

This was published 3 years ago

Let’s bring the nation with us

Illustration: Alan Moir

Illustration: Alan MoirCredit:

Stop the nonsense and call Australia Day “Australians Day”. Give us all an opportunity to celebrate the fact that we all live in the best country in the world. It is a fact that Aboriginal people were the first in our country, non-Aborigines developed it and migrants gave it a wonderful multicultural flavour. John Langrehr, Leabrook (SA)

I despair that our government simply does not comprehend the massive insult the current Australia Day “celebration” drives into the heart of our Indigenous brothers and sisters – year after year. It is beyond my comprehension that we have not fixed this appalling, continual reminder of the hurts inflicted. On January 26 I will mourn, not celebrate, the past. Angela Namoi, Crows Nest

Dawn services on Australia Day for those who fell defending their home sounds like the right approach by your correspondent (Letters, January 22). It would be brilliant if the federal government had the heart of justice to announce the establishment of the Makarrata, a reconciliation process, on that day. Gordana Martinovich, Dulwich Hill

However you celebrate, commemorate or mourn, it is a fact that the First Fleet of white convicts and soldiers landed on Australian shores. It marked a change that has resulted in the society we have today. We must not deny the bad things that happened, the wrongs that occurred and the hardships endured while the settlers moved in and took over this land. At the same time, we must celebrate the achievements of the country and all the good that has come from it. We must all regard ourselves as Australians. There is no reason to change the day but perhaps the way
we remember so that we may all feel included. Augusta Monro, Dural

PM’s dash to ‘flash’ for Big Bash is a bit brash

Prime Minister Scott Morrison telling Cricket Australia to stay out of politics and stick to cricket as it proposed to dump “Australia Day” from January 26 Big Bash League promotions (“Not so flash: PM’s remarks on Australia Day blow up”, January 22) is plain humbug, as politicians often associate themselves with sporting figures or events. He should also note that the government’s role, to quote Ronald Reagan, is “to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves”. Steve Ngeow, Chatswood

Morrison continues to trivialise with his flippant “not so flash” commentary on the vexed issue of Australia Day. As a descendant of two First Fleet, “not so flash” convicts, I am grateful they were given the opportunity of fresh air and food and employment as the years stretched out. To equate that experience with the loss of land and life and culture our Indigenous peoples endured demonstrates again our ignorance and lack of sensitivity to our original inhabitants. Anne Garvan, Chatswood West

I was under the impression that the Indigenous peoples were the victims of colonisation. Yet it seems the real victim was Morrison’s convict ancestor. I assume he will be commemorated on Australia Day. It appears the suffering of his fifth-great-grandfather has had a trickle-down effect on Morrison himself. Cricketers may be Australian, but that doesn’t give them the right to express an opinion on anything but cricket, unless they are related to Morrison’s long-suffering family, of course. In the meantime, perhaps our Indigenous people should issue a belated apology to the PM’s fifth-great-granddaddy for not making him feel welcome on arrival. Graham Lum, North Rocks

Scott Morrison: for the “convicts”, getting off those floating hell holes would have been flashy. It was no world cruise. More to the point, what sort of civilised people would strand their own, halfway around the world, for such minor wrongdoing (such as stealing a loaf of bread for their starving family)? The penal settlements are a breach of sovereignty, of the UK’s own, as was the colonisation, for the people already here, for 65,000 years. Until this is accepted, and understood, there is no point celebrating an Australian nation. Graeme Tychsen, Rankin Park


Before the end of his sentence, my convict great-grandfather was issued a ticket of leave and a block of land – Ngarigo people’s land. The pains of his transportation were paid for by the dispossession and mistreatment of Indigenous people. Seeking equivalency of pain is a shallow and insensitive action. John Bailey, Canterbury

Low blow

“A barometric low hung over the Atlantic” is the first sentence of the “most unread” book in Germany – The Man without Qualities by Robert Musil – (Letters, January 22), a recent article in the Sueddeutsche Zeitung said. I am at page 1144 and have another 600 to read. Dierk Mohr, Turramurra

