

This was published 3 years ago


Nothing phoney about phonics - just ask my son

By Tara Murphy

We live in a house full of books and we read to our son every day – stories, news, Wikipedia, everything. Despite his enthusiasm for learning, somehow reading never clicked. We wanted him to learn at his own pace, but by the end of Year 1 when he was far behind his peers, we were concerned. His teachers at our local public school shared our concerns, but the extra reading lessons in school didn’t make much difference.

We decided to act when our son began socially shielding his lack of reading. For example, letting our neighbour’s younger daughter read his Monopoly cards. We took him to Macquarie University’s Reading Clinic, which assessed many of his critical reading skills as well below average and recommended an intervention program. Then the COVID-19 lockdown hit.

We all learn in different ways and some kids really need explicit phonics instruction.

We all learn in different ways and some kids really need explicit phonics instruction.Credit: Michael Clayton-Jones

Lockdown home schooling was perfectly timed for us. With the support of our son’s teacher, we focused entirely on reading, following a structured synthetic phonics book recommended by the Reading Clinic. We approached this hoping it would work, but with no expectations. We have done 15 minutes of phonics every day since April.

Phonics introduces the sounds of individual letters first (“a” as in apple), then common combinations (“sp” as in spend and “oo” as in moon). A common misconception is that phonics leaves children stuck trying to say “the” as “t-he” or “th-e” – but this isn’t the case. A small number of frequent words, like “the”, are treated as sight words that must be memorised.

Learners practise the phonic rules and their combinations using only words that follow the rules they have learned. The first activities felt easy for my son, who could already read basic words, but the transformation was incredible. His confidence grew immediately.


A few weeks into lockdown, we were out cycling when suddenly he slammed on the brakes. After I almost crashed into him, I asked what was wrong: “Mummy, it says STOP in big letters, right across the bike path.” At eight years old, this was the first time he’d read incidental words when we were out and about.

He started reading the titles of books on our bookshelves at home and correcting text messages I was sending to friends. Six months later, a new Macquarie assessment showed his reading had jumped to his age level.

The strict use of phonics seemed to unlock something in our son’s brain so he could now associate letters with the sounds they make. Of course, English is notoriously inconsistent, and there are lots of exceptions to the rules (think about “ou” in through, though, thorough, and cough). But one thing I’ve learned from our year of phonics is that you can reach a functional reading level by following the rules. Once these rules are in place, it is much easier to learn the exceptions from the context.


Recently, we got up to “ea”. Is it “ee” like in tea or “e” like in head? There’s no way of telling which is correct, and my son was upset because there wasn’t a rule he could learn to help. But now he knows so many other words, so when he mistakenly reads “the hen has red feethers” he can self-correct and choose the other “ea” sound, to produce a word he knows – feathers.


A controversial aspect of phonics is the use of made-up words, like “stibbix”. In teaching our son, we realised how critical this is: without it, you can’t tell if a child is concealing an underlying reading problem by relying on their existing vocabulary. Sounding out stibb-ix shows whether they know the sounds or not. We also had fun inventing meanings (stibbix is a new kind of breakfast cereal).

The decade-long debate about whole word reading versus phonics has obscured something that is obvious to everyone who teaches children: that we all learn in different ways. Many people learn to read exactly as whole word reading advocates describe, and that is a wonderful experience. It’s how I learned to read myself, and likewise for many of our friends. We all pronounce stibbix the same way because we have absorbed the rules of phonics without help. But many children can’t learn to read like this and need to be shown the rules explicitly.

Not all children have parents with the confidence to raise concerns about their child’s progress or who can afford to pay for private assessments. A short and simple test that allows teachers to identify children with reading issues early seems like a no-brainer to us.

Professor Tara Murphy is a Sydney scientist and astrophysicist.

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