This was published 2 years ago
She’s the CEO of a bank. This is what she eats in a day
CEO of ubank Philippa Watson, 44, shares her day on a plate.
6.30am Black coffee, today and every day. Half an hour later I have porridge with a sliced banana, which was my granddad’s combo and served him – he lived to be 102. I have a glass of water and a squeeze of lemon. The next few hours it’s just water on my bike ride.
11.30am An obligatory post-ride coffee and brunch with friends at a local cafe. Today is a breakfast bowl: poached egg, avocado, sautéed mushroom, steamed spinach, roast pumpkin, roast cherry tomatoes and quinoa, with tahini dressing.
3.30pm A refreshing fruit salad, with my personal favourite combo of papaya, strawberries, blueberries, almonds and Greek yoghurt. I have two more glasses of water.
6pm An early dinner of a lamb shank on sweet potato mash with steamed broccolini.
Dr Joanna McMillan says
Top marks for … A spot-on day of healthy eating. Your porridge tops up energy stores for your ride while delivering good levels of fibre, and your post-ride brunch provides most of your veggie serves for the day.
If you keep eating like this you’ll … Nicely fuel your body and provide the nutrients you need. You tick the boxes for fruit, vegies, nuts and wholegrains, and red meat at least a couple of times a week helps women meet their iron demands.
Why don’t you try … Ensuring you include seafood two or three times a week, including oily fish to boost your omega-3 fat intake. Include plant proteins such as beans or tofu at least a couple of times a week.
Philippa Watson is the CEO of ubank.
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