Weight limits apply

Most people agree that when you start a new relationship, both parties have emotional baggage. The big question is: is it carry-on or does it need to be checked in? John Swanton, Coogee

In a lather

Cricket critics are getting their knickers in a twist, as your correspondent (Letters, January 22) implies, but no more of a twist than my tongue when I try to say “cricket critics” six times quickly. Penelope Layton-Caisley, Marrickville

New status quo

A photo of Joe Biden at his Oval Office desk shows an abacus before him. A new era of “back to the basics”, indeed. Nedra Orme, Neutral Bay

Do not repeat

As we are making lists of regrettable phrases, don’t forget ″⁣inking″⁣ instead of ″⁣signing″⁣. John Greenway, Wentworth Falls

Any chance people can die without “passing”? Nick Franklin, Katoomba

Tennis great has done more than court controversy

There is no doubt that Margaret Court was a great tennis player (‴⁣⁣Nothing to do with tennis’: Margaret Court’s Australia Day honour criticised”,, January 22). Just as there is no doubt that she is a great example of the hypocrisy that comes from those who believe and preach “that all men are equal in the sight of God” while issuing words of hate and degradation towards those from the LGBTQI+ community. By all means, name a tennis court after her – that is where she showed her sporting expertise. But an upgrade in the Australian Day Orders? That is a smack in the face of all of us who believe in promoting the dignity of all Australians. Cathy Davitt, Waverley

Margaret Court is, at an age when most people are retired, still leading her church, helping the poor and homeless. I am of a similar age and well remember her amazing playing days. We live in a wonderful country and are able to exercise free speech and express whatever views we wish. However, some of her critics are so focused on her same-sex comments that they fail to recognise Court both as a premier sportsperson and someone who has done much in life. John Chapman, Thornleigh

Alternate reality

I must live on a different planet to your correspondent (Letters, January 22). She applauds Premier Gladys Berejiklian’s handling of COVID-19 as “the most measured, balanced, sensible, and least socially destructive in the country”. Berejiklian’s government was responsible for one of the most dangerous cases of coronavirus mismanagement in Australia: the Ruby Princess fiasco. Her actions in delaying the closure of the NSW border when the Victorian second wave hit directly led to the Crossroads outbreak, and the northern beaches outbreak appears to be the result of a lax exemptions policy for overseas flight crews. Our good fortune in NSW is due to the hard work of our public health workers, who pick up the pieces after wrong-headed policy on the part of the state government. Vincent Sicari, Haberfield

Pyrmont, Glebe up next

The challenge now (Letters, January 22) is to prevent the Premier from replicating the destruction of our once-exciting and attractive Sydney CBD in other parts of Greater Sydney. It may already be too late for Parramatta, Chatswood, Wolli Creek and Green Square, but maybe COVID-19 will prompt a second look at the Premier’s plans for Pyrmont and now Glebe. “Revitalisation” is the Premier’s term for the introduction of 40- to 60-storey towers to the Pyrmont peninsula, with its narrow roads already choked with traffic. And public housing sites in both Pyrmont and Glebe are now threatened with “redevelopment”, whereby tenants are removed from their homes, developers move in, and – maybe – a few additional homes for the homeless will be provided. But where? A ghetto of disadvantage on the fringes? Elizabeth Elenius, Pyrmont

Eviction update needed

While I do not condone the unsavoury actions of a Sydney landlord’s actions against his tenant, I can understand the landlord’s frustrations (‴⁣⁣Quentin Tarantino moment’ for men who assaulted tenant”, January 22). There are thousands of us bearing the brunt of the No Eviction order made earlier last year and extended until late March. Our tenants immediately stopped paying rent and in compensation offered household maintenance and landscaping as their payment in arrears (of many thousands of dollars). They have also sublet without consent or insurance. Our investment property, our life savings and our mental wellbeing are all placed at risk as some unscrupulous and untrustworthy tenants have taken advantage of the COVID-19 “safeguards”, all while our own financial responsibilities have heightened. Janice Creenaune, Austinmer

