StrewthNSW Treasurer Eric Roozendaal’s denunciation of Queensland and Western Australia as an “axis of evil” swindling honest NSW and Victoria out of GST revenue (Strewth, yesterday) was always going to get a robust response, and so it has come to pass.
James Jeffrey
StrewthTHANKS to Steve Fielding, it’s possible Strewth will never be able to sleep again.
James Jeffrey
StrewthPITY the poor inhabitants of Gliese 581d; some day it is going to be hit by a tsunami of spam.
James Jeffrey
Graeme LeechStrewthFORMER Test cricket opener Justin Langer is well known for his uncompromising batting.
Graeme Leech
StrewthTHE Prime Minister has been verballed by Erin Burnett, an anchor on the US financial news channel CNBC.
James Jeffrey
StrewthKEVIN Rudd should pack his swag (don’t forget the sauce, son), rip the tarp off the old ute and head off to Deniliquin, NSW, where 20,000 ute lovers will shout him a pannikin of tea and a snag.
Graeme Leech
StrewthTHIS newspaper must be the preferred journal of the labour movement, judging by the number of mentions we received at the opening sessions of the ACTU congress yesterday.
James Jeffrey
StrewthKEVIN Rudd may have brought Facebook to the fore as a political tool in Australia, but the Facebook group set up for his supporters appears to be slowly dying the death.
James Jeffrey
StrewthSHE came to Sydney to play the role of Matron Mama Morton in Chicago and she may have been expecting glamour but Kath and Kim comedian Gina Riley instead found herself occupying a room in a Darling Harbour hotel that overlooked the Pig Ship.
StrewthSTATE governments are normally keen to trap journalists in their budget lock-ups, as a means to guarantee coverage.
James Jeffrey
StrewthA SMALL segment of the population is unusually charitable, judging by the results of a poll at
James Jeffrey
StrewthJUST when we all thought it was a hoax of World Health Organisation Level 6 pandemic proportions, Australia is in the grip of swine flu and nobody seems to care.
StrewthJOURNALISTS don’t always feel particularly beloved as a profession. This is even more the case when they’re camped outside the headquarters of one of their targets.
James Jeffrey
StrewthAFTER federal Arts Minister Peter Garrett got to his feet in parliament yesterday to congratulate the makers of Samson & Delilah for their triumph in Cannes (the Camera d’Or, for heaven’s sake!), his Opposition counterpart – the somewhat more enigmatic Steven Ciobo – also chipped in.
James Jeffrey
StrewthARE reports of the premature death of Shane Warne the Musical exaggerated?
James Jeffrey
StrewthTHE saga of Tim Andrews and his heavily illustrated blog post on the “hottest girls” of Australian politics continues.
James Jeffrey
StrewthFORMER Australian Liberal Students Federation president Tim Andrews’s pictorial spread of conservative hotties didn’t last long after its outing in Strewth yesterday.
James Jeffrey
StrewthPOLITICS seems to be becoming a family business in Queensland, where an election looms.
D. D. McNicoll
StrewthAS AUSTRALIA’S population ages, we can proudly claim an increasing number of centenarians, but our number of dames is dwindling.
StrewthANTI-DEVELOPMENT types have come up with a heart-rending romantic yarn, wrapped around recently engaged couple Sara Cameron and Sam Maloney, in an effort to convince Tassie Premier David Bartlett not to drive a road through the Tarkine wilderness.