Dexus higher Friday, outperforms the Real Estate sector
Here is the latest company close update for Dexus, DXS.
Here is the latest company close update for Dexus, DXS.
Steel, aluminum producers mixed after latest Trump tariff threat. Is JB Hi-Fi topping out? Car Group, JB Hi-Fi and WiseTech leading losses. In contrast, Star and Ansell find support.
Blackstone weighed up another bid for the real estate and infrastructure group last year, and now its major private equity rival is said to have been looking.
Ross Du Vernet says the labour market remains tough and cost pressures exist, while energy prices are also an issue.
Four years on from weighing a bid to buy Dexus, global private equity powerhouse Blackstone is understood to have been back on the scene, weighing up the prospect of an $8bn deal.
Investment giant and superannuation fund Aware has bought into a major tower in Brisbane’s CBD from a venture run by heavyweight Dexus.
Listed groups headed by Dexus, GPT and HMC Capital are leading the charge back into buying large shopping centres.
The landlord has copped a protest vote on the back of unhappiness about how it was planning to reward its new chief executive.
The property major dropped the proposed scheme and will update investors on its plan at its annual meeting this week.
Dexus is believed to be positioning itself for another attempt to take control of one of Australia’s airport assets after missing out on Gold Coast airport owner Queensland Airports.
Growthpoint Properties Australia’s $132m selldown out of the Dexus Industria REIT this week could be just what the group needs to win over investors.
Dexus is moving beyond its roots as an office landlord and is buying an ageing block in Brisbane to convert into student digs with the aid of Marquette Properties.
Investment bank Jarden is on the ticket for the real estate trade.
Chris Garnaut’s funds house Fawkner Property has finalised a deal to buy Willows Shopping Centre in Townsville from a fund run by the listed Dexus.
A major commercial property player has taken a huge financial hit, as negativity around iron ore leaves room for investors to pounce.
The office group is making a move from being a landlord into more active businesses and will cut its distribution as it invests in new sectors.
Inflation will be ‘slow to decline’: RBA minutes. Dexus sinks on FY25 distribution warning. Ansell’s result better than expected. Judo tops expectations. Reliance results ‘operationally strong’. Yancoal slumps on weak first-half. Baby Bunting, Monadelphous gain.
QIC says that former Dexus executive Deborah Coakley will replace Michael O’Brien as head of its real estate funds business and multi-billion development pipeline.
Dexus is looking to sell a $40m office block in Adelaide, which it picked up as part of its acquisition of AMP’s real estate and infrastructure funds business.
The country will get two of its tallest buildings as big companies pull out all the stops to try to entice workers back to their desks by moving in to new-style hi-tech office towers.
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