

This was published 3 months ago


‘I’m not anti-nuclear, I’m anti-bulls---’: Why this energy expert says Dutton’s plan ignores reality

Professor Ty Christopher, an electrical engineer with four decades of experience in the power industry, is the director of the Energy Futures Network within the faculty of engineering at the University of Wollongong. I spoke to him on Thursday.

Fitz: Thank you for your time, professor. Let’s start, if we may, with your credentials to make comment on the new proposed wind farms off the Illawarra coast and the energy matters of the day. You’re an academic, a Wollongong local, and have also worked in the power industry?

TC: Yes, I’m now just shy of 40 years in the power industry, including 10 years on the executive of what is now Endeavour Energy, with the last five years as the chief engineer. I am now with the University of Wollongong, helping co-ordinate energy futures research, and I lead a collaboration of just under 100 academics from all disciplines across the university – social scientists, market economists, marine ecologists and engineers, all of varying backgrounds – to bring together those minds in a focused way on energy systems.

Ty Christopher: “The problem when people politicise the [energy] debate is that the first casualty is truth, and the second one is common sense.”

Ty Christopher: “The problem when people politicise the [energy] debate is that the first casualty is truth, and the second one is common sense.”

Fitz: Terrific. And just to put it on the record, you’re not on the secret take from energy companies or receiving orders to put out pro-renewable propaganda from a small man by the name of Dr Evil, operating out of a secret bunker under Lake Geneva?

TC: [Laughing.] Quite the opposite, Peter. And one of the things that I enjoy most about working in the university sector is I am not bound by a corporate PR machine. As academics, we are always encouraged to speak to the facts and to our research, regardless of what that might mean for others.

Fitz: Sold. Let’s take a long run-up. We all grew up with windmills, but when did wind farms enter the frame as a serious energy source?

TY: It’s several decades old now globally. You can look at an old movie like Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man [1991], and in the opening scene, you see Mickey Rourke riding his custom Harley-Davidson through California past wind farm after wind farm. The first turbines built were on land and could deliver about 100 kilowatts of power each, enough to power a street at peak usage. The latest turbines tend to be offshore, and the biggest of them are 15 megawatts in size, which provides 150 times more power than the first ones. Just one turbine could power a town with a population of 5000 homes. So you understand, a single rotation of the blades of a large wind turbine generates the same power as the solar panels on five homes would export in an entire day.

Fitz: I confess to being stunned. I had no idea that one lazy turn of the turbine could produce so much in comparison to solar.

TC: But while solar is great for domestic use, it is more problematic for industry, because of cloudy days and so on. There is no silver bullet for renewable energy, it is silver buckshot. What we need is small energy generators doing the small loads, and that is indeed things like solar panels on homes. And then, we need larger generation to service the large loads for our industries, and that’s things like wind farms.


Fitz: Lately, the serious investment in renewables seems to be specifically in offshore wind farms, as opposed to vast solar farms in the regions.

TC: The important thing here is the “capacity ratio”, the amount of energy a system produces over a period of time against what it is capable of producing at full capacity. Solar has a low capacity ratio because the sun’s only usefully shining for about 25 per cent of the day, right? And the other downside to constructing solar on a large scale is needing to build extra transmission lines to get the energy from those remote solar farms back to the grid, which can be expensive.

Onshore wind has a capacity factor at best of around 30 per cent. But with offshore wind, its capacity factor is around 50 to 55 per cent, as it is so much more windy offshore. So that’s why, over the years, globally, the wind farms are gravitating to the oceans. And in Australia, it makes even more sense because as a population, we mostly cling to the coast, and so you can put them offshore near where the energy is needed, with much shorter and less expensive transmission lines.

Fitz: But still, even 55 per cent sounds like a relatively low capacity factor – which is why people say it is better to stay with coal and then go nuclear because their capacity factor, surely, is 100 per cent – their great virtue being that those energy systems provide energy whenever you need it?

