial estate.
Looking for a home to buy? Great homes are being listed for sale in Mackay almost every day
They’re looking for enough incentive for future growth to want to give up on big-city living in the southern states.
Mackay Regional Council to unveil new mobile app
Some small businesses are still doing it tough, despite talk of a turnaround.
FEEL like you’ll never be able to afford a house? Maybe you need to look in this small Queensland town.
Mt Pleasant is Mackay’s favourite suburb, with people hanging on to houses for an average of 15 years.
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