Return of the Jacqui: would you pay $2.5m?
Jacqui Lambie has slashed the price of a Star Wars-inspired painting – featuring herself as a bikini-clad Princess Leia wrangling a Clive Palmer-headed Jabba the Hutt.
Jacqui Lambie has slashed the price of a Star Wars-inspired painting – featuring herself as a bikini-clad Princess Leia wrangling a Clive Palmer-headed Jabba the Hutt.
Clive Palmer will support Craig Kelly’s legal challenge against Facebook and bankroll the controversial MP’s campaign to run as an independent in the seat of Hughes at the next election.
Clive Palmer has pledged his vast personal wealth towards Israel Folau’s free speech battle to ensure the dual-code international is not hindered in his bid to return to rugby league.
Legal action will continue to determine whether he’s a property developer and a banned donor.
Powerbrokers linked to Clive Palmer face a backlash from grassroots members of the LNP.
The joint venture companies behind Clive Palmer’s collapsed Queensland Nickel have lost a legal bid to force a barrister to detail inside knowledge of a settlement.
The Electoral Commission of Queensland will be forced to submit a formal statement of claim in its bid to have Palmer Leisure declared a property developer and therefore a prohibited donor.
Clive Palmer has accused the Electoral Commission of Queensland of an ‘abuse of process’ in going to the Supreme Court to declare the billionaire a prohibited donor.
Clive Palmer is attempting to drag Annastacia Palaszczuk into his legal fight with the Electoral Commission to prove he is not a property developer.
Ahead of the state election, Queensland’s election watchdog said it had formed the ‘preliminary view’ that Clive Palmer was a property developer and a ‘prohibited donor’.
Queensland Labor raised questions with the Electoral Commission about whether Clive Palmer should be classed as a property developer and prohibited donor.
The court has found WA’s retrospective legislation against Clive Palmer to be as destructive as a ‘juggernaut’.
The failure of three legal challenges shows that in a crisis, judges defer to government.
Clive Palmer has quietly settled his long-running legal battle with defiant villa owners at his Sunshine Coast golf resort.
The West Australian government has declared the High Court’s ruling a ‘victory’ for the state.
Western Australia’s hard border closure has proven the most effective measure in keeping the population safe from COVID-19, the state’s solicitor-general declared.
Queensland billionaire Clive Palmer was the biggest spender of the election campaign, but the massive spend did not convert to votes for his party.
Labor has attacked the government’s aviation support package for providing more than $70,000 in subsidies for the use of luxury jets.
Clive Palmer’s United Australia Party has pumped more than $84,000 into Facebook ads in the first three weeks of the Queensland election campaign.
Billionaire Clive Palmer’s United Australia Party has outspent both major parties on advertising ahead of the October 31 Queensland election.
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