

Economy down, drink up

Economy down, drink up

FOR a dedicated teetotaller, George W. Bush sure knows how to treat guests who like a glass or three of vino with their tucker.

Salad days settled

Salad days settled

FEDERAL Sport Minister Kate Ellis, who had a long stint as a student at Adelaide’s Flinders University without quite managing to snare a degree, first became interested in politics when government higher education funding was slashed and students started racking up impressive Higher Education Contribution Scheme debts.

Dam and Deliverance

Dam and Deliverance

TODAY is the 25th anniversary of the Franklin Dam High Court decision, and Bob Hawke, Bob Brown, David Bellamy and 930 others will gather in Hobart tonight to celebrate their win for the wilderness.

Right guy for the chamber

Right guy for the chamber

THE Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Western Australia’s most active conservative lobby group, has a track record of campaigning against state Labor governments.

Court short on space

Court short on space

CONDITIONS on the opening day yesterday of the inquest into the death of Australian soldier Jake Kovco were anything but comfortable.

Old habits die hard

Old habits die hard

WITHIN the grounds of Parliament Housethere are various courtyards that are usedby all politicians for media conferences.

Division in time

Division in time

WHISPERS in Queensland suggest the idea of splitting the state into two time zones during the summer months could be introduced next year.

Spider-Man counted out

Spider-Man counted out

FOR a while on Monday night Collingwood’s Dane Swan was doing very well in the AFL Brownlow Medal count.

Shedding light on the pill

Shedding light on the pill

THE unknown nightclub patron who slipped former rugby league star Andrew “Joey” Johns an ecstasy tablet in London last weekend could not have had worse timing.

Fireman Tony on the trail

Fireman Tony on the trail

TONY Abbott’s wife Margie says the Health Minister, with his usual boundless enthusiasm has taken to a new pastime she has labelled “golf without guilt”.

Making their mark

Making their mark

THE Herald Sun’s decision to give up 14 pages to analysis of Essendon coach Kevin Sheedy’s dismissal raised non-sporting eyebrows.

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