

This was published 3 years ago

The policy risk emerging from the pandemic property price boom

By Jennifer Duke

Louis Christopher is flabbergasted at the surge he has seen in the property market. “It’s surreal,” he says. “Who would have thought the housing market would be up for the year?”

Many factors had worked against the nation’s $7.3 trillion housing market over the past 12 months, says Christopher, managing director of the property data house SQM Research. The coronavirus pandemic, a spike in unemployment in the middle of 2020 and a sudden spike in empty rental homes in the hearts of Sydney and Melbourne, some of the world’s most expensive cities for real estate, were all signs that prices were about to go south.

First-home buyers are back in the market at levels not seen since 2009.

First-home buyers are back in the market at levels not seen since 2009.Credit: Bloomberg

“But here we are,” he says. Property prices across the nation rose 2 per cent in capital cities and 7 per cent in regional areas over 2020 on CoreLogic data, and hundreds of thousands of home owners who took repayment holidays during the height of the pandemic have since started repaying.

“I strongly believe [federal government] stimulus packages … stopped the economy from going into a death spiral and helped the housing market,” Christopher says.

Even more astounding for the nation’s economic forecasters and housing analysts are signs that the market will be more bullish this year. First-time buyers are taking out mortgages at their highest levels in more than a decade, with tens of thousands of people buying in the last few months of last year, helped along by record low interest rates and federal government stimulus measures such as the HomeBuilder grant. The last time the resurgence of young purchasers was this strong on Australian Bureau of Statistics data was 2009, when the Rudd government tripled grants for new buyers to stimulate activity during the global financial crisis.

The Reserve Bank is watching house price rises closely, and Westpac economists expect national values could rise 15 per cent over the next two years. UBS economist George Tharenou, in a research note, said prices are likely to increase 5 to 10 per cent year-on-year and there is a “risk of 10 per cent-plus” rises as responsible lending rules are loosened.

A price bust last year has been avoided, but home buyers are facing what Tharenou calls an “up-crash” – a situation with its own set of policy risks.

The nation has now traded one set of worries for another, and rapidly rising prices threaten to open up old wounds in the lead-up to the next federal election.

History repeats itself


Australia was just starting to recover from the recession “we had to have” when then-prime minister Paul Keating held a media conference in Melbourne on January 16, 1992. The unemployment rate was 10.6 per cent and journalists were focused on federal budget blowouts, structural reform to help boost the economy and the future of immigration.

Keating was asked about the role superannuation could play in helping first-home buyers get onto the property ladder if they could dip into their retirement savings. The median house price at the time was $182,000 in Sydney and $127,000 in Melbourne. (Today, the median house prices in these capitals are about $1.02 million and $800,000 respectively.)


“One of the difficulties with superannuation is encouraging very young people in the workforce to be as enthusiastic about it as older members of the workforce,” Keating said, “and I think the view may be that if younger members of the workforce could draw down preserved benefits or at least use them in some way for housing it gives them more immediate rationale for superannuation rather than simply the benefit which comes at age 55.

“That's rational and that's why we will have a look at it.”

He did not bring in a policy to allow young buyers access to superannuation, and today the idea of allowing workers to use their super for a home is highly criticised by the Labor Party, which says it would undermine the system and leave people without enough retirement savings. Keating did not respond to requests for comment.


As the issue of housing affordability kicks back in, backbenchers are encouraging the federal government to have another look at the policy idea. Victorian MP Tim Wilson, who launched a “Home First Super Second” campaign in November, is determined to drum up support for the proposal. He acknowledges the requirement to save superannuation is not the “only issue” for first-home buyers but maintains that workers cannot save for a deposit as quickly as they otherwise would when 9.5 per cent of their income must go into retirement savings.

“Currently, we are engaging in a form of economic social engineering,” Wilson says. “The slipstream of life is that the younger you buy a house, the more likely to buy cheaper and the longer you have to pay off a mortgage and save for your retirement with underlying security.”

Industry Super Australia chief economist Stephen Anthony warns against policy changes fuelling demand, criticising them as “populist-driven” and failing to tackle the bigger problems. He says ideas to provide grants or give access to super funds simply drives house prices higher. This move, in his view, is “politically popular … but it makes their children and the next generations have a harder time”.


“This is the dark place in Australian politics,” Anthony says. “It’s the continuation of what we’ve seen for decades or more.”

Rising property prices can also run the risk of making other policies struggle to gain public support, such as increasing immigration caps.

“The issue over the last 30 years is the Commonwealth using budget policies pushing hard on the demand side for macro purposes, such as increasing employment and stimulating the economy,” Anthoy says. Instead, he thinks the answer lies in increasing supply, directing demand to new housing and co-ordinating across all levels of government. This would require a significant long-term effort and is unlikely to affect the forecast price surge.

The market in 2021

Housing affordability is tipped to become a hot button issue over the next 12 months. The real wild card at the moment is whether “mum and dad” property investors will return to the market. If they do, it could prompt revived debate about negative gearing and capital gains tax incentives, which Anthony says could be dealt with as part of a reform of housing market incentives.

“This relates to all sides of government,” he says. “We need to redirect subsidies towards the supply side and away from demand.” Labor took a promise to the last election of limiting negative gearing benefits to new properties. The current scheme allows rental property owners to write off their losses against their tax, similar to other investment losses, regardless of whether the home is new or not.


During the pandemic, investor activity has fallen in the official lending figures, but Propertyology managing director Simon Pressley suspects it won’t be long before property investors start buying again. When they do, he says, prices will start to heat up and first-home buyers will find it tougher to get a foothold.

“The thing is, investors are usually sheep, and they will get back into the market now that prices are rising. As each month goes by in 2021, we will see an increase in investors.”

Real estate agency PRD chief economist Diaswati Mardiasmo expects homes to become much tougher to afford this year due to the level of buying activity in the market. “It is concerning to a certain extent – we are already seeing many buyers having to offer very close to [the listed] asking price, and some having to pay a premium,” Mardiasmo says.

“So buyers being priced out of the market is very possible,” she says. “Which of course has a multiplier effect on higher [priced] loans, a higher proportion of income spent on mortgage repayments, and potentially less for … other expenses.”

Those watching the market in January are already seeing significant signs of activity. Real estate agents approached by this masthead have seen large groups of buyers through open homes, and Christopher says auction data is up year-on-year for the traditionally quiet first month.

“It’s a difficult time as a forecaster,” he says. “Even the here and now is very difficult: there’s a lot of uncertainty about future lockdowns … But the anecdotes suggest buyers are out there now in Sydney and Melbourne.”

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