

The world’s most bizarre drinking culture

By Ben Groundwater

It’s not often you find yourself in the presence of true greatness, but Jorge Vargas is here, and he is a world champion.

He’s an unassuming sort of guy, an Ecuadorian migrant who now lives in Asturias in northern Spain, standing before me dressed in jeans and a button-up shirt, an easy smile on his face, a bottle of cider in his hand.

Jorge is a world champion “escanciador”, or “pourer”. That is, he can pour cider better than anyone else. You may think this an unimpressive feat, but then you haven’t seen the way they pour cider in Asturias. It’s wild, it’s messy, and it’s quite possibly the most deeply cherished tradition in this entire region.

You can’t come to Asturias and fail to notice all the cider. The apple-based alcoholic beverage has been produced in this verdant, undulating region for more than 2000 years, and Asturias still churns out more than 80 per cent of Spain’s product.

Not your everyday pourer.

Not your everyday pourer.

Plenty of that is exported, though a fair amount is consumed right here, too. Pass almost any modest restaurant in Asturias and you will see that it calls itself a “sidreria”, a specialist in cider. These eateries usually serve the classic culinary accompaniments – whopping “cachopos”, two large veal fillets sandwiched around ham and cheese, the whole lot breaded and deep-fried; and fabada, a bean-and-chorizo stew – but mostly, it’s all about the cider.

So here I find myself at La Montera Picona de Ramon, a no-frills sidreria in Gijon, one of the province’s two main cities, and face to face with Jorge Vargas, boilermaker by day, escanciador by night. He is a “world champion” in a competition that only exists in a region of about 1 million people.

There are two types of cider in Asturias: sparkling, produced in much the same way as sparkling wine, with a good fizz to it; and natural, which has no secondary fermentation, and is flat and a little funky.

Sparkling cider is poured just like wine. The natural cider though, by far the more popular in Asturias, has to be poured in a way that enhances and increases its flavour, via a dramatic tip from the highest point possible so that the molecules “break” when they hit the glass.

Jorge grips a cider bottle in his right hand now and stretches it high above his head. He clutches a glass in his left hand at waist height. He then tilts the bottle and pours, a steady stream of cider cascading a good metre or so down to the glass, where it’s (mostly) caught in a shower of emerald sparkles.

 The village of Cudillero, one of many coastal hamlets in Asturias, Spain.

 The village of Cudillero, one of many coastal hamlets in Asturias, Spain.

The resulting measure of cider – about 100 millilitres– is known as a “culete”, and needs to be drunk immediately, all in one go. If you allow it to settle, if you see the cloudiness disappear, the flavour is gone.

This is a bizarre ritual in some ways. No sipping and savouring your drink here. You can’t even pour your own glass, but rather hang out for a waiter to come over, pour you a culete (which inevitably means spilling a fair bit into a bucket below), and then nail the whole thing on the spot.

Fabada, a classic pork-and-bean stew typically eaten at Asturian cider houses.

Fabada, a classic pork-and-bean stew typically eaten at Asturian cider houses.

This ritual, however, tells you all you need to know about Asturian cider culture. Yes, it’s taken seriously, but it’s also there to be enjoyed, and once you have a culete in your hand you should really hurry up and down it so the escanciador can move on.

To become a world champion like Jorge, meanwhile, there are techniques that require mastery. You have to be able to pour exactly 100 millilitres into a glass without spilling any. You have to do that six times in a row, and have exactly 100 millilitres left in the 700-millilitre bottle at the end. You have to keep your arm dead straight while pouring, and maintain a steady stream of liquid into the glass.

Name your poison - or cider.

Name your poison - or cider.Credit: iStock

Jorge lets me have a try, and while the puddle of cider at my feet would indicate that I don’t have what it takes to be a champion escanciador, the rest of the evening at least proves my budding greatness in consumption.


Emirates flies from major Australian ports to Madrid and Barcelona, via Dubai, with connections to Asturias. See

Asturias is home to more than 70 cider producers, and countless cider-specialist restaurants (such as La Montera Picona de Ramon).

The writer travelled as a guest of Turespana and Turismo Asturias. See

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