
Dale Selwyn Murphy has bail rejected after stalking charges laid

A 63-year-old Queensland man picked up on an arrest warrant for alleged stalking was shocked when the bad news kept coming.

A 63-year-old alleged stalker screamed at a magistrate through a watchhouse videolink as he was told his bail application was refused.
A 63-year-old alleged stalker screamed at a magistrate through a watchhouse videolink as he was told his bail application was refused.

When he was told he would be returning to jail, a 63-year-old man charged with stalking a woman screamed and swore until his video feed was cut to the courthouse.

Mackay magistrate Damien Dwyer said because Dale Selwyn Murphy had been on parole at the time of his alleged offences a return to prison application was likely.

“Not in f***ing hell,” Mr Murphy replied.

“Do you want to go to prison tomorrow or wait til next Monday?” Mr Dwyer asked to which Mr Murphy replied “no, never … never!”

“That might be the case, but you are going one way or the other,” the Magistrate continued.

When Mr Murphy said, “No f***ing way, no”, Mr Dwyer had the videolink to Mr Murphy cut off as he kept screaming and banged the table in the cell.

The court heard Mr Murphy had allegedly stalked a woman from November 18 to December 3 in 2023 and was also charged with possession of a used drug utensil.

Magistrate Dwyer said Mr Murphy had been detained under an arrest warrant, which defence lawyer Sean Gibbs said was in relation to the stalking charges.

Mr Murphy was remanded in custody and his charges were adjourned to May 27.

Originally published as Dale Selwyn Murphy has bail rejected after stalking charges laid

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