

This was published 8 months ago

Dutton’s climate politics put our children’s future at risk

What appears forgotten in this latest version of Australia’s climate wars is the reason why our planet cannot be allowed to pass 1.5 degrees of warming (“Electorate divided over nuclear path”, June 24). At 1.5 degrees we trigger a domino event where a warming planet reinforces further warming that is irreversible. This is the point of the Paris Agreement and if not met, renders net zero by 2050 irrelevant.

There will be land-ice and glacial melts leading to sea level rises, polar ice sheet collapses, permafrost thawing releasing even more carbon into the atmosphere and the death of all coral reefs, a mere example of the disasters to come. By abandoning or even loosening the Paris Agreement, what Peter Dutton (and the Donald Trumps of this world) are promulgating is the demise of large-scale life on this planet. Dutton may win his political games, but all the world’s children will never have a game to play. Tony Lewis, Mount Victoria

Nuclear rabbit

Nuclear rabbitCredit: Jim Pavlidis

So Dutton’s thought bubble contains no details on cost, timelines, disposal of waste and water requirements. Then he attacks Albanese for consorting with “solar billionaires” while Dutton rushes off to Gina Rinehart’s birthday by jet. And then he pulls numbers out of the air, saying renewables will cost over a trillion dollars. Dutton is just channelling the attack-dog spirit of Tony Abbott without the boyish charm. Neil Ormerod, Kingsgrove

While I readily acknowledge that escalating carbon dioxide emissions require a global solution, I cannot fathom why the Coalition and the Nationals, in particular, are intent upon disrupting and possibly destroying the immediate rollout of affordable renewable energy projects. The increasingly vulnerable farming and grazing fraternity, whom they ostensibly represent, are progressively more exposed to challenges linked to climate change, including droughts, fires, floods, or biological threats. Roger Epps, Armidale

All of your articles on the nuclear debate ignore one fact that complicates the issue. The Coalition still wants to build renewables as well as nuclear. They are not giving up on solar and wind energy, just adding nuclear to the mix. Labor’s hydro is still a long way off, and we have not been told the cost of developing it. With so many other countries seeking nuclear, we must have the conversation about it, hopefully with a bit of maturity. Pamela Shepherd, Balgowlah

The Albanese government claims that nuclear reactors on home soil will be toxic to the nth degree, while at the same time, it is happy to acquire nuclear-powered submarines and to export uranium overseas, potentially exposing millions of people overseas to toxic danger. The current perception is that the government is failing to utilise Australia’s abundant energy resources for our own advantage, with our historically stable energy supply system faltering and worsening, both in terms of cost and reliability. Instituting an east coast domestic gas reservation regime is well overdue and would go some way towards stabilising ballooning energy costs. Doug Walker, Baulkham Hills


So, 41 per cent of voters in the Herald survey backed the shift to nuclear energy. That should be no surprise, because we are more like the US than we know. When Ronald Reagan announced the mythic Star Wars program, his public similarly loved an idea that had no hard facts to support it. Flimflam men always know how to mine a gullible public. Joe Weller, Mittagong

If doubt exists among your readers as to why swathes of women are riled up about being treated dismissively, mansplained to or ignored in important debate, one could easily direct them to David Littleproud’s latest contribution to public discussion, directed at the female teals:
“It is so entitled for them, to look down their nose, dripping with self-righteous sanctimony, saying ‘this [renewables] is the only pathway’,” he said on Sky News. As if we have not been subject to the stream of insipid and worthless mind ramblings of generations of male politicians on issues important and irrelevant for decades. Now, he objects to someone outside that group expressing an opinion different to his own. Chris Northam, Cronulla

The next federal election is no longer a choice between renewables and nuclear. It will be a vote to maintain a civil coherent society which, with all its flaws, has served Australia well for a very long time. Every time Dutton opens his mouth, he speaks Trump. He lies, he scares, and he divides. And he has the audacity to attack Albanese at a personal level regarding leadership skills. It’s a long time since I attended a political rally, but the time has come to save Australia. Lee Gietzelt, North Haven

The Coalition’s claim that nuclear power will provide cost-of-living relief is nonsense as such savings (if any) would not be available for some 15 years. Furthermore, the argument nuclear power is a major component of energy mix in several countries, ignores many decisions were made decades ago when the choice of low-cost, reliable renewable power was not available and that such countries do not possess our solar and wind resources. It also downplays nuclear waste storage and safety issues.

