Onwards, upwards
Optimism came in all shapes and sizes
Optimism came in all shapes and sizes
Georgina Downer is having fun with other people’s money.
As Scott Morrison booms about ‘the Canberra bubble’, it’s instructive to look back on a more innocent time.
It’s a rare person who can bring happiness to Matthew Canavan and Richard Di Natale with a single sentence.
Mathias Cormann’s glitch over an overseas trip aroused, ooh, one or two questions.
Parliament returned and no one tried to land a punch and no one daubed blood on a door. Instead, there was a cyber attack.
Scott Morrison has called on the lingo of his adopted homeland of Sutherland Shire.
Following Wednesday night’s fisticuffs and the blood on Pauline Hanson’s office door, we find ourselves thinking of Danny Nalliah.
After a lull discernible to trained eyes, the battle to decide which side is the worst in Oz politics is back under way with gusto.
It was some way into Tony Burke’s chat with David Bevan and Ali Clarke that a small, Newspoll-powered slip occurred.
What would an interpreter have made of Scott Morrison at the National Press Club?
Scott Morrison has been in a free-flowing mood these past few days — not least on Kerryn Phelps’s bill on offshore processing.
When it comes to making democratic involvement sound like a jolly holiday, Unions ACT has got it covered.
One person on the receiving end of Clive Palmer’s spam deluge is Rhiannon Keyte, who decided enough was enough.
George Christensen’s website is still exhorting us to ‘Help secure water for Townsville’.
A semi-naked Tony Abbott has appeared in front of a row of Portaloos pleading for proper dunnies at his local surf club.
As Kenneth Hayne sat next to him, one of the questions that floated to mind was: What had Josh Frydenberg done to deserve this?
PM hails a worthy Trojan whose passion knows no bounds.
Bill Shorten’s encounters with food are thrilling because you can never be sure who’s going to come out of it best.
Scott Morrison got in a question about the local federal member nice and early: ‘How good is Trevor Evans?’
Original URL: https://www.theaustralian.com.au/commentary/strewth/page/2