

This was published 3 years ago


Pot shots won't help stranded Australians get home

If you want to see more substance and civility in public discourse, don’t go to reports about Australians stranded overseas because of COVID-19.

If you believe some Labor propaganda, the Prime Minister promised to bring people home. The fact that they are not all home is apparently all his fault. It's codswallop of course but that doesn’t stop Labor running the line. The theory is that you build up a sad story and tag someone with the blame for not having fixed their problem, trying to ensure they wear the odium of being mean or lazy.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

It’s pretty desperate stuff when you try to promote yourself on the back of other people’s misery. Imagine having nothing better than that in your kit bag. As a nation we are far less religious than we used to be but Christmas is a special time of year in any event. Families and friends try to get together. Being overseas and wanting to be home would be sad and no doubt it is stressful as well. Fares and accommodation aren’t cheap . No doubt people overseas are getting help from family and friends where they can.

Having some sour-faced, lemon-sucking opposition person whack on the pious 'poor you' face and niggle the government would not help you one bit.

Has the government done a fair job in helping people get home? I think yes. The detail below the glib line “they’re not home for Christmas” is worth reflecting on.

At the broad picture level, since around the middle of March over 430,000 Australians have returned. In September when the Prime Minister indicated the effort to get people home by Christmas some 26,000 Australians were registered as being away.

Since around the middle of March, more than 430,000 Australians have returned home.

Since around the middle of March, more than 430,000 Australians have returned home.Credit: Peter Braig

Since then more than 45,000 have come home, over 17,000 of these were registered with DFAT. DFAT has made more than 30,000 offers for places on flights. Not every one can accept them. They may still have commitments and aren’t able to come when the flight is available. Understandably they need to know they can get a quarantine place on arrival.

If you look at DFAT’s record since March, they have assisted 32,000 Australians to return spread across some 370 flights, and 11,000 people came on 77 government assisted flights.


Despite all this effort there are now some 39,000 registered as wanting to come home. The list keeps growing as new people decide to try and return. DFAT are still working on this and there are more flights to come.

Of course, not all people on the list are in the same predicament. Some will have indicated they want to return this year, others next year and some who want to remain registered but are not wanting to return.


Apart from what preference they have for their return there are other factors to be taken into account.

Consider where your sympathies would lie. Imagine you’re the minister or the bureaucrat making the decision. You have three seats on a plane. There’s a family of three who are dual citizens, they’ve been overseas for a few years but now want to come home. There’s another family with a sick child. Another family rejected an earlier flight, maybe for good reason, but now want priority to return. There’s a group of three travellers who left after the warnings but were overseas when return flights got cancelled. A few others know that a loved one is soon to die and they want to say their goodbyes.

The list of options would not be short and the choices would be hard. It is not a simple case of booking flights.

Maybe it’s fair to give priority to sick people (not with COVID-19) and also to those who have done nothing to put themselves in this predicament. Would you give the same priority to a dual citizen who had been away for a long time and had family support away as you would to a long-standing permanent resident who got stuck through no decision of theirs and had no support overseas?

I understand during the lockdown in Victoria there were people who declined flights because they didn’t want to go to another state. That may be fair enough ... if you have to pay for accommodation it may be better financially to stay overseas.

When I see someone complaining that everybody isn’t home I wonder how much common sense they’ve got. Governments and bureaucrats do not have magic wands. I also see a very cheap type of politics. It’s the sort where you take a pot shot because it will get you some publicity. You use the sad predicament of others to promote yourself. Pot shot politics is not what good ministers are made of.

We’ve got good people doing the best they can to get people home. Because of their efforts, thousands are already home and more will be. It’s not perfect but in the circumstances I think they’re doing pretty well.

Amanda Vanstone is a former Howard government minister and a regular columnist.

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