Top price for vacant commercial land
INTERSTATE investors snap up combined 4950sq m site on two titles at $520 per square metre.
INTERSTATE investors snap up combined 4950sq m site on two titles at $520 per square metre.
Located in a quiet cul-de-sac in the foothills of the Glass House Mountains.
WATERFRONT block on two titles offers 1284sq m in heart of Golden Beach.
THE Coast’s most family-friendly suburbs show the popular options tend to be a step back from the beach.
BREAKING: A massive high-rise development in suburban Toowoomba faces another milestone this week.
THE sad passing of one of the region’s well-known golf professionals has paved the way for someone new to make the most of a stunning country Ipswich property.
THE owner of a popular Sunshine Coast adventure park whose site has been listed for sale hopes a bigger and better fun park will be built under new landlords.
A NEW eco community village project is about “sustainability and treading lightly upon the land”.
A PROPOSED Burnett Heads housing development has been approved by Bundaberg Regional Council despite concerns from residents that it may impact turtles.
BECOMING a real estate mogul is all about risk and reward – there is no point sitting on the fence waiting for a fortune to drop into your lap.
A fire pit makes a great centrepiece in a backyard, especially during winter.
A ROCKHAMPTON property expert says he expects the market to pick up as investors bide their time before diving into the market.
CHECK out the latest commercial property opportunities in our Commercial Property liftout.
COULD this be the rain that helps our farmers bounce back from four years of brutal drought conditions?
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