

This was published 3 years ago

PM snubbed as he has nothing useful to say

Illustration: Alan Moir

Illustration: Alan MoirCredit:

The Prime Minister is not invited to speak at a UN climate change summit because Australia lacks a strong enough climate policy (“UN defends excluding Morrison from climate summit, Canberra livid with Johnson over snub”,, December 11). Is he spurred to commit to stronger action? No, as it isn’t important to speak at “some international summit”. He claims to only seek approval from the Australian people, not any wider audience. The Australian people will be wise to remember this at the next federal election. Not just “Australia first” but “Australia alone”. Judy Sherrington, Kensington

The Australian people are as much to blame as the federal government for Australia being snubbed at the global climate summit. Even though nearly 80 per cent of Australians might be concerned about climate change, when it comes to the ballot box, too many vote for more selfish reasons. Bruce Spence, Balmain

Who needs to be invited to speak at a climate summit when you can stay at home and do a feel-good photo shoot, pretending to build a cubby house or something? Mark Pearce, Richmond

As world leaders with something useful to say gather at the UN summit, Australia has the right to ask the PM and our government “Where the bloody hell are we?” Jennifer Briggs, Kilaben Bay

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:

The PM shouldn't whinge about not being allowed to eat at the big peoples’ climate table when he keeps hiding all the cutlery. Tony Doyle, Fairy Meadow

Morrison said “Australia's climate and energy policy will be set here in Australia, in Australia's national interest, not to get a speaking slot at some international summit”. The obvious problem with that is that it is entirely opposite to Australia’s national interest to drag the chain on climate policy, purely to maintain the political contributions from the polluting industries to the Liberal Party. Equating Australia’s interests to the Liberal Party’s interests is an abuse of democracy equivalent to Donald Trump’s absurd attempts to equate his own financial interests with those of the American people. John Walker, Bonny Hills

Rosemary O'Brien omits to mention that China has vastly greater solar and wind capacity than any other country and growing faster, is the largest producer and consumer of solar panels in the world and has committed to 35 per cent renewable power generation by 2030 and net-zero emissions by 2060 (Letters, December 11). China puts our conservative government to shame in every area of emissions curtailment endeavour. Peter Spencer, Glebe


Zero respect for ancient culture

If there were lucrative mineral deposits under sacred sites such as St Mary's Cathedral in Sydney, the Perth Mosque, St Paul's Cathedral in Melbourne, or the Hobart Synagogue, would the big miners be pushing back on sacred site rules ("Big miners push back on sacred site rules", December 11)? Anne Ring, Coogee

Rio Tinto has been rightly hauled over the coals over its destruction of the Juukan Gorge caves, however, let's not forget that what they did was permitted by both the state and federal governments. It is a bit disingenuous of Fortescue and others to now call for an "appropriate balance" when the rules have always been in their favour because, as a country, we value the beliefs, heritage and history of our Aboriginal population poorly. Brenton McGeachie, Queanbeyan West

Protecting our culturally significant sites versus mega-profits for gazillionaires like Twiggy and heiress Gina Reinhart? When will they learn that greed isn't always good? Mark Paskal, Clovelly

It is now clear that all the expressions of remorse following the destruction of the irreplaceable Juukan Gorge rock shelters were just meaningless talk and hot air. Words like disgusting and disgraceful are completely inadequate. Paul Parramore, Sawtell

I sympathise with big miners who feel they have to push back on sacred site rules. To be fair, they are only acting upon the tenants of economists and politicians the world over who urge that in order show growth in the economy we must encourage the expanded extraction of minerals, the frenetic building of sky piercing towers, construction of sweeping plains of houses and so on.

For the present, the positive-negative see-saw conditions for our life on earth are increasingly unbalanced. Hope is that future generations will move to a sustainable future built on a quality not dependent upon quantity. Steve Dillon, Thirroul

They is great

I have struggled with the conflict between my strong belief in the correct use of the English language and current trends of avoiding gender offence by using “they” as a singular pronoun (“Why gender pronouns matter, and how to use them properly”, December 10). I am consoled to learn that “they” can be a singular word.