Unhappiness is best

Reading Mike Foley’s article (“Local industry goes cold on PM’s gas plan”, January 22), I was reminded of a quip made by an experienced arbitrator during a dispute resolution meeting. He said: “You knew you had the best possible deal when both sides were unhappy.” Graham Hansen, Denistone

In Kyrgios’ corner

Nick Kyrgios’ comments and actions over the past 12 months reveal a more “human” tennis player than we have seen in the past (“TV bosses strive to go inside mind of Kyrgios 2.0″, January 22). He is only 25 years old and his history of tantrums and boilovers is left in the shade by the greatest tennis dummy spitter of all time, the now revered John McEnroe. I hope Nick can continue on his new path. Even if the wheels fall off once or twice, his recent actions and remarks are deserving of praise. Ken Osborne, Bowraville

Congratulations deserved

The international ban on nuclear weapons is an extraordinary achievement today (“Crucial to sign up for nuclear-free celebration”, January 22). The dedicated Australians who have contributed so much to achieve this, and achieved a Nobel peace prize along the way, must be congratulated and thanked. Any nuclear use, whether accidental or deliberate, will bring an abrupt end to any prospects for a future not only for humanity but for much of our extraordinary and beautiful natural world. We must press our laggard government to ratify the declaration. John Poppins, Mount Waverley

Of bobs and jobs

Perhaps we should restrain our celebration of improved employment statistics (“Jobs recovery prompts call to extend wage subsidy”, January 22) until we discover just how many jobs, and the businesses that provide them, survive the removal of COVID-19 financial assistance. Norm Neill, Darlinghurst

Divide and stonker

Perhaps, James Loxton (“Trump made it easy to teach my class”, January 22), the antidote to Trump’s populism is to directly address this “rhetorical division of the world into the people v elites”. These divisions are increasingly evident here in Australia, not mere perceptions: the flatlining of wages within a growing casual, contracted workforce; the prohibitive cost of housing for young, working families; the lack of genuine political representation and accountability; and, the growing evidence that globalisation has resulted in the rich growing richer and the poor becoming more numerous. James Laukka, Epping

In the report “Farewell, kinda: Trump hints at return” (January 22), former president Donald Trump is quoted as saying: “We will be back in some form”. Those words left me wondering if Mr Trump is a therianthrope who uses the royal plural. Douglas Mackenzie, Deakin (ACT)

If Trump were not as comical as he was tragic, he might have had the insight to recall Macbeth’s despairing lament: “... and that which should accompany old age, as honour, love, obedience, troops of friends, I must not look to have; but in their stead, curses not loud but deep”. Philip Bell, Bronte


“For as long as I can remember, I have relaxed through our hot summer watching tennis, culminating with the dramatic journey towards the Australian Open final,” Peter Day of Holgate wrote. “This year, thinking of the term ‘entitled’, I have somehow lost my appetite.” Letter writers were not amused by the complaints, antics and hair-washing problems some of the world’s best tennis players (and their partners) experienced in quarantine in Melbourne this week. Many suggested the players should keep their moaning for the courts – after all, they were on a good racket (yes, puns abounded).
The other sport that held our attention was cricket (fewer puns), with the majority writing that Australia displayed bully-boy tactics, “unproductive behaviour” and were an embarrassment to the country. Not all agreed. Gerry Candrick of Port Macquarie said: “Australians showed terrific skills without getting the results needed. It was not through lack of effort from my observations and a lot of new talented players were introduced that we should be proud of.” All agreed India deserved to win.
There was an overwhelming sense of relief and hope in letters received at the end of the week, as Donald Trump left the White House and Joe Biden became the 46th president of the United States. “Four years and more than 34,000 tweets. Can we all have a lie down now?” was asked by many.
Our focus has turned to Australia Day, with correspondents noting the PM’s problem counting First Fleet ships. This question from a letter writer could set the tone for next week: “Is it possible to celebrate a national day if the nation is divided about celebrating it?” Pat Stringa, Letters editor

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