

This was published 3 years ago

Our former marketer is selling the nation short

The worst fires in our history brought out the best in the RFS leadership and the Australian community, COVID brought out the best in the premiers and medical staff, and the serious climate change effects have brought out the best in many of our progressive world leaders ("Emissions stance begins to show diplomatic cost", December 12-13). However all of these past or impending catastrophes have failed to bring out the best in our Prime Minister. When COVID struck he was still going to attend the football; when the worst fires this nation has seen struck he was on holiday overseas.

To not be invited to speak at the Climate Ambition Summit is as big a snub as he could get from other world leaders and yet he cannot see it. Climate change issues urgently need the PM's leadership but we are not going to get any and unfortunately the community will once more have find ways to plug the elephantine gaps. Samantha Nerrie, Merimbula

Illustration: Michael Leunig

Illustration: Michael LeunigCredit:

Our PM snubbed us all by holidaying in Hawaii during the Black Summer. He then passed the baton to the states and territories to keep us safe through the pandemic. Now the UN Climate Ambition Summit snubs this PM on his lack of ambition on climate action. What goes around comes around Prime Minister. Maybe it's time for a performance review? Bring on the election. Helen Matthews, Killcare Heights

Morrison says he can't set a net zero emissions target without knowing the cost. That's interesting, because Australia didn't know the total cost of the Iraq war before committing. John Kennedy set a target for a moon landing without knowing the total cost either, only that it was seen as an important step for mankind.

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt Golding Credit:

Perhaps we need a man of Kennedy's vision and calibre to get the ball rolling rather than someone who merely rolls out excuses. Now Australia alone will decide its targets – which goes to suggest other countries haven't actually been responsible for theirs. Yes PM, you've only got yourself to blame for this mess. Terry Vandyke, Dee Why

Does it really matter that Morrison won't commit to a net zero emissions target by 2050 or 2090? He is just another disposable politician whose time of influence will end. Others will come in his place and understand the need. All that is lost is some valuable time, which may have us brought us there sooner with less panic. The PM is just an anarchist standing in the way of progress. John Rome, Mt Lawley (WA)

Our Prime Minister should book his Christmas holiday to the slowly sinking island called Tuvalu, halfway between Australia and Hawaii – shorter flight-smaller carbon footprint ("Pacific calls for more commitment from PM", December 12-13). He might then change his nationalist stance on climate change. Patricia Slidziunas, Woonona

If the Pacific nations are a family, then Australia is like the awkward relative who turns up to Christmas dinner with their cheap gifts and embarrassing stories. Philip Cooney, Wentworth Falls


Hang on: isn't the PM sending his mate Mathias Cormann around Europe on a junket to supposedly get Australia more voice, via the OECD? Suddenly he is suggesting we only need our own voice. So which is it? Ted Bush, Ermington

Sounds like phonics are backed to the letter

Tom Switzer is correct in his statement that "a strong foundation of phonics helps with comprehension and writing" but the operative word here is "helps"("The test that stops kids failing the first hurdle", December 12-13).

Sadly, in his efforts to denigrate other approaches to the teaching of reading, he reiterates long-discredited fallacies. He equates whole word and whole language presumably because they both use the word whole. Whole word is a method that focuses on the shapes of words and their spellings and commonly uses flash cards as a key prop while whole language focuses on meaning at the sentence level.

Knowledgeable teachers have drawn on all these approaches simultaneously – phonics to reinforce the sounds, whole word to reinforce the visual and whole language to reinforce meaning. Surely after so many decades of this false debate it's time to ditch the ideological divisions and acknowledge that phonics, whole word and whole language all help with comprehension and reading? Wendy Michaels, Northbridge

A rule of thumb is if it's not broken, don't fix it, so who decided learning to read by phonics years ago wasn't working and should be replaced by the whole word approach? My guess it was someone who could read but not much else. Jenny Greenwood, Hunters Hill

Switzer has referred to Simon Birmingham, Dan Tehan and Scott Prasser as "policy heroes"for ensuring phonics are at the heart of teaching children to read. I do not believe any of the "heroes" have ever taught a large kindergarten class or any class in the infants department.

Teaching reading can be a challenge but it must not be totally controlled by phonics. Whole word learning works very well but phonics can be used in conjunction with whole word learning. Phonics can be used for those struggling with their reading. One only has to think about how many words are difficult to sound out. Robyn Lewis, Raglan

Why are those of a conservative bent so keen to erect another false dichotomy around the teaching of reading in our schools? My long experience as a teacher, university researcher and parent has left me quite certain that there is no one best way to teach children to read and every teacher I have observed is also aware of this. Don Squires, Lake Cathie

Once again, we have someone outside of education with a conservative political agenda, no background in curriculum history, reading theory and approaches to pedagogy, politicising and over-simplifying an issue as well as misrepresenting and demonising the so-called whole language approach. Don Carter, Oyster Bay

Hats off to giants of virus research

In the world of engineering and science, we learn more from our failures that we do from our successes ("UK vaccine now key to nation's virus fight", December 12-13). Failures cause us to be reflective and investigative to find out why things don't work and often lead to even more important achievements whereas success can lead to complacency.

