
How couple’s weekly coffee routine turned into new venture

A Toowoomba couple have tapped into the coffee market after releasing their own blend. Read about their new business here.

W Coffee and Co

For Cass and Jordan Wisnewski, their favourite part of the week is waking up on a Saturday morning, making their two children breakfast and turning on the coffee machine.

The married couple who first met through their church’s youth group 12 years ago, cherish the weekly routine as the one moment they get to pause and connect as a family.

Married couple Cass and Jordan Wisnewski have started a new business W Coffee and Co. Picture: Kevin Farmer
Married couple Cass and Jordan Wisnewski have started a new business W Coffee and Co. Picture: Kevin Farmer

Now they’ve turned their passion for coffee into business W Coffee and Co, selling equipment and their ethically-sourced studio blend in a chocolate-coated hazelnut, caramel and berry flavour.

“I used to help run a cafe and my favourite part of the job was that emotional side of connecting with regular customers and building those relationships,” Ms Wisnewski said.

“Whereas Jordan’s passion comes from always being a high consumer of coffee and being such a big part of the cafe at our local church.”

Bringing their own set of skills to the mix, the pair said Jordan was more business-minded while Cass was creative.

While the couple said there were a number of great coffee shops in Toowoomba already, they had exciting plans in the works to open their own with a secret twist.

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