Nuclear threat is Moscow’s best weapon
Putin is not yet facing his Gaddafi or Saddam moment of regime collapse and his own death. But he is closer to that point than at any time in his leadership.
Putin is not yet facing his Gaddafi or Saddam moment of regime collapse and his own death. But he is closer to that point than at any time in his leadership.
A cyber specialist told me a savvy 15-year-old could have achieved this hack. We need to tighten standards, and fast.
Rather than relying on talking points, we need to work harder with allies to reinforce deterrence and build defence capabilities.
Could it be that the realisation is dawning for the Russian leader that the Ukraine war is a busted flush?
The worst outcome for AUKUS in March would be if the US, doubting Australia’s capacity to deliver or Australia, baulking on cost, decide not to proceed with the submarine project.
If Australia sought to ‘check out’ of a potential US-China conflict, we would be making a war more likely.
Despite Beijing’s show of maritime force last week, its preferred strategy for defeating Taiwan would come from the air, not the sea.
We don’t have a decade to prepare for a conflict with China in the Indo-Pacific region. But as tensions on our doorstep rise, there are steps we should be taking right now.
The stakes are too high to continue with this fragmented approach to issues such as dealing with China, climate change, cyber security, pandemics and foot-and-mouth disease.
There is no question that the Chinese president is creating the option for the PRC to attack Taiwan, using Ukraine as a test case on how — and how not — to attack a neighbour.
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