commercial propertyPropertyThe country will get two of its tallest buildings as big companies pull out all the stops to try to entice workers back to their desks by moving in to new-style hi-tech office towers.
LogisticsPropertyBlackstone has bought into a Queensland last mile logistics asset being sold by Dexus Wholesale Property Fund for just over $50m.
OfficesPropertyDexus is close to striking one of the country’s largest office deals this year by selling a half interest in the landmark 5 Martin Place tower in the heart of Sydney.
DATAROOMDataRoomA former Dexus boss and an ex-Suncorp exec are among those being tipped as possible contenders for key spots on the Lendlease board.
SalesPropertyA fund run by heavyweight property group Dexus is capitalising on private players swooping on the hot logistics sector.
Commercial PropertyPropertyProperty companies are getting into higher risk areas as returns from traditional investments like offices and shopping centres come under pressure.
DATAROOMDataRoomThe $7.6bn listed real estate and infrastructure group Dexus is poised to exercise pre-emptive rights to buy an additional $1bn stake in New Zealand’s energy distributor Powerco.
RetailPropertyThe top end of the mall market is in for a big reset with a stake in Adelaide’s Tea Tree Plaza trading at a discount to the value Westfield owner Scentre is believed to hold its interest.
COURTNationBrett Henson, now unemployed, told a court he was ‘petrified’ after two to five men surrounded him and told him they were part of the Muslim Brotherhood.
TrustsPropertyA Dexus fund took a hit as it switched out of investing in a major office trust in a sign of tough times in the sector.
PropertyPropertyThe office landlord and property funds company says that big investors are readying to come in to the market as interest rates stabilise.
PropertyBusinessThe property investment giant has appointed a new boss to helm a major push into infrastructure and navigate increasingly challenging conditions in commercial real estate.
Trading DayTrading DaySantos, Woodside gain amid merger talks. Pact accepts billionaire’s higher bid. Sigma-Chemist Warehouse union to create $8.8bn powerhouse. Costa Group flags earnings fall.
OFFICE TOWERSPropertyThe owners of two neighbouring Sydney skyscrapers are weighing up their options to potentially sell up the prime sites worth more than $1.1bn.
PropertyPropertyThe big play will see the property and funds group dive much deeper into infrastructure and could be a model for other real estate companies.
DATAROOMDataRoomHow long is too long when it comes to running an Australian listed company? There’s a view that it’s time for some leaders to call it quits.
SuccessionPropertyDexus CEO Darren Steinberg gave the property company a new lease on life and transformed it into a real assets manager with the potential to go beyond its roots.
Trading DayTrading DayRBA Nov hike likely on inflation uptick. No interim Takeovers Panel orders as Whitehaven complains about Bell Rock’s ‘failure’. Protest vote against Tabcorp pay policy. Magellan falls on CEO’s sudden exit.
DevelopmentPropertyTwo top tier law firms have precommitted to Dexus’ Waterfront Brisbane’s first office tower which is now more than 50 per cent full ahead of its completion in 2028.
Commercial propertyPropertyThe climate is tough but the listed property giant has led the sales charge, with the buyer confident that the best offices will come back.