

This was published 3 years ago


Our national triumph by numbers: 2020 has been a battle shared - and won - by many

The worst fears of April seem like Armageddon now Australia has reached December with fewer than 50 active coronavirus cases. The country goes into summer in a state many thought impossible when the virus arrived and health officials developed a “moderate” forecast that assumed 40 per cent of the population would be infected, leaving 100,000 dead.

Scott Morrison called the daily warnings a “horror show” in private briefings. The International Monetary Fund thought the Australian economy would shrink by 7.2 per cent. Consumer confidence slumped. Treasury thought unemployment could reach 15 per cent.

Illustration: Simon Letch

Illustration: Simon LetchCredit:

The result has been so much better it is astonishing. The economy has shrunk by 3.8 per cent. Unemployment rose to 7.5 per cent and fell back to 7 per cent. And the COVID-19 case numbers are a fraction of many other countries.

Under Donald Trump’s cruel experiment, the United States has reached 46,000 cases for every million people. The result in Australia is just 1100.

Every sign of good fortune in Australia comes with a caveat: this is not over. But politicians and the media thrive on conflict, so it is easy to miss the signs of success. As Parliament rises for the year, the shared achievement is real.

Grattan Institute chief executive Danielle Wood says the country has reached a “best-case scenario” compared with the expectations 10 months ago.

“If I could sum up how Australia got to this, it was the willingness of governments to put aside ideology and listen to expert advice and then follow through on the hard calls,” she says. “This was helped by the fact that the majority of Australians backed them to do this.”

Lined up against their counterparts in the US or Britain, Australian leaders were not driven by ideology. There was no “let it rip” response. Morrison described herd immunity as “unconscionable” in March.

Labor leader Anthony Albanese picked fights where the government was culpable – such as the failures on aged care – but offered bipartisan support on the big calls. Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews, who oversaw the worst failure this year with the breaches in hotel quarantine, brought the second wave under control.


“I am very grateful our leaders placed human health over the unproven herd immunity from infection,” says Mary-Louise McLaws, professor of epidemiology at the University of NSW. “Australia is the envy of the world and we need to congratulate the community, our leaders and their advisers who were learning as they were challenged.”

That last point is fundamental. Some of the biggest heroes were the independent health experts who told the political leaders what to do. Nobody knitted a throw rug with the face of NSW chief health officer Kerry Chant on it, but they should have. That strange honour was bestowed on her Victorian counterpart, Brett Sutton.

Chant managed a system with more overseas arrivals than other states but relatively low case numbers. The state recovered from the failure of the Ruby Princess. The troubles for Sutton showed just how hard the job was. We will know more when the Victorian board of inquiry into hotel quarantine releases its final report on December 21.

Morrison emerges in a strong position when judged on the numbers. Australian elections are almost always close, of course, and it is fair to expect the next one to be the same. But governments lose elections, oppositions do not win them. Morrison has not handed the next one to Albanese.

This week’s industrial relations debate does not change that calculation. The workplace law is not an election lifeline for Labor because Morrison will accept a diluted reform in the Senate and bury the issue by the middle of next year.

Will Morrison triumph again? Not so fast. The numbers that look good for him now can easily change. One government MP expects a surge in confidence and an asset price bubble next year; another predicts a deeper economic slump. This unpredictable pandemic has a long way to run.

All emergencies change governments, and not always for the better. The Morrison government has changed by becoming even more centralised, even more reliant on one man at the top – the man who won the election his way and governs that way, too.

Asked who runs the government, one backbencher names a cabinet of two: “Morrison and Morton.” That is Ben Morton, who is only an assistant minister but has become the Prime Minister’s closest adviser. The quip is an exaggeration, given the central role of Josh Frydenberg in treasury and Greg Hunt in health, but it highlights the tight control on power.

The coming reshuffle will not change this. It is being described as a minor series of changes, due in about 10 days, and is sounding like a missed opportunity. The government needs a better pool of talent, but Morrison is wary of dropping ministers.


Morrison has a wise policy of only promoting people when they have served their time. Nobody leaps straight into cabinet. So he needs a stronger cohort of assistant ministers – and he can only gain this by dropping some of those already there.

This Prime Minister would not be the first to develop an imperious tone in an emergency. Kevin Rudd centralised power during the global financial crisis with the “gang of four” of Julia Gillard, Wayne Swan and Lindsay Tanner. This worked at the height of the danger, but the gang held its grip even when the crisis passed. Outside the inner sanctum, the discontent spread.

The government is still very much about one man, and even Liberals think voters are not really sure who he is. “He seems to be more of a brand than a person,” says one backbencher. Perhaps that might change over time.

What matters most? Case numbers. Those who keep them down keep their jobs.


“We are in a much better position than I thought we would be by now,” says Peter Collignon, an infectious diseases physician and professor at the Australian National University. He says it could easily go wrong – “especially next winter” – but the case numbers are far better than hoped.

This is a shared Australian achievement despite the failures of the year. “It actually makes me feel quite proud,” says Wood.

It certainly keeps other problems in perspective. One MP says he is getting complaints from constituents who cannot find a car park at the beach. Now that is a sign of success.

David Crowe is chief political correspondent of The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.

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