

This was published 3 years ago


Poor old Parramatta Road - our could-be high street pays a heavy toll

A high street is one of the world’s great joys. Not all cities have them. Some, like Canberra, have only roads and motorways. Sydney, which inherited this lovely urban meme from old London, has some of the finest. Yet, it seems, we’re intent on destroying them. Stranger still, the greatest threat to one of our oldest and most important high streets is the very device that was meant to save it.

Traffic on Parramatta Road at Leichhardt.

Traffic on Parramatta Road at Leichhardt. Credit: Ben Rushton

The device is tollways and the road is Parramatta Road which, while toll-free it is not free of their curse. Planning Minister Rob Stokes regards Parramatta Road as one of Sydney’s ugliest, a “scar through the heart of Sydney” that must be healed but which every recent intervention has made not better but worse. It’s yet another betrayal of the public interest by the neo-liberal lie. The connection is indirect but real. This is is how it works.

I was shocked, in wading through my tax last week, to find that in five months last year I paid $660 in road tolls. Sure, I’d made half a dozen trips south, and maybe the same to the north shore, plus one across town through the tunnel. But some of these were $20 per trip; $40 return. My top-up renewed almost every day.

Tollways are ugly enough, god knows, politically as well as physically. The word toll is from the Latin tollere, to take away, especially by lifting up: to raise, therefore, but also to raze and erase. This is wholly apt. Toll roads do sometimes lift traffic from our streets but also suck beauty from our environment and money from our pockets, all to enrich the rich.


But it’s even worse than that. Sydney, as I was so painfully reminded, now has the most expensive and extensive toll network in the world. Thanks Nick Greiner, grandfather of Sydney’s toll roads. (As the former premier told the Grattan Institute in 2016, “I’m guilty, I’m responsible for the urban road network becoming substantially a toll road network. I did that against the advice of the then RTA.”) But even so, we do have a choice. And there’s the rub.

I have two vehicles. One, a farm ute that seldom sees the road, was with the toll firm Roam; the other, E-way. Both, without my knowledge or permission, were magically slid across to Linkt, aka Transurban, which owns virtually all of Sydney’s toll roads. So much for competition, right?

When I logged in, the account, seemingly for both vehicles, showed only six trips last year. It took an hour on the phone with some foreign call centre to discover a second account with an unknown password and all the gory details. Some of the tolls come in strings of three or four. You hear only that little innocent beep and learn what it meant only when the statement appears six or eight weeks later. By then, can you even remember?

Naturally I’ve voted with my feet, instructing my phone-map henceforth to “avoid tolls”. It’s what we’re all doing. And that’s the point. It’s why Parramatta Road is still, despite everything, a disaster – clogged and filthied by motorists who, like me, opt to drive on it rather than pay the hefty toll.


Rob Stokes proposes to “heal” this by turning Australia’s oldest inter-city road (in the days when Parramatta was a separate entity) into – if we believe the images – a plasticised replica of everything that’s recently been inflicted on Sydney: an eight-storey corridor of soulless, boxy buildings that could be anywhere, from Seoul to New Jersey.

True, the Urban Task Force is unimpressed. Tom Forrest, the UTF’s chief executive, calls Stokes’ proposal “the very worst planning practice” – which should be a good sign. Whatever developers hate is usually excellent.

But Forrest is cross because Stokes has reduced the development targets for the road from 50,000 new dwellings and 50,000 new jobs, as announced in 2015, to 27,000 new dwellings, accompanied by grants to councils for planting and cycleways. Forrest says this “smashes the feasibility” of investments. (This is clearly untrue. Sydney already has a major apartment glut due not to red tape but laxity. Anyone building now must surely expect to lose their shirt.)

It’s also clear that even half the amount of development will destroy everything good about Parramatta Road, without fixing the problem.

What’s good, and what’s the problem? What’s good is the charming and motley collection of two-storey shop-houses which are absolutely, quintessentially Sydney. Even now, more than half the road is lined with arch-headed, castellated, verandahed, filigreed and otherwise eccentric two-storey shop-houses. To think of “fixing” the road by knocking these down – as Singapore did in Upper Nankin and Chin Chew districts in the 1970s – is as idiotic as demolishing Oxford Street and expecting rents to go up.


It’s not the buildings that are at fault. In fact, the buildings, with a little TLC, could make it our Rue de Rivoli. Check it out, next time you drive. The nastiest, deadest parts of Parramatta Road are the recently built sections of tacky, dead-eyed, spec-built, defensive apartment building in, say, Camperdown. You’ll have plenty of time to examine the irredeemable meanness of the new with the lively street-walls of the old because, well, traffic.

It’s traffic that is, and has always been, the problem. Ten years ago, with WestConnex a greedy gleam in the UTF’s eye, the primary argument was that “removing” traffic from Parramatta Road would enable its recovery. In fact, the 2018 sale of a majority WestConnex shareholding to TransUrban – at a time when Nick Greiner was TransUrban’s advisory consultant despite having his $192,000 private office publicly funded – stymied that.

Parramatta Road should have been narrowed the minute WestConnex opened. Any toll payments should have gone to government, strictly until it was paid off. Selling to TransUrban has enabled the toll-gouging we now suffer. Higher will only be more hellish. Until TransUrban freezes over Parramatta Road cannot heal.

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