My next dilemma is: do I use a singular verb with what is commonly a plural noun, as in “they is going to the party” or “they is cisgender”? That would reinforce the singularity of the “they” in the sentence, but clang in the ears of linguistic purists. Doug Vorbach, Carlton

In the 1970s, I was working in a reservations call centre for an airline. I took a call from a lady who wanted a booking for herself and her baby. “Mrs?” I inquired. “Miss!” she screamed in my ear. That was the time Ms was coming into vogue, for which I was grateful, as after that experience I didn't have to ask anymore. Ron Kerr, Ballina

Sign of the times

Expect “doomscrolling” to appear in a DA crossword soon (“We need to have a quiet word about the loudest words of 2020”, December 10). David Rush, Lawson

How can we overlook COVID as the word of the year? Mustafa Erem, Terrigal

On balance, ABC review of election shows up Coalition

A partial review of the ABC’s federal election coverage in one week of May 2019 alleged some shortcomings in the balance of the broadcaster's coverage (“ABC missing conservative voices: review”, December 11). There are a number of possible reasons for that conclusion, including that the Coalition government adopted a small-target strategy, with virtually no ministerial appearances or policy announcements apart from future tax cuts. In contrast, the ALP released many more far-ranging policies, which were widely discussed and commented on. The sheer quantity of detailed ALP policies, such as those on climate change and energy, higher education and TAFE, science and research, the arts as well as childcare, meant there would be considerably more discussion of them.
Evan Bailey, Glebe

Alas, we can't buy time

Never has the warning “make haste slowly” seemed more relevant (“Australian COVID vaccine terminated due to HIV ‘false positives’”,, December 11).

The revelation of false positive HIV results in volunteers, Britain's warning that sufferers with severe allergic reactions should avoid the vaccine, and examples through history where early release of vaccines proved detrimental, are reminders that the missing ingredient in the vaccine race is time.

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:

There are many hoops that need to be cleared in the race to find a COVID-19 vaccine, such as TGA approval and effective cold storage. But these obstacles pale in comparison to the uncertainty of long-term efficacy and safety. There are many examples of vaccines being released, having passed phase 3 of clinical trials, and subsequently withdrawn in the post-licensing assessment period due to latent side effects.

Although our control of production and development has significantly improved in recent years, we have no control over time, which is the essential component in the post-licensing assessment period to reveal untoward effects in the long term. Elizabeth Maher, Bangor

Penny pinching

One rule for the entitled; another, more draconian one for the rest (“Porter opens door to pay deal tweaks”, December 11). If business does not have to show reduced revenue to take advantage of Scott Morrison’s plan to let disadvantaged companies offer below-award wages, can someone explain that if times are considered so dire, why the government is cancelling JobKeeper and reducing JobSeeker for disadvantaged workers? And has it escaped the notice of government and business that when wages do not rise, people will cut back their spending to the detriment of the economy? Alison Stewart, Riverview

Give him a violin

Thanks, David Crowe, for confirming that Scott Morrison does not lead a Westminster-style of government, but governs more like Nero (“A national triumph by numbers”, December 11). He clearly has no confidence in most of his ministers. He has been extremely lucky during the pandemic that the states have been governed by strong leaders who were prepared to override the Prime Minister's “my way or the highway” style of decision making. The government has little talent, no policies, no social conscience and no clue how to govern in the best interests of all Australians. Tony Heathwood, Kiama Downs

Great pivot for netball

The question is why girls' and women's netball uniforms were ever short, tight dresses (“Shorts shift: Netball may phase out skirts after independent review”, December 11). They are performance-restricting. Netball uniforms should be the same as men's basketball uniforms, comprising shorts and singlet, roomy enough to allow speed and precision of movement, and heat loss.

