New emission standard for residential home building
The new Green Star Standard initiative looks to ensure new homes are built to a higher environmental standard.
The new Green Star Standard initiative looks to ensure new homes are built to a higher environmental standard.
Fewer international students and corporate renters, plus a switch from Airbnb, are good news for tenants but a disaster for landlords.
Sydney home buyers were fired up when NSW held its first public auction in eight weeks.
Home and garden renovation projects have become the boom industry during coronavirus lockdowns.
Radio host Terry Hansen and wife Julie are now a part of Brisbane as they enjoy the space of their Tarragindi home.
Brisbane nanna Betty Van Duikeren tears up at the prospect of hugging her grandkids again.
NAB’s survey of property professionals show’s there’s a ‘significant downside risk’ to the market, with prices falls of up to 10%.
Hotel sector hit, but early onset of coronavirus in Australia has left commercial property sentiment largely unscathed, says NAB.
Housing stock that was listed in March has ‘really struggled to sell’ and much of it is still in the market today.
Chinese buyers are taking advantage of the subdued property market conditions as restrictions begin to lift.
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