Income loss key to help with housing
Tenants will need to prove they have lost a quarter of their income in order to access rental relief in Queensland.
Tenants will need to prove they have lost a quarter of their income in order to access rental relief in Queensland.
When the coronavirus pandemic hit, landscaping brothers Jack and Will Martin saw an opening for sanitising buildings.
Envisaging an eco-home with a minimalist vibe, Evginy Skigin approached renowned Brisbane-based architect Noel Robinson.
Locked down at home in this confusing and confronting time of coronavirus, families are finding new ways to make do.
The property industry is bracing for the impact of the coronavirus pandemic to last at least 12 months as sentiment tumbles sharply nationwide.
The decision to ban inspections of occupied properties was overturned after just four days.
City slickers are offering to trade their inner-city homes for an escape to the country, using their time socially distancing to search.
The real estate industry has slammed new rules in Victoria outlawing inspections of occupied properties.
Consumer sentiment, a key driver of buying and selling, threatens to dive amid social distancing measures.
Melbourne’s prestigious inner eastern suburbs have reporting the first price drop since the mid-year market rebound.
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