The evidence-free thought bubble, if adopted, would hinder the transition to a low-carbon economy by creating uncertainty and requiring the increased use of fossil fuels until nuclear power becomes available. The Coalition is discounting the overwhelming evidence that urgent action is needed on climate change. Moreover, its high-cost, high-risk nuclear option will divert much-needed funds from housing, health, aged and disability care and the infrastructure needed to improve the productivity and functioning of our cities. The Coalition is not acting in the national interest. Whose interest is it serving? Mike Quirk, Garran (ACT)

Here we go again with the Liberals. Energy policy that is more thought bubble than substance, uncosted, unsupported by experts, designed to simply be wedge politics. And in classic style, when Dutton’s argument is weak he turns to vitriol and personal attack instead of logical, factual political debate. Dutton and his team have learnt nothing in opposition. They have very little care for this country, only for their own political skins. Can Australia survive another round of the Liberal-lite government we suffered under the Morrison/Dutton team? Elisabeth Goodsall, Wahroonga

I’m a bit concerned that the tankers, coal and container ships anchored just off the Illawarra coast will spoil my view of the wind turbines!
Rod Bartlett, Woonona


US take on our beloved game just not cricket

Cricket’s rise in popularity in the US is a cause for concern, not celebration (“Cricket’s spirited bid to bowl over the US”, June 22). As the epicentre of capitalism, the US will not respect the traditions and history of our beloved sport; it will exploit the players, coaches and administrators all in the name of profit. Writer C.L.R. James was quoted in The New York Times. He, more than anyone else, would be turning in his grave if he could witness the modern circus that cricket has become: players pledging loyalty to T20 franchises rather than their nation, bowlers being crucified on flat wickets that resemble slabs of cement, batters slogging mindlessly across the line – trying to out-muscle rather than out-think an opposition. James was a lifelong lover of cricket. For him, his connection with the sport was almost spiritual. His memoir Beyond a Boundary is, without doubt, the greatest piece of cricket literature ever written because of the manner in which he intertwines West Indian history and politics into the broader narrative of international race relations, all through the prism of his beloved sport. One of his more profound quotes reads: “What do they know of cricket, who only cricket know?” This question seems to be more relevant today than ever as billionaire franchise owners dictate the international schedule to increase their earnings while diluting the essence of our beloved sport. Jonathan Hill, Old Erowal Bay

Well done, Afghanistan, for defeating Australia in the T20 World Cup (“Afghanistan trigger a cricket earthquake, put Australia’s cup campaign on the ropes”, June 24). Surely, it was poetic justice for Cricket Australia’s previous cancellation of an Afghanistan team tour to Australia for the virtue-signalling excuse that the Taliban don’t allow women to play cricket! And now here we are again with CA’s refusal to play Afghanistan in bilateral matches for the same pathetic reason. The Taliban will not ever be influenced, and all that is achieved is robbing a team from a poor, war-torn country of an opportunity to display their skills and enthusiasm on the world stage. Shame on you, CA. Mike Cuming, Carlingford

Afghanistan celebrate their victory over Australia.

