

1971 : Protesters in Brisbane in 1971 showing opposition to South African Springboks rugby union tour.Queensland / Demonstration

What happens on tour …

When protesters took to the streets over South Africa’s 1971 rugby tour of Australia, violence begat violence.

19/05/2017: Sydney  author Amal Awad is on a panel at the Sydney Writers Festival next week.Pic by James Croucher

Race apart

The ‘good Muslim, bad Muslim’ misconception is explored, and at times reinforced, in new books by Australian authors.

Cute baby browsing in a smartphone

Byte back

Two new books argue Big Tech is taking over the world and it’s time for us to do something about it.

Author Clive James at his home in London.

Adding insight to injury

Clive James has had six years he ‘wasn’t meant to have’ and in the face of death has written some of his best poems.

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