Celebrating the year democracy fought back
The Ukrainian leader’s heartfelt speech to congress was a masterclass in powerful political communication … and Volodymyr Zelensky was right: if the free world stays united, it will prevail.
The Ukrainian leader’s heartfelt speech to congress was a masterclass in powerful political communication … and Volodymyr Zelensky was right: if the free world stays united, it will prevail.
It’s not without risk, but Kevin Rudd may serve Australia’s interests well in Washington.
Sooner or later strategy has to turn into deliverable stuff: not just boots on the ground but boats, bases, builders, bombs and bullets – all the things Australia lacks after a decade and a half of policy drift.
Walking away from Xi’s desire to control Australia’s critical minerals industry will take strategic grit not yet seen from this government.
In just two brief statements, Emmanuel Macron delivered four political sleights of hand designed to undermine Australia’s nuclear submarine plan. And China’s propaganda machine is relishing every word.
The war in Ukraine has made it clear we must urgently improve the ADF’s capabilities.
Anthony Albanese leaves for nine days of international summitry at a time of global turmoil but with no clear plan about how to counter growing risks to our security.
US interest in the strategic value of northern Australia is the most powerful deterrent added to our security in 20 years. The aim is to prevent war, not start it.
The budget reinforces a depressing government blind spot: an inability to factor geopolitical risk into economic planning.
Statements from Beijing and the US raise the real prospect of an invasion within three years.
Original URL: https://www.theaustralian.com.au/author/peter-jennings/page/9