Afghanistan celebrate their victory over Australia.Credit: Getty Images

Afghanistan may have beaten our cricket team in a World Cup T20 match. It does not alter the fact that women cannot play cricket or any other sport in Afghanistan. Our cricket board should continue to refuse to allow series between the two sides until women’s rights improve in that country.
Stephanie Edwards, Leichhardt

It’s not only the government that needs to protect free-to-air broadcasting of nationally important sports but also the governing bodies of those sports (Letters, June 22). Cricket in the UK went downhill, rugby union in Australia went downhill. Australian cricket? Short-term funding boosts to make sport chief executives rich by bonuses is not good for sport in the long term.
Val Brizga, North Wollongong

Not having T20 World Cup Cricket on free-to-air tv is sheer stupidity by the ICC administrators in not promoting the game (“If a wicket falls on Prime, who knows?”, June 24). It is a short-term money spinner if at all they are making money. It is certainly not a long-term strategy to expand games when all other codes compete to get more players in their respective games with free-to-air TV games. Free-to-air provides more ambassadors to promote games. What ICC has done is create a class of who can watch matches. Rich people with NBN who pay for all streaming services can watch anything they want, while people living in remote areas with no streaming services won’t have a chance to watch. Politicians from all sides need to toughen up the anti-siphoning laws so we can all watch on free-to-air TV. Mukul Desai, Hunters Hill


Kean edge required on climate

That Matt Kean is to chair the federal climate change body is very good news for Australia – albeit lukewarm news for Labor, as although he will call out Dutton’s disinformation campaign, he is nobody’s man and will call out Labor too if they are going too slow (“Former NSW treasurer Matt Kean to chair climate change body”,, June 24). What particularly makes it Australia’s good news is that if he uses this position to get into federal parliament, it may even herald an outbreak of sense in the federal Coalition. Now wouldn’t that be something. Gary Barnes, Mosman

Matt Kean, Chris Bowen and Anthony Albanese arrive at a press conference today.

Matt Kean, Chris Bowen and Anthony Albanese arrive at a press conference today.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Home to heritage

Potts Point and Elizabeth Bay have one on the best collections of mid-century apartment buildings (“Owners push for modern classics to make heritage list”, June 24). Sydney City Council, to its credit, is reviewing their significance and contribution to our conservation areas. This postwar period was one of the most significant of the 20th century, historically, socially and architecturally. Andrew Woodhouse, Potts Point

By the numbers

While Mr Drennan is correct that Keir Starmer’s polling numbers are indeed low, some additional insights may be relevant (Letters, June 24). Chief among these is surely the reason for his expulsion of the previous leader, Jeremy Corbyn, from the party. This came about as a result of Mr Corbyn’s poor response to charges of antisemitism within the UK Labour Party. It is also pertinent to recall that Mr Corbyn led the Labour Party to its biggest defeat in 84 years. Natalie Mabbitt, Randwick


Delay tactic

Sean Kelly poses the question: Is this country still capable of serious debate (“Nuclear void a new low for debate”, June 24)? He might have asked, specifically, if the electorate is sufficiently well-informed to have a serious debate about renewables versus nuclear. Because it’s nuanced and complicated, the answer is almost certainly no. Most of us acknowledge that. Many want to park this debate on the backburner, and that is precisely what Dutton would allow us to do. Putting it off until the next election campaign (and beyond) has definite appeal. We can even fool ourselves we are putting off climate change as well. Politicians who offer a get-out-of-jail card can expect to garner support, whenever. Margaret Johnston, Paddington

She’s No. 1

The statistic of the average number of sexual partners among Australians is seemingly low is because of people like me (“Australians average 13.3 sexual partners. Seems low to me”, June 24). Getting close to 80 years of age, yet in that lifespan I have had one, and only one, intimate partner for a period of 53 years, and still going. To Laura Roscioli, I am sorry to be one who is holding back your statistical number. John Boutagy, Mosman

Albo’s mates

With all the condemnation of Kyle Sandilands, it might be an opportune time to remember that Anthony Albanese thought it was a good idea to attend his wedding (Letters, June 24). Why the PM thought it was a good idea to attend the wedding of such a reprehensible person as Sandilands is beyond me. An appalling error of judgment which is only bested by his decision to take rugby league boss Peter V’landys to the US to meet Joe Biden. Peter Jones, Rathmines

Sandilands at home in Vaucluse.

