

This was published 2 years ago

The muscle group that’s vital for running is also the most ignored

By Laura Hill

Building strong glutes, quadriceps, hip flexors, hamstrings, and calf muscles are important for running, but there’s one muscle group we shouldn’t overlook – the pelvic floor. And particularly so, if you’re a female runner.

Picture this: when you run, a ground reaction force of up to 2.5 times your body weight travels through your body, most of which is transferred to the pelvic floor. A well-functioning pelvic floor can activate and contract just before your foot hits the ground to match this force.

Learning to activate your pelvic floor is the first step to strengthening it.

Learning to activate your pelvic floor is the first step to strengthening it. Credit: Candice Epthorp

But a weak pelvic floor can spell trouble – mostly in the form of bladder leakage (incontinence), chronic pain or prolapse. In fact, almost 40 per cent of Australian women experience urinary incontinence, and over half are aged under 50 years.

Women’s and pelvic health physiotherapist and co-founder of the Empowered Motherhood Program, Lyz Evans, says the pelvic floor is one of the most important, and yet, often ignored, muscle groups in the body.

“The pelvic floor is an integrated web of muscles, ligaments and fascia that sit within the base of the pelvis. It acts as a supportive hammock or sling for the pelvic organs (bowel, bladder and uterus) and the spine,” says Evans.

“A well-functioning pelvic floor is essential for the most basic of daily activities – coughing, sneezing, laughing, lifting, walking, going to the toilet and sex. And it’s vital for running.

“Because you can’t see your pelvic floor, it’s often taken for granted. Most people won’t appreciate their pelvic floor until it isn’t working well.”

There are three main events in a woman’s life as well as other lifestyle or occupation factors that can negatively impact her pelvic floor


Pelvic floor muscles work harder than normal during pregnancy because they are required to support the weight of the growing baby. They are also softened by the effects of pregnancy hormones. Whether you give birth vaginally or by caesarean, your pelvic floor muscles will be impacted.


Childbirth is one of the biggest straining loads placed on the pelvic floor. Some studies suggest that women who experience vaginal delivery have a higher risk of developing pelvic floor dysfunction and urinary incontinence than women who undergo caesarean section. That’s because during vaginal birth, the pelvic floor muscles must stretch up to three times their normal length to allow for the passage of the baby through the birth canal. After childbirth the levator hiatus (the space or hole that sits between the two walls of the pelvic floor muscles which the urethra, vaginal canal and rectum all pass through) increases in size. The levator hiatus is the greatest herniation point in the body, and so for women who return to running before their pelvic floor is ready, it can lead to an increased risk of prolapse or incontinence.


When women enter the perimenopausal years (which can be over an expanse of 10 years or more) they have a drop in their oestrogen and progesterone levels, which may also result in a feeling of weakening in the pelvic floor.

Other factors

High-impact exercise, constipation, or regular heavy lifting. For example, research indicates that female athletes participating in sports that involve running, jumping, and high-impact landing are at a higher risk for pelvic floor dysfunction than nonathletic females.

Kimberley Smith, an ex-New South Wales Swifts netballer who personally had to give up running after the birth of her daughter due to pelvic floor dysfunction, says that when the pelvic floor isn’t functioning well women may experience feelings of heaviness or dragging in the vagina, incontinence, or chronic back or pelvic pain.


“These symptoms are a major factor in women choosing to give up running. A sport that they previously loved,” says Smith.

Research shows the detrimental impact pelvic floor dysfunction can have on a woman’s life. Incontinence, chronic pain and prolapse can all erode a woman’s confidence in her body, which affects her exercise choices, and can impact her relationships, her sexual life and even her career.

Getting your pelvic floor ready to run

If you want to start running or plan to return to the sport, it’s essential to prepare your pelvic floor. The best thing to do is to get a personalised assessment with a pelvic health physiotherapist.

If that’s not possible, Empowered Motherhood Program offers a service to help women determine whether they are run-ready, which leverages research and guidelines developed by the medical community. The three-stage process gives women a pathway back to running and includes basic health and wellness as well as strength and endurance screening tests to pass all three levels.

While incontinence that is caused by a sudden increase in pressure such as running or coughing is often experienced by runners, the good news is that around 50-70 per cent of the time, it can be significantly improved by a structured pelvic floor training program.

“From research and anecdotal evidence, we know that around 50 per cent of women don’t engage their pelvic floor properly,” says Evans.

“The first step to strengthening the pelvic floor is to learn how to activate it,” she says, adding that a pelvic health physiotherapist can help with the basics.

“Step two involves strengthening the pelvic floor and preparing it for movement. The pelvic floor is just like any other muscles, it will strengthen when it is challenged and weaken when it is ignored.”

Evans adds that a good pelvic floor program isn’t just a couple of squeezes when you remember. “It must be well-structured, progressive and consistent. Once the right intensity is hit, the pelvic floor will start to lay down more muscle fibres in response to the load and grow.”

Strategies to strengthen and engage your pelvic floor

  • Isolated pelvic floor exercises performed in lying, seated, and standing positions.
  • Pelvic floor exercises performed in combination with functional movement such as getting up from seated, during squats etc.
  • Exercise specific movement patterns. For women preparing to run, this would include running specific movement patterns such as lunges and single leg bounds to train the coordination and pelvic floor reflex.
  • Symptom-specific exercises for conditions such as stress urinary incontinence, prolapse or obstetric anal sphincter injuries.

Another popular way to increase pelvic floor strength is through Pilates.

“Pilates teaches the correct muscle recruitment patterns and focuses on strengthening our deepest muscles that help us to perform better across all aspects of movement and physical activity,” says Kirsten King from Fluidform. “For example, strong glutes and pelvic stabilisers will produce a more efficient running stride.”

To help strengthen the pelvic floor, King teaches clients the traditional Pilates style of breathing, which she says is quite different to how we breathe in everyday life.

“When we breathe normally, our tummy moves in and out as we inhale and exhale. [At Pilates] we teach diaphragmatic breathing, whereby you inhale back and up – expanding our rib cage, and exhale down – knitting our ribcage together. During this motion, the diaphragm rises as the abdominal wall deepens and the pelvic floor lifts. This works to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles as you breathe.”

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