

This was published 3 years ago

Now world can see through our hollow record on climate

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit:

With British calls not to endorse Mathias Cormann to the OECD ("UK Labour tells PM to blacklist Cormann's OECD bid", December 14), and with the snub to Scott Morrison over the weekend ("Every country must declare a climate emergency: UN chief", December 14), the world is starting to see through our hollow record on climate change. It is quite clear that we need to look in our backyard before looking to play on the world stage. And that is a backyard ravaged with out of control bushfires and extensive flooding on the east coast. Our politicians can live in the Canberra bubble for only so long. - Michael Blissenden, Dural

Illustration by John Shakespeare

Illustration by John ShakespeareCredit: Sydney Morning Herald

Cormann has been flying around Europe promoting his candidacy to be next head of the OECD in an Australian Air Force jet, with bilateral support. This rare display of political unity sums up the dire state of Australia’s consciousness about climate change. Twice Cormann led a revolt against the adoption of a policy designed to tackle climate change. In 2009, he was instrumental in removing Malcolm Turnbull as Liberal leader when he was committing to work with Kevin Rudd on a joint energy/climate policy. Again, in 2018, he withdrew his support from Turnbull over the National Energy Guarantee. The ALP seems to have forgotten all this. But not so Britain's Labour Party. Australia has been snubbed internationally as a climate bandit. Europe is leading the charge on climate change. This should ensure Cormann gets a taste of his own medicine. - Michael Kennedy, West Pymble

Since Cormann obviously does not meet the requirement for having green credentials for the OECD post, perhaps we could provide the jet and staff to someone who obviously does. Julia Gillard comes to mind. - Greg Thompson, Bega

I fully agree that Cormann's climate denialism makes him unsuitable for the role he is seeking at the OECD. For the same reason, Morrison was denied his request to make a speech to the UN. The government is wasting its time and our money in flying Cormann around Europe in a government aircraft. The next question is why the ALP supports Cormann's doomed nomination? - Christopher Borton, Darling Point

Many letters contributors bemoan the fact that our government will not commit to a 50 per cent (or

higher) emissions reduction target (Letters, December 14). But the problem we face is that setting a target without a meaningful way of getting there is simply a gesture. Renewables currently provide less than 5 per cent of the world’s energy needs, and when the wind does not blow, or the sun does not shine, they don’t work. Battery storage is still nascent, and the whole of life environmental cost of batteries is very high. Further, renewables will probably never be able to provide the high base-load energy needed for many industries, such as steelmaking. Even the Labor Party has recently admitted that coal, oil and gas will be in our energy mix for a long time to come. There is a solution staring us in the face. Many other OECD countries have nuclear power and thus enjoy cheap, reliable and emissions-free energy. They have all found ways to safely store the small amounts of waste generated. Why can’t Australia join the nuclear world? - Ian Morison, Forrest (ACT)

Clear majority of voters want assisted dying laws

I fail to see why the assisted dying issue should be political poison for the NSW Premier ("Assisted dying debate is political poison for Premier: MPs", December 14). Multiple polls repeatedly show that 85 per cent of the electorate supports it. Isn't it, then, the duty of this government to reflect the wishes of the majority it represents? The remaining 15 per cent are not compelled to avail themselves of the facility. - Frank Paterson, Mount Annan


The only reason debating an assisted dying law for NSW will be political poison for Premier Berejiklian will be due of the right-wing of her own party. Surely the will of the majority of the constituents for whom these politicians were elected to serve, is more important than the vocal but powerful religious minority. - Debbie Ditchfield, Vaucluse

It is quite misleading, if not downright dishonest, for Gladys Berejiklian to suggest that the reason the 2017 bill did not pass was because of community attitudes. In 2017, public support for voluntary assisted dying stood at about 75 per cent. More recent polls show the level of support closer to 85 per cent. The Premier must not cave in to a small group of right-wing MPs in her party on this important issue, so well supported by the community. - Liz Jacka, Marrickville