Sandilands at home in Vaucluse.Credit: Nic Walker


No blame

Comments are still circulating about the vandalism perpetrated on Josh Burns’ office and how this should affect the pro-Palestinian movement (“Just after 3.20am, six masked people started smashing my office”, June 20). Of course we do not wish such attacks to occur in Australia, and there seems to be no evidence that Josh Burns even supports what is happening in Gaza. But to blame the supporters of Gaza is as ridiculous as blaming all Australian drivers because a few people get drunk and cause accidents. We must remember that for eight months there have been hundreds of pro-Gaza demonstrations held around the country. Thousands and thousands of people. Totally peaceful and law-abiding. Nobody can prevent a few rogue individuals breaking the law, and there is no evidence, at least as yet, that this is a major escalation of violence against Jewish citizens. Averil Drummond, Brunkerville

Keating fires up

For a very short period I had hope (“Charlatan, opportunist, climate change denialist: Keating unloads on Dutton”,, June 23). After the success of the national cabinet, followed by a policy-driven, respectful state election, the Labor Party was elected promising a similar respectful parliament. But all it takes is an election on the horizon and the Coalition has returned to type, playing the man not the ball, personally attacking the PM and teal members while announcing thought bubbles as policy. And now Paul Keating joins the fray. I hope the Labor Party will rise above the gutter. When, if ever, will politicians remember that they are public servants? Rowan Godwin, Rozelle

Mr Keating, thank you for energising my day. Rod Tuck, Katoomba

Overdue leave

It’s been five decades since annual leave for workers was increased from three to four weeks, so surely it’s time an extra week of a break was given (“Push on for five weeks’ annual leave”, June 24). Bleating by employer groups should be ignored, as they are using the same excuses to stop any increase of leave, as they did over 50 years ago. If employers were interested in their workers’ wellbeing they would know that leave helps with morale and reducing psychological injuries which cost industry billions each year in lost productivity. Hopefully all workers will be entitled to five weeks of holidays along with the four-day working week sooner rather than later. Con Vaitsas, Patra (Greece)

Lessons from Les

I was moved to read of Les Burnett’s response to the Goulburn Catholic School strike (Letters, June 24). Les was my principal at Hilltop Road Public School in Merrylands, from where he retired in the early ’70s. He was a calm, warm empathetic leader who saw education as a calling, no doubt inspired by his wartime service and a devotion to Legacy and its inspirational ideals. Alison, his daughter, spoke of Les then working to obtain extra desks and supplies. I vividly remember the memorable day in July 1969 that Les organised loans of TVs from local businesses so that all 600 students and teachers could watch the moon landing. And we did. What a day! And what a special man. Judy Scott, Carlingford

Fines won’t be enough to stop Woolworths and Coles

The suggestions of big fines for supermarkets if they rip off suppliers seems a positive step but is it going to work (“Woolworths and Coles face billion-dollar fines under stronger grocery code”, June 24)? One concern is that the suppliers won’t have the resources to take on the massive legal resources the supermarkets can afford. The government could impose costs and take court actions but that may take years to resolve by which time the affected suppliers will have gone broke. This is more likely to be a political solution than a practical solution. Dennis Fitzgerald, Box Hill (Vic)

Jean jumpers

Unlike Katriona Herborn who had to knit during lectures, I arrived at university with three beautiful woollen jumpers kindly hand-knitted by my mother and aunt (Letters, June 24). Sadly, in my youthful ignorance I put them in with my dirty jeans in the hot wash at the laundromat and of course they shrank drastically, never to fit me again. Evan Bailey, Glebe

Leaping whales

The article by Peter FitzSimons was spot on yesterday but he was wrong about the effect of whales (“‘I’m not anti-nuclear, I’m anti-bulls---’: Why this energy expert says Dutton’s plan ignores reality”, June 24.) They leap through the blades and that is how we get sushi. Glenn Holmes, Katoomba

Accelerating ABC

The ABC indeed “is much more than the news and current affairs” (Letters, June 24). With drama, comedy, sport, concerts, chat and local relevance all going in the same direction. Downhill! Ian Bowie, Bowral

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