

This was published 2 years ago

Why this 86-year-old’s day on a plate is considered ‘flawless’

By Nicole Economos
This story is part of the September 4 edition of Sunday LifeSee all 14 stories.

Philosopher and author Paul Crittenden, 86, shares his day on a plate.

8am Muesli with yoghurt, walnuts, prunes, figs, apple and grapes, then a flat white while reading The Sydney Morning Herald on my iPad. Then it’s on to back-strengthening exercises and walking to the shops.

10.30am A cup of black tea.

1pm Prawns, mayo, cucumber and lettuce on olive sourdough, plus an orange and a banana. I also have a black coffee before 30 minutes of walking, then reading and writing.

7.30pm Swordfish pan-fried in extra virgin olive oil with chervil and garlic sauce, steamed potato, carrot and zucchini. Fresh fruit salad with rockmelon, pear, mandarin, banana, kiwifruit and passionfruit. Half a glass of red wine.

Dr Joanna McMillan says:

Top marks for … A flawless day! Your breakfast is fibre-rich and the fruit choices promote regularity – essential for gut health. You have lots of protein, helping to slow muscle loss with age. Your dinner delivers healthy fats and brain nutrients such as long-chain omega-3s, selenium in the fish and polyphenols in the oil and other plant foods.

If you keep eating like this you’ll … Support your brain health while keeping the brakes on the ageing process of your body through a combination of good nutrition, exercise and mental stimulation.


Why don’t you try … Ensuring that your interest in good food stays vibrant by experimenting with new recipes and including a diversity of foods across the week.

Paul Crittenden is a proud father and grandfather, and the author of Life Hereafter and Changing Orders.

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