Voluntary assisted dying is clearly an issue whose time has come. Thank you, Alex Greenwich. - Ian Wood, Mittagong

Let's hope that this time we have enough MPs with a sound moral compass and sufficient compassion to grant the terminally ill their human rights. - Sonia Powell, Frenchs Forest

Everyone should write to their local member expressing their support or objection to the proposed assisted dying bill, with the expectation that their member will represent the views of the majority when votes are cast. - Sandra Burke, North Sydney

My beloved mother died six years ago. She had been in a hospice ward for months and her weight reduced drastically from 50 plus kg to just around 25kg due to the relentless chemo- and radiotherapy. Her face turned dark brown after years of cancer treatment. She had to constantly endure unbearable pain and became bed-ridden months before her death. On the day she died, Mum started to gasp for breath. The ward staff transferred her to a single room. I could see her sob unceasingly but she could not utter a word as she was too weak to speak. I could not do anything to help relieve her pain. My brothers and sisters and I were very desperate and just looked in despair at Mum's distress. Tears cascaded down my face. That night, Mum left us forever at the age of 81. How cruel our governments are, not allowing voluntary assisted dying. - Sai Li, Maroubra

Wage theft hurts honest employers as well as workers

Responsible employers have much to gain from unions having the power to check pay records ("Employers ripping off migrant workers on pay", Monday, December 14). Why should unscrupulous businesses gain an unfair advantage by paying wages lower than the legal minimum? As wages are a hefty component of operating costs, broader powers of inspection and enforcement will level the playing field for all enterprises so that they compete in the market on merit, not on theft. - Jane Timbrell, Reid (ACT)

Nick Bonyhady reports migrant workers being ripped off on pay rates and many are earning as little as $8 an hour. So at $64 for an eight-hour shift, who would want the job unless you were desperate and unable to get welfare? It's time the Fair Work Ombudsman was more proactive in helping this group of defenceless workers. - Denis Suttling, Newport Beach

This government has overseen massive, systematic growth of wage theft and underpayment, while at the same time illegally chasing a mythical "overpayment" of welfare recipients via Robodebt. - Peter Hull, Hat Head

Starting young

Fiona Bisshop's rebuttal of arguments opposing the use of puberty blockers ("Blocking puberty key for trans youth", December 14) would have been even stronger if it included the regret and problems experienced by transgender adults who, for whatever reason, did not transition when they were younger. - Norm Neill, Darlinghurst

Phonic balance

It is all well and good for Tara Murphy ("Nothing phoney about phonics: just ask my son", December 14 ) to sing the praises of phonics reading instruction following her son's late breakthrough to reading. However, in making her case for a greater concentration of phonics in reading programs and the introduction of a phonics test, Murphy overlooks the extensive monitoring of NSW students, which already begins at school entry. Why introduce another test to reveal what teachers already know? As an educator, I do not know any teacher who thinks phonics instruction, mandated in NSW schools, is phoney. Educators believe phonics is a vital component of a balanced reading program, but it's not a literacy magic bullet. - Irene Buckler, Glenwood

Success comes from the skill of those wielding the tools. Phonics and the whole-word approach can be equally successful methods of teaching reading. Like artistic skills, it is the teaching skills of the teacher that are responsible for a child becoming a competent and successful reader. - Joy Cooksey, Harrington

Reading, like any other skill, needs to be practised over and over if a student is to become "good" at it. So the availability of interesting books have to be in the mix, and parents have to understand their important role as facilitators of practice. At least with reading practice, unlike sport, there's no out-of-pocket expenses - books can be borrowed from schools and libraries. - Valerie Little, Tathra

Duty of care

Recently I attended a function at a local restaurant, where I was required to register by entering the QR code into my phone. For many people this would be a routine task, however, being on the autism spectrum I don't have the intuition to work through some tasks. Consequently, I struggled with my phone for over 20 minutes until a friend arrived to help me. The experience left me embarrassed and traumatised. The government has the duty of care to ensure that all people are granted access to restaurants and clubs without having to face the sort of humiliation that I recently encountered. - Stephen Miller, Rutherford

