

This was published 9 months ago

Empty rhetoric: Coalition’s ‘plan’ laden with disinformation

A Wollongong resident asked your reporter why the proposed wind farm can’t be pushed 20km further out (“Wind v nuclear: the great divide”, June 22). The outer limit of the planned footprint aligns with the edge of the continental shelf, 50km offshore. Beyond that, it gets a lot more expensive to build. The shelf extends no further from shore anywhere between Newcastle and Bass Strait. Setting the minimum distance from shore at 40km would whittle the wind farm area to a quarter of the original proposal. And how to help the other resident, concerned over rumours of headaches from wind turbine “harmonics”? What one listens to may be more dangerous than what one has not a hope of hearing. Derek Bolton, Birchgrove

Credit: Illustration: Matt Golding

I have seen disinformation on social media regarding the proposed wind farm off the Illawarra coast. Some detractors’ comments and images claim to represent the view of the turbines from local beaches. These are clearly false images and depict towering turbines at what looks to be little more than 200 metres from a beach. To get a realistic idea of what the view of the turbines would be at 20 kilometres, consider that A380 airliners’ cruising altitude is between 36,000 and 40,000 feet, which equates to 12.2 kilometres. Try to sight these huge aircraft at that distance, then remember the nearest turbines are to be located a further 8km distant. Add that, due to the Earth’s curvature, the turbines would be 30 metres below the horizon when viewing from a beach, one would need extraordinary eyesight and very compliant weather conditions to catch even a glimpse. Martin Harrison, Albion Park

The people of Illawarra should have no fear of wind farms’ impact on marine life. Not only do offshore wind farms provide reliable renewable and cheap electricity, they also act as desperately needed marine parks. The subsea structures will increase the habitats for plants and animals, and the sea-floor will be protected from bottom trawling fisheries that destroy the natural sea-floor habitats. The exclusion zones around the turbines will allow fish, scallops, bugs, octopus and others to breed in peace and then restock the depleted surrounding ocean. Jock Keene, marine scientist, Glebe

Those in the Illawarra who are complaining about the “aesthetics” of wind turbines might want to gaze out to the east – or are those fume-belching tankers just a trick of the light? Jeff Apter, Keiraville

Roy Slaven and his Shamrock friends only remember the good times, blotting out the negatives of Lithgow’s “golden black coal” (“For Lithgow, too much nuclear will be barely enough”, June 22): the premature deaths of the miners; lack of jobs for women in the golden ’60s, early ‘70s; the demise of jobs at the other major employer, the Small Arms Factory; and the black coal dust everywhere, especially on my mother’s washing. Returning last year for a funeral of a school friend, I saw other possibilities for this town rather than another ugly stack and smoke from a nuclear plant: tourism. The old Workers’ Club (Shamrock’s rival) has one of the best country motels I have seen in Australia, with decent views of the nearby hills. Lithgow is in the middle of a beautiful area with many activities for young and old. Forget more ugly visions decades away and focus on what is already there. Margaret Heys, Queanbeyan

The biggest twaddle to date from the nuclear fraternity is that nuclear power plants are carbon-neutral. They are not. Every nuclear power plant needs secondary generators that are powered by fossil fuels (gas/diesel) due to the constant maintenance and outages resulting from the inefficiency of nuclear power plants. Nuclear power means the continuation of fossil fuels. No surprises the Coalition is backing such a jejune and disingenuous election platform. Michael Bianchino, Balmain


Please stop referring to Dutton’s nuclear brain fart as a “plan”. Plans require some essential ingredients such as a vision, objectives, budget, a detailed project schedule, resource analysis, risk management, business operating plan, accountability etc. Dutton’s “plan″⁣ has none of this. It is empty rhetoric made entirely for political purposes. David Harrison, Winmalee

Credit: Megan Herbert

Has nobody noticed the parallels between Dutton currently saying he wants to tackle climate change sometime in the distant future, and him claiming to care about reconciliation with Indigenous Australia before the 2023 referendum?
In both cases he takes a pressing social issue, deeply important to younger generations, and kicks the can down the road. In both cases Liberal’s short-term electoral chances are apparently more important than the future of our nation. In both cases his cynical self-interest is clearly on show. Clare Matthews, Mount Pleasant

Starmer as British PM would be a ray of light

It’s heartening to know that Keir Starmer, Britain’s likely next prime minister, was mentored as a lawyer by our own Geoffrey Robertson (“I mentored Britain’s next PM. Here’s how he’ll do it”, June 22). Robertson’s assessment of him puts him in a category of great past leaders including William Gladstone, a Liberal UK prime minister for more than 13 years. Starmer has shown drive to tackle climate change, and a compassion for the poor. If he wins, it will be a ray of light in a world that is witnessing a rise of right-wing politicians across all the continents. It may further improve Australia’s already good relations with Britain, especially if Anthony Albanese’s Labor wins the next election. Bipin Johri, Epping

Pick me … Labour leader Keir Starmer launches his election manifesto in Manchester on Thursday.

