ExclusiveHealthSixteen-year-old Mikaela Williams has quadriplegia. But the effort of learning to get on her feet and scoot around with assistance in a walker is nothing compared to navigating the NDIS.
DISABILITY AND LOVEHealthDiagnosed with a life limiting illness at five months, doctors told Jess Schonberger’s parents their first-born would not see her third birthday. What happened next has astounded everyone.
Q&AThe Weekend Australian MagazineHe was left a quadriplegic after a car accident 14 years ago. But Dinesh Palipana defied the odds to become an emergency room doctor. Now, he’s taking aim at a medical fraternity that needs to do more to protect the next generation.
ExclusiveCaringNearly 300,000 disability workers will demand taxpayers fund an above-inflation pay rise in the wake of $15bn in wage increases given to childcare and aged-care staff.
OPINIONCaringWhen I turned on the TV, the radio or read the newspaper growing up, I never saw or heard anybody like me. But with help of industry, creatives, consumers and the wider public, things are changing. Slowly, but they are.
Dylan Alcott
magazineCaringParents who live with disability share their fears, challenges and triumphs.
Sam Drummond and Elly-May Barnes