Warped reality

Bruce Wolpe suggests that Trump will become the de facto opposition leader ("Ruling won't get rid of Trump", December 14). This is a deeply depressing thought. We can only hope that he will get irresistible offers of reality shows – a re-run of The Apprentice perhaps - that will divert his efforts. - Andrew Macintosh, Cromer

Pork business

The purchase of toxic land by the NSW government was less unforced error, more business model –to use public money to benefit the Coalition's donors and lobbyists and shore up political connections and personal aspirations ("Exposed: litany of errors in toxic sale", December 14). This has seen billions spent on giant toll roads like Westconnex, plans for urban renewal or "priority precincts" in established and attractive suburbs and converting a public heavy rail line to a privately operated metro to Bankstown. As the Premier said in relation to pork-barrelling: "I'm not suggesting it's always the right way to do things, but I think we need to just be upfront about how things occur." - Marie Healy, Hurlstone Park

Deadly pot shots

Amanda Vanstone says "it's pretty desperate stuff when you try to promote yourself on the back of other people's misery" ("Pot shots won't get Australians home safe", December 14). Exactly. Just look at how the Coalition has promoted itself to the electorate on the back of the collective punishment and abject misery of asylum seekers they have sent to rot offshore. Utterly shameful. - Brendan Jones, Annandale

Can't Vanstone see the irony and hypocrisy in her taking pot shots at Labor while conveniently ignoring the appalling, ongoing attacks on Victorian Premier Dan Andrews by Morrison and Frydenberg while he was managing the situation in Victoria? These were worse than pot shots. They were politically motivated attacks at a time when these same people should have been supporting Andrews and his government in the interests of national unity. - Brian Palfrey, Surry Hills

Minister's mistake

Communications Minister Paul Fletcher repeats his mistaken assertion that by making his demands to the ABC public he was acting "entirely appropriately". He claims that his responsibility is "to ensure the ABC complied with its statutory obligations to produce objective journalism". It is not! That is the job of the ABC chair and board. Fletcher is the ABC's minister and is responsible for protecting its editorial independence. If he believes that his job involves policing journalism, then perhaps he should start with the Sky After Dark's "opinion-based news programming". No necessity there to let facts intervene when discussing the climate change "hoax", or COVID-19 being no worse than a mild flu. Fletcher may not like the subject matter, but he cannot complain about the ABC's sources and professionalism in getting their stories factually right. - Alan Marel, North Curl Curl

Beat the bouncer

Early in his international career, Steve Waugh decided to forego the hook shot and settle for evading or ignoring the bouncer, something young Will Pucovski might consider (Letters, December 14). And let us not overlook the inherent dangers of the new-age bats, dubbed "umpire killers" for the speed at which the ball flies from the willow. - Don Bain, Port Macquarie

David Gordon of Cranebrook has obviously never played cricket (Letters, December 14). To expect bowlers to bowl every ball within 300mm (12 inches) of the stumps, including the height would kill the game of cricket. It would disadvantage all bowlers, fast and slow: a totally impractical suggestion. What is needed is better coaching of batsmen on how to face the short delivery by keeping their eye on the ball for all deliveries as helmets offer insufficient protection. Do this and batsmen will not suffer the injuries they are nowadays. - Les Nelson, Frenchs Forest

Ian Aldridge, while agreeing with you about bouncers, I must point out batters play baseball, batsmen play cricket (Letters, December 14). - Wendy Young, Glebe

Among angels

Finally, Charley Pride gets to kiss an angel good mornin' ("COVID claims country great", December 14). - Allan Gibson, Cherrybrook

The digital view

Online comment from the story that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
"Bosses and workers divided over working from home rules"
From Sprite: ‘‘We’ve all proved that working from home works. There is no way people are going to head back full time and I thought it would be a no-brainer for management. Most of us are adults and just get on with the job. Companies have the ability to improve worker satisfaction without spending a penny.’’

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