TC: No! That’s the biggest myth of the lot. The capacity factor of coal in the Australian electricity market at the moment is 60 per cent, and it’s falling about 2½ per cent a year as the plants become less reliable – as your generation units and your boilers are not all able to be in service at the same time. Eraring coal power station, for example, has five individual generators of varying sizes, and they can’t all be operated flat out simultaneously. These aren’t my numbers. These are all available on the website of the Australian Energy Market Operator – which is the official energy market regulator. So we’re only a few years away from the ageing coal stations and new offshore wind farms having exactly the same capacity factor. The bulk of Australian coal-fired power plants will exit the grid within 10 years, so their energy has to be replaced – not in 20 or 30 years’ time, but within the next decade.

Fitz: Which is one reason the nuclear option is problematic, I get that. But at least its capacity factor is 100 per cent.

TC: Again, no. It is the highest of any energy source, but it is about 90 per cent because it, too, has maintenance downtime, where it is pulled back from full throttle. But the factors against building nuclear power stations in Australia right now are incontrovertible. The International Atomic Energy Agency publishes a guidelines handbook – basically a step-by-step guide on how to go nuclear in your country. It is the internationally recognised manual on what you have to do to go from zero to a functioning nuclear energy power plant. That manual says that the minimum time of establishment, starting from it being legal – which I might add, it is not in Australia at the moment – is 15 to 20 years. So the first big problem with nuclear in Australia is, what do we do to have reliable power in the 10-year gap between when most of the coal exits and only the first nuclear power plant could possibly be commissioned?

Peter Dutton announces the Coalition’s nuclear plan last Wednesday with Liberal MPs Angus Taylor and Sussan Ley.

Peter Dutton announces the Coalition’s nuclear plan last Wednesday with Liberal MPs Angus Taylor and Sussan Ley.Credit: Rhett Wyman

Fitz: You have a certain fatigue in your voice as if you’re a little tired of explaining plain facts for the umpteenth time.

TC: Anyone telling you for political reasons that we can do this as a nation in less than 20 years or that that delay won’t cause terrible problems is divorced from reality in what they’re saying, Peter. I say this from the point of view of being an engineer who’s delivered billions, literally billions of dollars worth of energy projects throughout my life. Even 20 years is very optimistic. And then, with nuclear, you still haven’t solved the problem of cost. The most recent CSIRO annual review shows that the cost per gigawatt out of nuclear is five times more expensive per gigawatt than out of wind.

Fitz: Do you foresee the electricity bills in NSW and Australia going lower, as renewables keep coming online?

TC: Yes. And the more renewable energy there is, the lower those bills will be.

Fitz: OK, but while you may not want to be political about it, we are talking at a highly political time, with the massive wind farm just being announced off Wollongong at much the same time as the Coalition has announced their nuclear plans, with seven sites around the country and ...

TC: [With some agitation.] If the Coalition is all in on nuclear and thinks it’s the best thing since sliced bread, then why did they say nothing and do nothing about it for the last decade that they were in power? I’ve asked opposition energy spokesperson Ted O’Brien that question many times, and I’m yet to receive an answer.

‘The factors against building nuclear power stations in Australia … are incontrovertible.’

Professor Ty Christopher

Fitz: You are very strong on it.

TC: When people ask me, am I anti-nuclear, I look them in the eye and I say “no, I’m anti-bullshit”. And what we’re hearing at the moment from the Coalition in terms of the timing and the costs of nuclear and where it fits into the energy grid … it is largely bullshit. We need to pull back from all of this. Renewables are the cheapest. They are reliable enough for what we need, they are the best way to bring down customer bills, and they are the best way for us to decarbonise our economy, which is what we have committed to do.

Fitz: Critics say, if these wind farms are so great, why not put them off Bondi Beach? Sydney’s where our heaviest population is, so does that make a certain amount of sense? And last time I was at Bondi, the wind blew my toupee off!

