

This was published 3 years ago

Federation, reflection days can mark progress, history

There is clearly an appetite in this country to annually renew and celebrate our national spirit while reflecting on the sins of our beginnings (“Date with destiny”, January 23-24). Moving Australia Day to January 1, the date of Federation in 1901, would allow us to mark the first steps towards independence from Great Britain without the day being overly burdened by guilt and introspection. January 26 could then be re-designated as national reflection day, an opportunity to contemplate the Indigenous experience since 1788 and to renew the national commitment to equality and inclusiveness for all who live here. A mature community should be able to acknowledge its shortcomings, both historic and contemporary. Mark Slater, Melba (ACT)

Let’s do a deal. We keep celebrating Australia Day until our Indigenous people get specific recognition in the Constitution (let’s not make it too far away). We assign a day when formal agreement is made and call it Reconciliation Day. Australia Day falls off the public holiday calendar. This day doesn’t denote any meaning of winners and losers. It is a celebration of the “oneness” that the national anthem now symbolises. All who shout that giving Indigenous people special recognition and therefore them some kind of importance or preference, just reflect. Before white men arrived, this country was looked after and maintained in all its beauty by a people who respected the very land we inhabit. Let’s be truthful, they have respected it much more than we have. They truly have deserved their special recognition. John Rome, Mt Lawley (WA)

While I am not diminishing the need to reconcile the injustices that our first peoples suffered, if we are going to celebrate the truth on Australia Day, we must also acknowledge that, had it not been for the British colonisation from January 26, 1788, the continent could have rapidly become a shambolic patchwork of Dutch, French, Spanish, Portuguese and English countries, like Africa and South America and Australians would now be far from “one”. Peter Allen, Castle Cove

Scott Morrison says “all the stories are important. All stories should be respected” (“PM attempts to calm comment backlash”, January 23-24). The issue is that January 26 celebrates one story above all others in our history of 60,000 odd years. Brenton McGeachie, Queanbeyan West

Thank you, ScoMo. I was undecided what to do tomorrow. But after reading your comments, I will now be attending in support of the Invasion Day rally. Matthew Boylan, Leichhardt

Mr Morrison, where the bloody hell is the 12th boat? Helen Moran, Woollahra

Australians like to be unique, but memorialising the occupation of your country as your national day occurs nowhere else in the world. Most national days celebrate a nation’s independence from other powers or their formation as an independent nation. Our current day celebrates the beginning of “offshore detention” of convicts from the dominant world colonial power of that time. Paul Sutcliffe, Fern Bay

Bigoted awards system a relic from a time gong by

The Australia Day awards recipients are clearly biased in favour of the privileged, men, bigots, and conservative politicians (“G-G’s plan to shake up honours”, January 23-24). The integrity of the awards has been reduced to the same cynical level as the persistent rorts scandals of our incumbent governments. The many genuinely deserving recipients are seeing this honour diminished. Bruce Spence, Balmain

A thorough review of the Australian Honours system is well overdue, for all the reasons set out by the Governor-General and others. Additionally, the system gives too many awards to those who appear to be just doing their job and are already well rewarded. The awards, if they are to exist at all (which should also be considered), should recognise “over-and-above” contributions or outcomes which are significant to Australia, its people and society. John Burman, Port Macquarie


The first change needs to be the exclusion of awards for just doing your job: be it politicians, public servants or company directors. If an award is for donating to charity, recognition is given in the charity’s Annual Report and a tax break is given. Usually donors are invited to special events. It is sad that those who give to their neighbours, community and charities (on a smaller scale as their means are smaller) occasionally receive community awards, presented by the local member who has no idea of their constant contribution. Hmm, there something like that in the NewTestament. The widow’s mite – maybe my brilliant neighbour will have to wait until she dies. Margaret Short, Belmore

I don’t find myself surprised at the bias towards being rich, well connected and powerful among honours recipients. After all, people are being recognised for often past successes achieved on the way up the ladder. What strikes me is how silly the whole thing is. I had a former boss who successfully nominated his secretary for services to himself. A member of my family successfully nominated her husband for services to something or other. I used to work in an organisation full of honours recipients who tore shreds off the reputations of colleagues who were honoured ahead of themselves. William Hamilton, Lorn

Full credit to Governor-General David Hurley for wanting to change the selection process. Peng Ee, Castle Cove

The Australian system of awarding honours is a corrupted anachronism and should be abolished. As a small child I was taught virtue is its own reward. Jim Ayling, Kirrawee

Hate speech dishonours freedom

The debate about Margaret Court’s Australia Day honour is not about free speech (‴⁣⁣Nothing to do with tennis’: Margaret Court’s Australia Day honour criticised”, Most Australians would accept that Court has the right to hold and espouse her extreme religious views. The debate is about whether a person who promulgates such damaging views should be rewarded with a national honour. Would those speaking in her defence support an Australia Day honour for an Islamic religious leader who had made similarly controversial statements? Tony Judge, Woolgoolga