Pick me … Labour leader Keir Starmer launches his election manifesto in Manchester on Thursday.Credit: Getty

Polls are showing Starmer will win the imminent election because of how deeply on-the-nose the other side of politics is, but in doing so he will be the most unpopular opposition leader to become PM in UK polling history. He was elected to lead (British) Labour by promising to continue his predecessor’s left-leaning policy positions, then expelled all the left-wingers from the party, swinging the party sharply to the right, resulting in many party members resigning. He even expelled the previous leader, who is expected to win his seat as an independent after four decades of winning it for Labour.
In Australia, Malcolm Turnbull was progressive enough that he might have been a better fit in Labor. And was loved by the media but hated by his own party. Starmer is conservative enough that he might have been a better fit in the Tories. And for that, like Tony Blair before him, he is loved by the British media, and his party machine, but hated by his party’s members. Gordon Drennan, Burton (SA)


Tony Abbott thinks a Starmer government would be “the worst government in history”. He’d know all about that. He and Scott Morrison could run seminars on governmental awfulness. Adrian Connelly, Springwood

It appears Starmer is a decent person who has a strong humanitarian streak. If this is true, I wish him well but wonder, in this mad world of shouting, lying and bullying politicians, if he can survive. Electors increasingly vote for simple solutions even if they never work. I hope Britain’s voters take the time to listen and understand that Trump-like campaigning will never improve their lot. Neville Turbit, Russell Lea

Maybe what the UK needs is a period of serious and perhaps boring government after the chaos of Boris Johnson, Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak. And Starmer’s often-stated view that government should be about service for the people is one Australian politicians ought to subscribe to. Evan Parsons, Thornleigh

May witches spell end of Kyle

Just when I thought it was safe to dive back into the news pool, the vile banter quoted from Kyle Sandilands’ radio show has me floundering in disbelief (“Mad Witches target advertisers in push to ditch ‘VileKyle’ Sandilands”, June 22).
Is it any wonder young women are increasingly threatened by toxic manhood? The adolescent jibes of Sandilands reach a vulnerable audience of 128,000 10 to 17-year-olds, some of whom could take their cues on how to treat women from a shock jock whose employers and advertisers benefit from publicity.
If the only criterion to effect change is revenue, I can only hope that advertisers who have partners, mothers, daughters and sisters will take heed of MFW’s complaints in boycotting this puerile radio show. As for MFW, where do I sign up? Diane Dennis, Epping

It seems ridiculous that a ban on pornographic online content for children is planned when 128,000 10 to 17-year-olds can listen to Sandilands and Jackie O’s brand of pornography unhindered. That a 10-year-old child can hear about someone’s “freakish foreskin” and other explicit details of people’s sexual proclivities on a breakfast radio program is beyond comprehension. I sincerely hope MFW succeeds in their campaign to get this vile program off the radio. Christine Tiley, Albany Creek (Qld)


Immoral tax breaks

I am rarely shocked by anything in the news but I was dismayed by the front-page headline (“Mega-clubs strike $1b jackpot in tax breaks”, June 22). Where is this government’s morality when there is so much hardship in our community? People sleeping rough in George Street, families struggling to make ends meet, teachers and health workers having to justify a few meagre per cent increase in their earnings and yet, if you run a gambling establishment, you get a share of $1billion tax concessions. To add insult to injury, I have to watch endless advertisements on TV espousing the virtues of giving even more of our hard-earned dollars to these establishments. To quote the warning from one of these ads, what are you really gambling with, premier? John Brown, North Sydney

With the quite obscene tax concessions that clubs receive, and their claim that their profits go “back to the community”, why aren’t clubs joining with entities such as Foodbank, or some of the groups set up to address domestic violence which receive no government assistance, to really put their piles of money where their mouths are? Kerrie Wehbe, Blacktown

No wonder voters are deserting the major parties. People want integrity in politics. Pandering to the clubs instead of prioritising hospitals, education and transport, makes responsible voters shake their heads in disgust. John Cotterill, Kingsford

Role-model officer

It was difficult to watch Inspector Amy Scott speaking at the Commissioner’s Valour Award without shedding a tear and being lost in admiration for her respectful and measured response to receiving her award. She is a role model for the rest of us (“In praise of courage and discipline”, June 22). Vicky Marquis, Glebe


Honour champion

Ornella Byak is the epitome of a modern-day Good Samaritan if ever there was one (“At 25, she’s already built a great stake, and school, across the sea”, June 22). Given she is 25, it’s unbelievable, exceptional and inspirational to say the least. Just as President Jose Ramos-Horta has understandably bestowed on her the Order of Timor-Leste, PM Anthony Albanese should now follow suit and award her with an Order of Australia. Edward Loong, Milsons Point

Royal riddle

I suggest to Kate Halfpenny that “saying it like it is and letting the cards fall” is not just easier than the alternative (“Catherine knows being honest can feel bad but it does the job”, June 23). Telling the truth stops us from being divided from others and from ourselves. That is the most valuable lesson for royals and commoners. Mark Porter, New Lambton

Prince William and Princess Catherine on the Buckingham Palace balcony.

