

This was published 3 years ago


Trump made it easy to teach my students

By James Loxton

As a scholar of Latin American politics at the University of Sydney, I have sometimes struggled to explain to my Australian students the phenomenon of populism.

How do you get intelligent young people, who have grown up in a country where politics is basically reasonable, to understand the appeal of a leader who claimed that Martian civilisation was destroyed by capitalism (Hugo Chavez, former president of Venezuela), who recorded a campaign jingle about himself called The Chinese Man who Dances (Alberto Fujimori, former president of Peru), or who first rose to fame for his participation in a military dictatorship and called his philosophy "Justice-ism" (Juan Peron, former president of Argentina)?

Juan Peron, former president of Argentina, and his wife Evita, in 1950.

Juan Peron, former president of Argentina, and his wife Evita, in 1950.Credit: AP

It is no longer difficult. Thanks to Donald Trump, populism has ceased to be a mysterious phenomenon confined to less familiar parts of the world. For the past four years, it has been embodied by the man who, as the 45th president of the United States, had the proverbial nuclear codes at his fingertips.

Like all populists, Trump's rise was rooted in a rhetorical division of the world into the people versus the elites. Presenting himself as the champion of the former, he promised to use any means necessary to take on the "traitors" and "enemies of the people".

While it can sometimes be amusing to read about the eccentricities of populist leaders, more often it is terrifying. They have a penchant for pushing precarious democracies over the cliff. Lacking experience in the workaday politics of representative democracy – and having earned a popular mandate to smash the "corrupt" establishment – they begin by dismantling judicial independence, the media, and other checks on their power, and from there go on to tilt the playing field in their favour.

This script was followed by all of the leaders mentioned above, and many feared that the US under Trump was on the same path. The shocking mob violence in the Capitol on January 6 suggests that those fears were not unwarranted.

President Donald Trump leaves the White House aboard Marine One on Wednesday.

President Donald Trump leaves the White House aboard Marine One on Wednesday.Credit: AP

The question is: what happens now that Trump has left the White House? Can a man who has made a career out of portraying himself as the ultimate winner retain influence after becoming loser-in-chief? The Latin American experience suggests that the answer is "yes". By tapping into the grievances of groups who have long felt overlooked by other politicians, such as industrial workers in the case of Peron, people of colour in the case of Fujimori, or informal workers in the case of Chavez, populist leaders often establish intense emotional ties with their followers.

Crucially, these emotional ties do not simply disappear once the leader is removed from office. They may even become stronger, with the leader now held up as a martyr. In the face of persecution (real or imagined), followers are likely to double down on their convictions: love of the leader becomes even more passionate, hatred of the enemy even more visceral.


This us-them dynamic can last for years, even decades. For example, after Peron was overthrown in a coup in 1955, he was forced into exile for 18 years. Despite the military's brutal attempts to root out Peronism from Argentine society, it survived. Underground Peronist cells held masses for Peron's beloved late wife, Evita; they listened to contraband recordings of his speeches; and when Peron was finally able to return to Argentina and run for president again in 1973, he won by a landslide. To this day, Peronism remains Argentina's pre-eminent political force.

What are the implications for Trumpism? While there are obvious differences – Peron was overthrown in a coup, Trump was defeated in a democratic election – the Latin American experience suggests that it will remain a potent force. Trump's failure to win re-election, unprecedented two impeachments, and ban from social media only add to his claims of being the victim of the "greatest witchhunt in history". His supporters seem to agree. Initial polls showed that a majority of Republicans believed he was the victim of fraud in last year's election, and a plurality thought the assault on the Capitol was justified.


In short, Trump's movement is likely to endure. This does not mean, however, that Trump himself should be given the opportunity to make a political comeback. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was right when she described him as a "clear and present danger" to American democracy. Only by finding him guilty in the upcoming Senate impeachment trial, which would make it possible to ban him from ever holding federal office again, can that danger be expunged. While this is likely to add to the sense of victimisation among Trump supporters, it is a price worth paying.

James Loxton is a senior lecturer in the department of government and international relations at the University of Sydney. He is the author of the forthcoming book Conservative Party-Building in Latin America and holds a PhD in government from Harvard University.

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