

A brutal insult in a time of great peril

A brutal insult in a time of great peril

Aside from the US, Australia has been one of the few countries Israel could rely upon to have its back but in two short years, the Albanese government has shredded the relationship, writes James Campbell.

Best of Brett Lethbridge cartoons

Best of Brett Lethbridge cartoons

Newspaper cartoonists have the rare talent of encapsulating the day’s hottest news topic in one picture – often with cutting wit that – for years – has made readers chuckle.

First Lady is swiftly becoming the last resort

First Lady is swiftly becoming the last resort

The First Lady is committing what increasingly looks to be an act of elder abuse in pushing her husband to stay in the presidential race — plus putting the security of the West in jeopardy, writes James Morrow.

Assange proof Lefties don’t get it

Assange proof Lefties don’t get it

You would assume progressive politicians would not be seen anywhere near a bloke who skipped bail to avoid extradition over alleged sex crimes – but, for Julian Assange, different rules apply, writes James Campbell.

Biden ‘signed his own death warrant’

Biden ‘signed his own death warrant’

The first US presidential debate was a disaster for Joe Biden. It was so bad that, for the first time, his allies finally began to speak publicly about their panic, says Tom Minear.

What Pauline Hanson and Madonna have in common

What Pauline Hanson and Madonna have in common

One’s a veteran politician, the other a world-famous entertainer, both recognisable by just one name and good at generating headlines. But will that pay off for Pauline Hanson at the next state election, asks Paul Williams.

Payman’s betrayal damages all her Labor colleagues

Payman’s betrayal damages all her Labor colleagues

It’s a measure of how far the ALP is down the identity politics plughole that Fatima Payman suffered no great consequences for giving the finger to her party – despite damaging her colleagues’ re-election chances, writes James Campbell.

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