Dexus strikes Quintessential office deal
The climate is tough but the listed property giant has led the sales charge, with the buyer confident that the best offices will come back.
The climate is tough but the listed property giant has led the sales charge, with the buyer confident that the best offices will come back.
Australian stock market records worst day in six weeks, with all sectors except real estate taking a dive.
The office landlord and funds manager swings to a hefty annual loss, driven by cuts to the value of its property portfolio as interest rates hit the sector.
Tech sector leads declines. NBN Co submits revised pricing proposal after ACCC rejection. RBNZ holds rates. KPMG cuts pay as revenue lifts. Fletcher, Transurban, Computershare among losers.
TPG Capital cuts bid price for InVoCare. Iron ore chaos if China cuts steel production, Goldman Sachs warns. Fortescue in court over Aboriginal compensation. Bain, Estia Health sign takeover deal. Westpac ups house price growth.
Dexus is understood to be lining up to assess an acquisition of stakes in three Australian airport assets on the market worth a combined $2bn-plus.
Big shopping centres are going back on the block as investors return.
The downturn in commercial property has extended further across the listed market with office landlord and funds group Dexus announcing around $1bn worth of writedowns.
After last week taking a hit on the sale of a Sydney office tower, Dexus has made a premium by offloading a business park in Melbourne.
Property and funds group Dexus and its main wholesale vehicle are putting the NBN headquarters in North Sydney on the block with the sale to provide a guide to prime office values.
The offer of a stake by the National Pension Service of Korea in 20 properties controlled by Dexus could set a fresh benchmark in the hot sector.
Companies in Australia and abroad have banned employees from using generative AI models such as ChatGPT over fears of mass data breaches.
The contest for the top job at GPT is understood to have narrowed to two contenders – former Mirvac chief investment officer Brett Draffen and Dexus executive Kevin George.
In the latest example of how the big reset of the Australian office market is under way, a Hong Kong-based private equity group is after a Sydney CBD tower.
The nation’s office market remains under pressure but big trades are beginning to take hold with offshore capital continuing to favour Australian towers.
The purchase helps diversify the company away from the sluggish office market.
The office landlord and funds manager is closing out the purchase of a funds business from AMP and says the best towers are performing.
Dexus Property Group could come under close watch from private equity or super fund investors when it delivers its half-year results this week.
Commercial property owners are holding the line against falling valuations with Charter Hall and Dexus both expecting the best assets to continue to perform amid gloomy expectations.
Restocking the balance sheet with $500m of notes and some big disposals shows the property major is taking a harsher view on markets.
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