Somewhere, there is a 14-year-old boy who is scared because he is attracted to other boys. Court says in public this is the “work of the devil”. This Pentecostal hate preacher is about to receive our highest honour. I am disgusted to be an Australian. Paul Hardage, Leura

The decision to make Margaret Court a Companion in the Order of Australia has caused considerable disharmony. Could Court not graciously decline the honour, knowing that in divisive times this might be an act of unification? The nation would respect her all the more. Noelene Brasche, Killcare

I am disgusted at the content of some people’s comments towards Margaret Court’s award.
Court is one of the greatest sportspersons this country has ever produced. The award is not based on religious, political or social ideology. Court has not only been outstanding in her contribution to tennis but she has also demonstrated dedication to the underprivileged, establishing food banks and other supports via her church work. Her keyboard warrior critics need to take a look at themselves and question their own prejudices and passions. Bob Harris, Sawtell

Need for home help

I have told my sons the most valuable asset is your own home (“What’s so wrong about the pandemic property boom?” January 23-24). Even if you end up on the pension, you are better off because you don’t pay rent. The problem is that the average person on an average income can’t afford a house. If we care about our own, we should do something about it. Discouraging property investment with an expansion of social housing and revisiting negative gearing would help. Garry Feeney, Kingsgrove

‘Alt-facts’ not new

Peter Hartcher investigates 21st century examples of the deliberate creation of “alternative reality” (“Trumpist fantasy still tempts some”, January 23-24). However, this phenomenon has been with us for centuries. The Bible is full of “alternative facts”, and the church stated that the sun revolved around Earth. The Vietnam and the second Iraq wars were both justified by the production of alternative facts. Donald Trump took this view of the world “closer to fulfilment” by making it the basis of almost all of his decisions and by being open about doing so, the pandemic and election outcome being just two typical and horrific examples. “Discernible reality” has its problems and does move around when the facts change but surely it has proven to be a better basis for societal solutions. David Hind, Neutral Bay

Soul of a city lost

Thank you, Elizabeth Farrelly (“It could be our Rue de Rivoli but Parramatta Road’s a ruin”, January 23-24), for your passion for keeping the dialogue going regarding the inappropriate over-development of Sydney and the slow destruction of its soul. I remember the many arcades and interesting corners of Sydney and lovely views of the harbour. These have been replaced by modernised streetscapes and high-rise buildings that block many harbour vistas. When I began work in the city in 1973, I loved the jumble of back streets and arcades, and many a lunchtime was spent discovering and exploring hidden wonders. Revitalisation of a city is a good thing but when it strips the soul and uniqueness from it, it is for no good purpose. Sue Durman, Pyrmont

I remember being on the Parisian Rue de Rivoli some years ago and gazing at the wonderful streetscape with homogeneous stone buildings as set out by Haussmann and stretching to a seemingly tiny point of perspective in the distance. What a legacy. I can’t imagine anything of the like could ever be built in Sydney as our mindset is on profit first, environment and class, second. Yes, there are pockets of lovely old buildings on Parramatta Road but they are hidden behind rusting awnings and advertising. No hope, I’m afraid. Lance Dover, Pretty Beach

Easy search for rivals

For once, I find I need to applaud Scott Morrison’s stand and his message to Facebook and Google (“Google threat to cut search in Australia ’is a reality‴⁣⁣, January 23-24) on following Australia’s rules if they want to continue to do business here. Anyway, if they do spit their dummies, surely it isn’t any loss to us. I’m sure there are many young Australian companies and entrepreneurs willing and able to fill the vacancies left by these tech giants. That is, if only the Morrison government would increase funding for science, research and development. Llieda Wild, Eastwood

A quick search, even a Google, will reveal no fewer than 17 search engines. Perhaps it’s not a disaster to lose Google. Paul Doyle, Glenbrook

Dear Dr Google, I had a life before I met you. Yet I have appreciated our very fruitful, enjoyable and at times necessary relationship. If you choose to move on, I wish you every happiness. John Nichol, Baulkham Hills

Showstopper openings

For great opening lines: “We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold” from Hunter S. Thompson’s Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Simon Gibbons, Dungog

“There’s one thing I want to make clear right off: my baby was a virgin the day she met Errol Flynn” (Florence Aadland, The Big Love). Not only the best opening line, the best spoiler: really no need for the following 200 pages. Phil Donnelly, Killcare

What’s wrong with “It was a dark and stormy night”? Barbara Barclay, Epping

No first sentence is shorter or better than Herman Melville’s ″⁣Call me Ishmael″⁣. Simply the world’s greatest maritime epic. Jeffrey Mellefont, Coogee
(Eora country)

Putting it straight

Your correspondent’s (Letters, January 23-24) remark about “passing” brought to mind “sorry for your loss” with its impersonality and suggestion of some carelessness on the part of the bereaved. It could well be replaced. Louise Dolan, Birchgrove

My sister and I vow never to “pass”. Or to be “lost” by anyone. We intend to die. Anne Sefton, Forster

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