As Sir Isaac Newton is said to have remarked: "if I have seen further, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants". I am sure that will be the case with the COVID-19 vaccine research that UQ and CSL have done and they too will be among those giants on whose shoulders future researchers will stand. Peter Thornton, Killara

Tunnel vision

Sorry Mosman, there won't be light at the end of the tunnel. ("Going underground: tunnel plan divides locals in Mosman", December 12-13). Reduced traffic volumes won't be permanent. Your local travel, and travel to the city will take longer as you negotiate failed intersections and limited access to the Warringah Freeway. You will however, be able to share with others the accumulated unfiltered air generated by 27 kilometres of tunnels. Catherine Turner, Cremorne

Planning Minister Rob Stokes believes a tunnel under Mosman will join the community together. Hear, hear! So would a tunnel under Medlow Bath in the Blue Mountains. So which community will get the tunnel? Let's see: Mosman is a blue-ribbon Liberal seat, Medlow Bath is in a Labor-held seat. Sigh. Pork-barrel anyone? Russell Brown, Medlow Bath

Bullies don't grow up

Unfortunately bullying in the workplace is far more common than people realise ("Canberra's real bubble story is bullying, not sex", December 12-13). As someone who has worked in the medical legal field of workers compensation during the last three decades I have seen countless cases of bullying allegations by a wide range of employees from professions we would never suspect of having those issues.

Workers in essential services such as teachers, firies, nurses, ambos and, most unexpectedly, police officers have all been victims of bullying from either colleagues or supervisors. This is an issue that needs to be addressed as it costs employees a lot of distress and consequently the employer when they find out at too late a stage when a workers' compensation claim has been made, thus costing them more money. If bullying was only confined to Canberra it would be a minor problem but it's a national phenomenon requiring action. Con Vaitsas, Ashbury

New climate risk

Peter Hartcher is right to warn of China's expansionism ("COVID exposes global fault lines", December 12-13). One such is aimed specifically at Australia – the Chinese push into our Southern Pacific sphere of influence. We need to step up our aid to our Pacific neighbours and take more seriously their understandable concern about our inadequate climate change policies. Andrew Macintosh, Cromer

Just not cricket

Malcolm Knox opines that the bouncer in cricket will be banned due to the unacceptable risk of concussion to batters ("Head-hunting has been endorsed for too long - it's time for the bouncer to go", December 12-13).

He writes "cricket will be a lesser entertainment when the bouncer is gone". Former Australian captain Kim Hughes trotted out the cliche that the bouncer is "part of the game". This is the part with which I disagree. Most bouncers sail over the batters head, while for others the batter sways out of the way. Rarely are shots attempted. The process is dull, since there is no attack on the stumps and usually no prospect of the batter scoring. Unfortunately, sometimes the batter is hit, but I don't regard that as entertainment.

To achieve the bouncer, the bowler generally has to bounce the ball before the halfway point along the pitch. Here is where the laws can be modified by mandating that if the ball bounces before the halfway point, it is a no-ball. This still allows a bowler the chance to have a ball rise sharply from a "good length" or just short of a good length, which requires skill. Ian Aldridge, Goulburn

Being hit by a bouncer is not a pleasant experience. The only reason for a ball to be aimed at the person batting is to deliberately unsettle the person. We have all the technology to be able to judge the trajectory of a delivery: any ball that is 300mm higher than the bails, or 300 mm wide of off-stump and leg-stump should be called a no-ball. That will soon force bowlers to add to their repertoire deliveries other than potentially damaging brute force bouncers. David Gordon, Cranebrook

Business wages war

Scott Barkland of the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry disingenuously dismisses unions with the claim that "most Australians get on well with their boss and are confident that any problems can be worked out" ("Union membership dips again but members earn much more", December 12-13).

It's not about getting on with your boss: it's about getting a fair share of the wealth of the nation through wages. And the proof that his comments are disingenuous is that union members get a median income $350 greater than non-union members and that wages have been decreasing, when compared to profits, as union membership has fallen. Brenton White, Mosman

Net positive

Yes, Netball Australia is "alienating its fans" (Netball's Hail Mary could prove to be it's salvation, December 12.) It's the most popular sport for girls and women to play by far. It's fun at any level.

Most professional Super Netball games are sold out or close to it. It's fast, exciting, scintillating TV. The filming and commentary is fantastic. But it has been on at unsuitable times and poorly marketed and promoted. Few fans even know Super Netball is on so all you need to do is tell them. Netball shouldn't eat itself like rugby union. Tim Egan, Mosman

Christmas spirit

It's almost Christmas. Bright red ribbons flutter on trees, Santas chuckle and wave at the children with glee in their eyes. Trees in bay windows dance in delight with rainbow colour and the joys of carols soar, just like the price of fuel and prawns (''Seafood cheaper but staples will cost more this Christmas lunch'', December 12-13).
George Manojlovic, Mangerton

Christmas shopping in large stores in the past was fun, soothing, exciting, a splurge on those gifts you spied all year. Not now. It’s an excruciating workout. Nowhere to sit. Piercing repetitive music. Got to keep yourself looking, moving. No time to rest or ponder. Just pay up and move on. Mary Julian, Glebe

Those expecting a visit from Santa on Christmas Eve, as well as the usual nibbles and tipple, should also leave hand sanitiser for the traveller. Santa this year will, of course, be wearing a mask. Tony Everett, Wareemba

Hey, holidaymakers, you may very well be the ones feeling piqued, if you don’t avoid those pesky peak hours (''Avoid pique hours, leaving holidaymakers urged'', December 12-13) Della Strathen, Bowral

Word's power

The most powerful word this year is exponential. It drives both the pandemic and climate change (Letters, December 12-13). Michael Costello, Ashfield

The digital view

Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
My child is transitioning gender, but I feel the system makes it too easy
From Anne Cook: Nobody can enter into an informed discussion on this topic without understanding the terms used, ie TERF, SJWs and whatever else there is. People not affected could have something to offer to those who are, even if it’s nothing more than trying to understand. Understanding is the key to acceptance.

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