TC: Bondi Beach doesn’t have a steelworks. BlueScope steelworks at Wollongong consumes a massive amount of energy every day, about 2400 gigawatt-hours – the equivalent of solar export from 240,000 homes. Look, it’s no accident why Newcastle and Wollongong, the two most important industrial centres of NSW, have had coal power stations nearby. It is for exactly the same reasons two zones off both towns have been designated for offshore wind. They both have large industries that need the power. The problem when people politicise the debate is that the first casualty is truth, and the second one is common sense.

Offshore wind turbines in Vietnam. Larger turbines can be twice as tall as the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

Offshore wind turbines in Vietnam. Larger turbines can be twice as tall as the Sydney Harbour Bridge.Credit: Bloomberg

Fitz: All right, I now get it better than I did. In terms of this current offshore wind project, how does it work? Does the federal government say, “All right, we’re giving a licence for this zone, so what are we bid from those commercial energy providers who want to construct it?”

TC: There’s a step before that. The government says to the commercial builders, “Give us your best-suggested solution because we have to build an offshore energy plant here.” And they select from that a smaller list of energy entities with feasible proposals, to whom they will actually give a licence to develop it and go from there – with community consultation, which is very important. It was after that community consultation the government moved them further offshore.

Fitz: As a local, are you concerned about the visual pollution of those wind farms off the ’Gong? On such a pristine bit of coast, it is not unreasonable for people to not want to gaze out to sea and see manifestations of industry.

TC: Many of us who live in the Illawarra take great pride in and feel personally connected to our ocean. The visual argument is highly subjective. Some people think they look good, others think they are an eyesore. The proposed offshore wind turbines will be 20 kilometres or more out to sea, and they will not be that visible on most days. Regardless, I think most of us can agree that any wind turbine looks better than an open-cut coal mine.

Fitz: OK, when all is said and done, and it’s good to go, tell us about the building of these wind farms. I was amazed to see references to them not being anchored in the sea bed but floating.

TC: One of the characteristics of the east coast of Australia is the continental shelf is actually quite close-in to the shore. By the time you are 20 kilometres offshore, it’s about 300 metres deep, on average. To go down that deep makes it a very long, wobbly concrete stick, and it’s not viable. So, what they do is use the same engineering used for offshore oil and gas rigs – they float and move within a limited range and move up and down with the swells.

Fitz: How far above and below the surface do they go?

TC: The largest turbines available, the 15-megawatt ones, are actually 260 metres tall from the surface of the water.

Fitz: About twice the height of the Sydney Harbour Bridge!

TC: Yep. But they’re like an inverse iceberg. Despite that big top, they only go about 25 metres below the surface, apart from the tethering lines anchored on the seabed. And lately, the way of getting those anchors in the seabed tends to use a screw-type technology, which is favoured as having less noise impact, especially on whales and other marine species, than comes from pile-driven technology.


Fitz: On the subject of whales, marine species, and birds, the upside seems to be a lot of pundits who previously demonstrated no concern at all for environmental matters are suddenly rabid greenies, devastated at the destruction that the wind farms will visit on the environment.

TC: I have looked at academic papers all across the world, as have my colleagues at the University of Wollongong. I remain unable to find any scientific studies that show that offshore wind energy technology has a negative impact on whales once it’s been constructed. That’s not to say that we don’t need to do more detailed environmental studies for the specific locations of these offshore wind farms in Australia. But without wanting to be too flippant, I do note that before any whale has reached the coast of the Illawarra or the Hunter, that whale has had to navigate icebergs, ships, offshore oil and gas rigs and undersea reefs. The ocean is very big, and whales are very good at navigating.

Fitz: Thank you. This has been fascinating. So your bottom line is that this is going to happen, and Australia has no choice but to make this happen if we want to keep our industry open?

TC: Exactly. The bottom line on renewables is that they offer the cheapest pathway for us to decarbonise our energy supply. And as a nation, we are blessed with all the resources in terms of wind and solar to go ahead with this. Right now, doing anything other than pursuing renewables with enthusiasm is not paying attention to reality and is not a position that is based on a rational assessment of the facts. The wind farms are a huge part of that.

Fitz: Thank you. I wish you fair winds and a following sea.

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