Team sports should not be burdened with politically correct uniform adaptations that are “better suited to religious or lifestyle requirements”. Sports uniforms should only accommodate and support the best physical comfort, protection and performance of players. Robyn Dalziell, Kellyville

Bowled over by SCG

Thank you, SCG board members, for leading the charge in lodging compensation claims with the Berejiklian government (“SCG lodges $29m claim to cover loss”, December 11). I considered making a similar claim for my business but felt at the time that no precedent existed.

It’s only fair that while governments are coming to terms with significant unforeseen and unbudgeted debts due to the pandemic, and dealing with millions of people who have lost jobs and are battling to feed, clothe and house their families, that we, the taxpayers of this state, should compensate the SCG. Let’s face it, of all the priorities facing this state and this country in 2021 and beyond, compensating the SCG has to be close to the top of the list. So when the Premier or Treasurer writes the cheque, I bags being next, as I only want a slightly smaller amount for the loss of income to my business. Tony Bennett, Broke

Shelf-raising power

The head of Woolworths, Brad Banducci, has resolved to source more food categories from within Australia (“China supply shock nearly sent nation into a retail catastrophe”, December 11). He might start with the tins of Danish shortbread biscuits that I bought from Woolies for Christmas – made in China. David Grover, Chatswood

Despite the present threats to Australian farmers, Woolies no longer has Goulburn Valley Peaches on its shelves, replacing them with peaches from China. All good for the shareholders; no value for our fruit farmers. Richard Stewart, Pearl Beach

Annus horribilis

What a bastard of a year it has been: bushfires, pandemic, all manner of political malfeasance and now, in quick succession, the demise of my two favourite political observers. God bless the memory of Alan Ramsey and Mungo MacCallum (“Writer sought to puncture egos of the mighty”, December 11). Mark Ryding, Banora Point

Vale Mungo MacCallum. You were one of the most erudite and entertaining journalists this nation has produced. Such sad news, especially after the recent passing of another great, Alan Ramsey. Peter Jones, Rathmines

I remember Mungo in a skit at Sydney University Dramatic Society 60 years ago, when he performed We're Three Jolly Mosquitoes, complete with can-can kicks. His lanky frame lingers in my mind's eye; he was hilarious. MacCallum continued the tradition of Malcolm Muggeridge, veteran British broadcaster. Too rare these days. Helen Jordan, Lane Cove

Vale Mungo, a true original. I cherish memories of him in a university revue in the early 1960s – Who'd Be a Fly on a Union Pie? – illuminating the Union Theatre with his perfect vignette as an evil black insect. His quirky words continued to dance lightly on the page and challenge our minds over the years. Jenifer Nicholls, Armadale (Vic)


This week, letter writers were quick to respond to cartoonist Cathy Wilcox's depiction of the Sri Lankan family held in detention on Christmas Island. Writers were united: this cruel act was making a mockery out of Christmas, and surely the Prime Minister could show some compassion to the family, allowing them to return to Biloela, where the community would welcome them with open arms. We are yet to hear from the PM.

Correspondents – described as “educated, articulate, concerned voters” by Robyn Lewis of Raglan – were, as usual, scathing of state and federal politicians. This week they focused on an inability to govern and make decisions for all rather than just a party. Greg Cameron of Wamboin congratulated “pork pie” writers for their astute observations of the pork-barrelling saga that continues to circle the Berejiklian government. Peter Russell of Coogee tried to look at the upside: “If we now have to accept that pork-barrelling is legal and both sides do it, can we take consolation from the difference between the destinations of the Liberal v Labor barrels? The former tend to go to the already ‘haves’, and the latter to the ‘have-nots’. It’s sorta like Prince John v Robin Hood”. Theoretically, perhaps.

Many wrote about the PM's comments that “Australia’s climate policy will be set here in Australia, in Australia’s national interest”. Glenn Larner of Freshwater's question reflected the view of many: “How is it not in our national interest to do everything possible to prevent a climate disaster that would make the current coronavirus crisis pale into insignificance?” There is, of course, no reprieve for the PM in today's letters, nor do we expect any soon. Pat Stringa, Letters editor

  • To submit a letter to The Sydney Morning Herald, email Click here for tips on how to submit letters.

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