Clive Palmer is redefining the old adage of having more money than common sense
What is very clear about these preference negotiations that have taken place, whether it’s Palmer or whether it’s Hanson, is that it is a recipe for absolute chaos … it will be the most chaotic in Australia’s history.
Headline on John Lyons’s startling revelations in The Weekend Australian, describing the Rudd Labor government, June 21, 2008:
Captain Chaos and the workings of the inner circle.
SBS news, Saturday:
Mr Palmer insists his United Australia Party will win government … “We’ve spent $50 million, and just three weeks ago everyone said: ‘Why is Mr Palmer doing this, it’s all for nothing, he won’t get any votes’. They’re not saying that now, are they?”
Bill Shorten on the danger of doing deals with Palmer, The Guardian website, Saturday:
I would not sign off on any deal with Mr Palmer until he resolves the issues of the tens of millions of dollars he owes taxpayers and workers … There’s an old saying, and I think that Mr Morrison is going to learn the truth, if you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas.”
Back to SBS news:
Mr Palmer was again asked about entitlements owed to employees of the Townsville refinery, which collapsed in 2016 owing $300m to creditors … “They’ve all been repaid of course by the federal government,” Mr Palmer said “And we’ve paid $7m to the trust account of a solicitor to do a top up so that’s all been done. But it’s not about me, I’m 65, I’ll be playing bowls and croquet in a few years’ time.”
The West Australian, yesterday:
Clive Palmer is showering his candidates with Chinese mobile phones, cash and lavish getaways as he seeks to become the nation’s kingmaker … members of his nationwide team were being looked after “very well” and the maverick billionaire was boasting to them about spending a whopping $70m on his election campaign … As a going away present after the weekend, the candidates were given a copy of Clive Palmer’s book, The Last Sentry of the Gate … “Everyone got stuck at the airport because it weighs about 5kg,” (a) candidate said.
The ABC, April 15:
Clive Palmer has announced plans to pay back “millions of dollars” in outstanding entitlements owed to hundreds of workers who lost their jobs when his Queensland nickel refinery went bust more than three years ago. “Townsville’s certainly been doing it tough and difficult since the floods and we want to look forward and not backwards. For that reason I’ve decided today that we will pay out all outstanding amounts in workers’ entitlements that was owed by Queensland Nickel.” (Palmer) said “we’ve got $400m in the bank”.
The ABC spoke to liquidator Stephen Parbery, April 15:
It is unclear whether Mr Palmer intends to also repay Australian taxpayers for the $66.86m that was paid to Queensland Nickel employees (by the commonwealth).
The Townsville Bulletin, Friday:
Newspoll showed Mr Palmer was attracting 14 per cent of the primary vote in Herbert which is a remarkable result for a man who was blamed … for being partially responsible for the city’s crippling economic downturn … It doesn’t take long to see his promises need proper scrutiny … Ask the good people of Fairfax what kind of politician he made the last time.
Labor frontbencher Anthony Albanese predicts catastrophe, the Nine Network, Saturday: