Hold our beer
It must have been quite a meeting when the Coalition brains trust hatched plans for overshadowing Labor’s national conference.
It must have been quite a meeting when the Coalition brains trust hatched plans for overshadowing Labor’s national conference.
In the corner of Canberra that is forever Menzies, we found someone had given him the festive` treatment.
Out wielding shovels were Deputy PM Michael McCormack and Defence Minister Christopher Pyne.
When the first man in space visited Brazil’s new capital he said: “I feel as if I stepped on the surface of another planet.”
Parliamentary maces don’t get starring moments often enough
Peter Dutton takes us a step closer to a military coup.
Bill Shorten says helping to pass the encryption legislation was a case of accepting “half a win” rather than continuing “angry shouting”.
Sussan Ley tried to keep things on a festive footing by donning a pair of Santa faces in the House of Representatives.
Just two days shy of the first anniversary of same-sex marriage passing into law, parliament got bogged down on same-sex matters.
It was hard not to reflect on the gulf between Scott Morrison and John Howard in old Parliament House’s Museum of Australian Democracy.
Despite his bleak poetry, Malcolm Turnbull did give a firm indication he’s coming to terms with his fate.
Donald Trump cracked the mystery Labor has struggled with at every question time since Malcolm Turnbull departed.
One of life’s constants these days is rumours Liberal MP Craig Kelly is pondering leaving his party.
In donating her red heels Julie Bishop showed us all how the “but” word can be used to devastating effect.
At least it got to feel a bit like Christmas for a few festive minutes.
There was a certain afterglow for one side in Canberra yesterday.
Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews allowed himself a little victory lap yesterday on ABC’s Insiders.
It is quite possible that the studio of Sky News presenter David Speers is a Bermuda Triangle for brains.
Doff your cap to the paper that put the headline ‘Stud to investigate water options’ over a photo of Michael McCormack.
‘The roads are clogged, the buses and trains are full,’ our PM has declared. Must be time to cut immigration.
Original URL: https://www.theaustralian.com.au/commentary/strewth/page/4