Prince William and Princess Catherine on the Buckingham Palace balcony.Credit: Getty Images

Bible stories

When Louisiana’s teachers have pinned up the Ten Commandments in “large, easily readable font”, one hopes that rather than quizzing children on how many Donald Trump has broken, they will respond more creatively (“Trump allies pin Bible’s top 10 to wall”, June 22). For example, pinning up some of the commandments from Leviticus in an equally large, easily readable font.


Admittedly, some of them would be thought politically incorrect today, but I have always thought that if more people observed Leviticus chapter 19, verse 19, which forbids wearing a garment made of two different kinds of cloth, we might have been spared the abomination of mixed cotton-polyester shirts, for example. Jim Mackenzie, Cherrybrook

How comforting it must be for our American cousins to know that Donald Trump dived deep into the country’s history and made a meticulous study of each former president’s economy before modestly concluding that his economy was the best ever (“Why Trump 2.0 could lead to a new financial crisis”, June 22). Joan Brown, Orange

Not just news

The ABC is much more than news and current affairs. Your correspondent who has stopped watching is missing out on quality drama, comedy and sport on TV (Letters, June 22). ABC radio offers local and international concerts, and discussions on topics as diverse as books, health to philosophy and religion. Without local radio, there would be no safety information in times of flood and fires. Properly funded, the ABC can continue to enrich our lives in traditional and innovative ways. Sally James, Cromer

I thought the new ABC chair Kim Williams made some excellent points in his speech but I was sad to read a correspondent drag out that old chestnut of an ABC “blatant far-left political bias”. He must not have been watching the ABC news and current affairs programs recently because he has failed to notice the current practice of announcing government policy or deeds and then inviting the shadow minister to comment but never the minister. I would argue the ABC is showing a right-wing bias although its charter dictates political balance. Anne Elliott, Balmain

Your correspondent is entitled to his opinion of the ABC and its left-wing bias. I will keep a keen eye out for left wing bias in Songs of Praise, Antiques Roadshow, Playschool, Gardening Australia, Grand Designs, Monday Experts and Foreign Correspondent. On the radio, it will be well worth watching out for the bias on the Country Hour each weekday and Australia All Over on Sunday. If all fails, I can then watch Sky News. Robyn Lewis, Raglan

Quality, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. Calls by your correspondent and others to defund the ABC focus on TV and ignore its valuable national radio, online, children’s, arts, science, events and emergency services. Tim Coen, Ashfield

The ABC is far left? I suspect your correspondent has never met or spoken to anyone who truly meets that description; compared to the ABC, I’m a wild-eyed socialist radical. Andrew Taubman, Queens Park

More the merrier

How lovely to read Rod Pomroy’s letter about the Goulburn Catholic School strike (Letters, June 21). I, too, was in year 6 at North Goulburn Public School at that time. My father, Les Burnett, was the principal. My abiding memory was of his untiring work getting desks and supplies for everyone as well as teaching year 5. Yes, the classrooms were incredibly crowded but our amazing teacher, Noel Mackellar, kept great order and it certainly wasn’t chaotic. As I remember, we had a few students who stayed on rather than return to their schools. Ah, memories! Alison Cork, Springwood

During the war years, our little Scottish village school of 30 pupils and one teacher was suddenly inundated with evacuees from the badly bombed Clydeside towns. The sole classroom had to accommodate 90 children. The lucky ones sharing a desk and an inkwell while the others sat on the pipe which ran round the hall. A married woman was allowed to return to her profession so we then had two teachers. I do not remember any disruption in that classroom. Elsa Cant, Merewether

Purls of wisdom

I still have and use the tea cosy my granny knitted for me when she was 90 and I was 30, 50 years ago in England (Letters, June 22). She was almost blind and completely deaf. I love my tea cosy for the memories it brings – and it stops me using tea bags. Loose-leaf tea for me only, in one of the ceramic pots I made quite a few years ago. Julia Woinarski, Broughton Vale

When I was a university student I loved to knit through lectures. It kept me awake and concentrate. The lecturers, all male, hated it. Katriona Herborn, Blackheath

Matter of scale

I was thinking about this ladder debate as I climbed a very high ladder to get something heavy onto the highest shelf at Bunnings, where I work. Bunnings values older workers and is a great place to work as well (Letters, June 22). It gave me a good laugh. That said, my now 93-year-old father was cleaning out his gutters until five years ago. From now on, I shall accept the “you young fellas” comments from retired caravanners who are younger than me, without dissent. David Neilson, Araluen (NT)

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