This was published 9 months ago
Australians average 13.3 sexual partners in a lifetime. That doesn’t seem like many to me
Laura Roscioli
ContributorAccording to the latest World Population Review, we Australians are a promiscuous bunch. While the global average number of sexual partners a person will have in their lifetime is nine, for Australians aged 25 to 44, it’s 13.3.
According to the review, which drew on two longitudinal studies, Turkey ranked first, with an average of 14.5, while Kiwis nominally trail Australians with 13.2 partners. European nations including Italy, Iceland, Norway, Finland, Sweden and Switzerland also made it into the top 10, while India took out last place with an average of three partners.
Writer Laura Roscioli initially felt shock at discovering she has slept with more people than the average Australian.
When I shared this stat on social media, the response mostly echoed the same thought that I’d had: 13.3 sexual partners is not that many. Is it?
In one month in my early 20s alone, I slept with half of what is considered the average. I saw that period as my time to feel empowered in my sexual freedom, and everything it was teaching me.
Shortly after discovering the research, I began to feel shame and asked myself what it means if I’ve been laid more than most Australians my age.
People’s “numbers” don’t bother me personally, but they are an issue for plenty of other people. Even the mention of someone’s “number” – that is, how many people someone has slept with – takes me back to high school and the feeling that girls can’t win no matter what.
If we hadn’t kissed enough boys, we were frigid. If we’d had sex, we were “easy” and subjected to gossip and criticism at how good (or bad) we were in bed. The more girls a boy had slept with, though, the more impressive they were.
This kind of double standard, known as the madonna-whore complex, has always existed. Sex, relationships and body image therapist Aleksandra Trkulja says that for women, “shame exists either way ... [But] men don’t exist within this double standard; they’re celebrated for being promiscuous”.
Perhaps this bias is why the review’s authors noted that women, on average, self-reported 68 per cent fewer lifetime sexual partners than men, particularly in countries with strong cultural attitudes towards pre-marital sex such as India.
Discussions about the average number of sexual partners are having something of a renaissance thanks to social media and the rising popularity of the term “body count”, a relatively new and crude term for someone’s “number”.
On TikTok, videos of boys and men discussing their “body counts”, or debating what an acceptable body count for women is, have racked up millions of views globally.
The term has also been adopted and popularised by Andrew Tate-esque content creators such as Walter Weekes and Myron Gaines, who host the Fresh & Fit podcast and YouTube channel, which has 1.57 million subscribers.
Marketed as a “male self-improvement podcast”, topics of discussion centre around a belief that women are in control and that boys and men should get that control back by doing things such as getting ripped, having sex on the first date or training for a marriage as if you’re a professional boxer.
When asked during a recent episode, “What’s the highest body count of someone you’d have as a wife?” Gaines replied: “She’s gotta be a virgin, man. My thing is, I’m going to have multiple wives – so one, at least, has to be a virgin. One hundred per cent. The other’s gotta be damn near zero.
“There’s a reason why virgins have always had the highest value since the beginning of time ... Bottom line: men don’t like promiscuous women when it comes to a relationship. They’ll have sex with you, but they won’t take you seriously.”
It should concern us all that the phrase “body count” is being used so casually. The term refers to the number of people killed in a war; it’s literally counting bodies as objects of violence. To use this term in a sexual context positions women as objects to be counted as opposed to human beings on an equal footing.
“How many people you’ve slept with shouldn’t matter,” Trkulja says. “It’s not a reflection of how you’re going to show up in relationships today. It doesn’t define you, or reflect your sense of morality and value systems. People who care about how many sexual partners an individual has had in their lifetime is a mere projection of their own insecurity. It’s a reflection on them, not you.”
I let go of sexual repression back in my early 20s. That has meant I racked up way more than sexual partners in my lifetime (so far) than the Australian average. The moment I felt the liberation of sexual independence, I never looked back.
Perhaps that’s why the Australian average – and the fact it’s the second-highest in the world – felt so surprising.
The problem is not that these metrics exist, but rather the weight and power we still give to them. That women self-report fewer partners than men, and that some men use war terminology to discuss their sex lives proves the social stigma that remains.
Laura Roscioli is a freelance writer based in Melbourne.
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